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RAC Oversight Committee Report Baltimore, MD - February 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "RAC Oversight Committee Report Baltimore, MD - February 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAC Oversight Committee Report Baltimore, MD - February 22, 2013

2 Diana McDuffie, ChairJoan Colburn University of North Carolina HS libraryMAHEC (Mountain Area Health Education Center) Elizabeth LaeraDenise Lupp Princeton Baptist Medical CenterUSAMRIID Sandy MagyarCarolyn Schubert Florida Public Health Association FoundationJames Madison University Brandy Whitlock Anne Arundel Community College David MidyetteSheila Snow-Croft NN/LM SE/A

3  LibGuides at the SE/A ◦ Hospital Library Toolkit ◦ SE/A Page ◦ State Pages  NLM Outreach Priorities ◦ Community Colleges ◦ K-12  SE/A Communications ◦ Social Media & Website ◦ Beyond the SEA  New SE/A Classes ◦ Face-to-Face ◦ Moodle  Public Health Outreach  SE/A Funding Update

4 Hospital Librarian Toolkit Launched - Back in January 2010, hospital librarians from the region, SE/A staff, and experts from around the U.S. converged on Baltimore for a Hospital Librarian Summit. The goal was to look at the future of hospital libraries and librarians, with an eye towards how the SE/A could best support them as they face unprecedented challenges. There were many wonderful discussions about multiple aspects of hospital librarianship, and a good deal was accomplished in a very brief time. One of the major outcomes of the summit was a desire to create an updated, dynamic, and useful Hospital Librarian Toolkit. After a long brainstorming session, the various ideas were consolidated into main topics. Participants voted for the topics they felt were most important, and a ranked list was produced. From that list and utilizing SE/A expertise, a plan was devised, which has now come to fruition: Resources for Hospital Librarians In this LibGuide, we have pulled together resources that address the summit topics as well as other areas that have become increasingly important over the past two years. This guide is intended to be both dynamic and collaborative. The world of hospital librarianship is changing rapidly, so this guide will be updated regularly as issues arise. Collaboration is key and input from the region is vital. If you have questions, concerns, additions, deletions, suggestions, or any other ideas on keeping this guide current and vital, please let us know. We thank everyone who has contributed to this guide and look forward to supporting hospital libraries and librarians in this ever-changing world. Please contact David Midyette ( P.J. Grier ( or Sheila Snow-Croft ( with your suggestions and




8 Community Colleges

9 K-12  The group made suggestions for identifying projects: ◦ Work with health careers programs in states ◦ Innovations conferences for community colleges ◦ Rural health scholar’s program might be a way to get into K-12 ◦ Partnerships with girl scouts ◦ Programs at community colleges that combine associates degrees with high school diploma ◦ Health careers career day at local high schools ◦ Clubs at HS that are students who want to go into health careers, e.g. San Antonio peer tutor project ◦ Magnet High Schools for STEM, e.g. NC School of Science and Math ◦ Baltimore SHARE program to get students trained to go back into community ◦ Hospital run at risk teens health careers programs hospital library toolkit

10  Website:  SEA Currents:  Beyond The SEA:  Facebook:  Twitter:

11  Hospital librarians and region members need a session on EHRs and MedlinePlus Connect

12 Face-to-Face Nursing@NLM: Resources to support research and clinical practice from the National Library of Medicine (David)National Library of Medicine Systematic Reviews: a review of the basics (David) 508 Compliance (Andrew): summer/fall Health, Wellness and the Pursuit of Happiness (Terri & Nancy) Nursing on the Net (PJ) Exposing EHRs (PJ)

13 Online via Moodle Making PubMed Work For You (Sheila & David) Health and Wellness (Terri) Super Searcher (Andrew) Terri’s Consumer Health schedule:

14  Education ◦ Develop classes specific to Public Health audiences ◦ Partner with Public Health Training Centers ◦ Coordinate with Public Health Librarians  Exhibit at Public Health conferences  Fund projects aimed at public health audiences

15  Awards :  Outreach to Health Professionals and Consumer Health Outreach Project  Disaster Recovery Award  Express Hospital Library Promotion Award  Express Library Technology Improvement Award  Express Training Award  Express Library Digitization and Conservation Award  Express Outreach Pilot Project Award  Health Literacy Pilot Project Award  Express Planning and Assessment Award  Express Outreach Follow-up Award  State and Regional Exhibiting Award  Information Technology and Policy Awareness Award  Express Mobile Technology Project Award

16 http://nnlm.sea/gov 800-338-7657 or 410-706-2855 David Midyette Sheila Snow-Croft

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