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Great Ideas for Using CCSS Publications Presenters: Peg Hill – Publications Chair, Website Coordinator Leslie Smith & Laurie Mosier – Sunburst Editors.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Ideas for Using CCSS Publications Presenters: Peg Hill – Publications Chair, Website Coordinator Leslie Smith & Laurie Mosier – Sunburst Editors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Ideas for Using CCSS Publications Presenters: Peg Hill – Publications Chair, Website Coordinator Leslie Smith & Laurie Mosier – Sunburst Editors Emily Schell – Social Studies Review Editor Maggie Beddow – Occasional Papers Editor Elizabeth Ramos – Tech Blogger

2 SUNBURST CCSS E-Newsletter

3 The Sunburst Newsletter Regular publication sent to all members of CCSS It is intended for a wide audience from classroom teachers to professional development providers

4 In Every Issue Upcoming Opportunities for professional development – Gilder Lehrman Institutes – California History Project Letters from the Front – Literacy Strategies – Teaching Tips to bring history to life Legislative Updates

5 Using the Sunburst 3Rs bulletins include best practices for fair and balanced teaching Local Council Meetings for upcoming opportunities Department meetings for best practices With your site leadership team for legislative updates

6 Social Studies Review Annual peer- reviewed journal for CCSS members & researchers focused on emerging themes in Social Studies education 2014 Issue: Social Studies & Common Core

7 Social Studies Review Features Components Introduction to Theme Themed Articles – 10-12 articles – 1,500-4,000 words Special Interest Articles – Unsolicited Columns – Elementary (P. Porter) – Middle School (G. Sabato) – High School (B. Day) Advertisements Production Guest Editor selected & invited by Committee Themed articles solicited & selected by Guest Editor Peer Review Process (blind) Editing Format & Design Printing Distribution (U.S. mail)

8 How to use Social Studies Review Professional Learning Communities Share with Administrators, Board Members, Colleagues, Student Teachers, Mentees Teacher Preparation readings, discussions Research Adopt Best Practices TeachersAdministrators Professors/Inst ructors PD Providers SupervisorsResearchers MentorsBoard Members

9 How to Contribute to Social Studies Review Share ideas for themes Peer Reviewers Guest Editors Writers – Theme Articles – Special Interest Columnists Photographs & Images Advertisers Design & Layout (InDesign) Feedback Contact: Emily Schell SSR Editor

10 Occasional Papers (OP) Newsletter Regular research- based publications are available to all members of CCSS OP is intended for K-12 social studies curriculum leaders, pre-service teacher candidates, university educators, and/or classroom teachers.

11 Typical H-SS Topics Featured in OP Standards – “What Does it Mean for H-SS Teachers? CA Common Core State Standards” Assessment - “The Case for Assessment Reform for California Schools”

12 Using Occasional Papers Surveyed pre-service teacher candidates indicated they would like IHE teacher educators to introduce OP to them because… “…it is always good to have information that could be valuable to our learning and growth as well as professional development.” “…it would be helpful to be trained on how to teach history topics…” “…I would be interested in having social studies mentors…”

13 Occasional Papers Valuable sources for…. Administrative meetings Pre-service teacher and administrator training Professional development of H-SS teachers Personal growth Use to… Provide a rationale for changes in content or practice Learn the research that supports different ideas of curriculum & instruction Discuss the pros and cons of a practice or reform Advocate for social studies Use to… Provide a rationale for changes in content or practice Learn the research that supports different ideas of curriculum & instruction Discuss the pros and cons of a practice or reform Advocate for social studies

14 Interested in publishing in OP? CCSS peer-reviewed Occasional Papers editors are Maggie Beddow, Ph.D., Sacramento State University [] and Emily Schell, Ph.D., San Diego State University []. If you are interested in submitting an article on a research-based topic of importance to K-12 social studies curriculum leaders, pre-service teacher candidates, university educators, or classroom teachers, please contact one of the editors for submission specifications.

15 Classroom Technology Blog

16 Electronic Resources History & ELA electronic resources to meet digital text need for the Common Core & 1:1 classroom Learn how Stanford History Education Group, Newsela, and others provide access to a wealth of expository texts

17 Technology Tools Digital literacy tools for teachers and students Multi-media presentation resources Collaboration tools Resources for the flipped and 1:1 classroom

18 How-To Learn how to utilize new tech with step-by- step screenshots to assist you Be a trailblazer and learn/grow your PLN on Twitter and grow your teaching arsenal

19 CCSS Website Website available to everyone Includes news and resources for members & non members


21 What You Will Find at Website Feature About Us Legislative News Get Involved How to Use Learn about CCSS Contact CCSS leader in your area Learn what is happening politically related to social studies Become an advocate Choose how to become involved personally: membership, CCSS committee, local council Share news, ideas with others Participate in the Tech Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter Attend an event

22 Teacher Resources CCSS Publications on the Website Social Studies Review Current Issue – Economic Education for the 21 st Century Issue in Process - Social Studies and Common Core Standards How to Be a Reviewer Occasional Papers Latest Issue - A Case for Assessment Reform in California Schools How to write an Occasional Paper Social Studies and the Common Core Standards Documents Professional Development Resources Lessons Plans Using the Standards Useful Websites Links to H-SS Organizations and lesson databases Links to local Council Primary Sources and Ideas for Using Them Print Resources Major Social Studies organizations and resource repositories

23 Teacher Resources Ideas for Use Use an idea or strategy in your classroom Share with colleagues Select research articles to persuade administrators Use with student teachers to build instructional and curriculum knowledge

24 Don’t Forget the Bottom of the Homepage

25 Facebook dies dies Look for connections to social studies colleagues and leaders, announcements for H-SS related events, resource suggestions, opportunities for students and more… Fan Page – 165 Group A Outreach – 252 Group B Outreach – 41 All stats = 2-26--14 Twitter Look here for news, links to new ideas, connections to the Tech Blog, announcements social studies related events and opportunities. Twitter Outreach - 65 Linked In Outreach 1208

26 Help Shape CCSS Publications Join Pubs/Tech Committee (most meetings virtual + fall planning + CCSS) Become and author and/or reviewer Share ideas on social media & at local council meetings Increase Pubs revenue as sponsor or advertiser Spread the word to colleagues and student teachers in H- SS, the arts, and English Language Arts Email Peg Hill,

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