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1 University of St. Thomas 2015 Annual Enrollment Briefing.

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1 1 University of St. Thomas 2015 Annual Enrollment Briefing

2 Annual Enrollment Monday, November 3 through Friday, November 14 th “Passive” enrollment this year – Your current Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance elections remain the same – Health Care and/or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account(s), and Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions need to be re-elected each year through the online annual enrollment system Changes at any other time of the year are not allowed unless you experience a “qualifying status” change The effective date for changes is January 1, 2015 2

3 Increases to the cost for the medical plans - see chart on page 7 for details The deductible on the medical high deductible health plan (HDHP) will increase by $100 for an individual and by $200 for a family (from $2500/$5000 to $2600/$5200), per IRS regulations The Health Savings Account (HSA) maximum employee annual contribution amount will increase to $3,350 for Employee Only coverage and to $6,650 for Employee+Spouse, Employee+Child(ren) and Family coverage 3 Changes for 2015

4 BCBS Medical Plan Comparison $500/$1000 Deductible + Copay $1250/$2500 Deductible$2600/$5200 Deductible - HDHP Deductible - Calendar Year$500 Individual $1,000 Family $1,250 Individual $2,500 Family $2,600 Individual $5,200 Family Medical Out of Pocket - Calendar Year $2,000 Individual $4,000 Family $2,500 Individual $5,000 Family $2,600 Individual $5,200 Family Rx Out of Pocket - Calendar Year $2,000 Individual $4000 Family $2,500 Individual $5,000 Family Included in medical amount above Preventive Care100% Office Visit or Urgent Care $35 Copay80% after Deductible100% after Deductible Retail Clinic (Target, MinuteClinic, etc) $15 Copay80% after Deductible100% after Deductible In-Patient, Out-Patient, Emergency Room 80% after Deductible 100% after Deductible Prescription Drugs$15/35/85 100% after Deductible 4

5 Medical Plan Decision-Making Tool You will again have a tool that can help you decide which medical plan is right for you – Start here for 2015 annual enrollment Start here for 2015 annual enrollment The tool will ask you questions about your health usage as well as that of your family It will then provide you cost information which incorporates your payroll deduction as well as your out of pocket expenses when you incur a healthcare expense 5

6 Medical Plan Cost Comparison 6 2015 Medical Plan Rates $500/$1000 Deductible + Copay PlanTotal Monthly CostUST Monthly SubsidyYour Monthly CostYour Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Only $644.78 $471.06$173.72$86.86 Employee +Spouse$1,160.56$741.88$418.68$209.34 Employee + Child(ren)$1,063.86$680.08$383.78$191.89 Family$1,676.36$1,071.62$604.74$302.37 $1250/$2500 Deductible Plan Employee Only$586.12$471.06$115.06$57.53 Employee +Spouse$1,054.94$741.88$313.06$156.53 Employee + Child(ren)$967.04$680.08$286.96$143.48 Family$1,523.82$1,071.62$452.20$226.10 $2600/$5200 Deductible Plan - HDHP Employee Only$571.28$471.06$100.22$50.11 Employee +Spouse$1,028.26$741.88$286.38$143.19 Employee + Child(ren)$942.56$680.08$262.48$131.24 Family$1,485.25$1,071.62$413.64$206.82

7 2014 and 2015 Medical Plan Rate Comparison $500/$1000 Deductible + Copay Plan 2015 Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Cost Difference 2015 UST Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 UST Bi-Weekly Cost UST Cost Difference Employee Only$86.86$83.37$3.49$235.53$212.81$22.72 Employee +Spouse$209.34$197.94$11.40$370.94$335.16$35.78 Employee + Child(ren)$191.89$181.44$10.45$340.04$307.24$32.80 Family$302.37$285.91$16.46$535.81$484.13$51.68 $1250/$2500 Deductible Plan 2015 Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Cost Difference 2015 UST Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 UST Bi-Weekly Cost UST Cost Difference Employee Only$57.53$53.15$4.38$235.53$212.81$22.72 Employee +Spouse$156.53$143.65$12.88$370.94$335.16$35.78 Employee + Child(ren)$143.48$131.67$11.81$340.04$307.24$32.80 Family$226.10$207.49$18.61$535.81$484.13$51.68 2014: $2500/$5000 Deductible Plan - HDHP 2015: $2600/$5200 Deductible Plan - HDHP 2015 Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Cost Difference 2015 UST Bi-Weekly Cost 2014 UST Bi-Weekly Cost UST Cost Difference Employee Only$50.11$45.01$5.10$235.53$212.81$22.72 Employee +Spouse$143.19$128.89$14.30$370.94$335.16$35.78 Employee + Child(ren)$131.24$118.15$13.09$340.04$307.24$32.80 Family$206.82$186.18$20.64$535.81$484.13$51.68 7

8 Delta Dental Plan Delta Dental PPO (In-Network) Delta Premier (Out of Network) Diagnostic & Preventive100% Deductible – Calendar YearNone$25 Individual; $75 Family Basic Services100%90% after Deductible Periodontics & Endodontics80%80% after Deductible Oral Surgery80%80% after Deductible Major Services50%50% after Deductible Orthodontics (children age 8-18) 50% to a Lifetime Maximum of $1,500 The plan will pay up to $1,500 per person per calendar year. This does not include orthodontia; ortho has a separate LIFETIME maximum benefit. 8 (No changes to the plan design)

9 Dental Plan Cost (No change to premium rates) 9 2015 Dental Plan Rates St. Thomas Dental Plan Total Monthly Cost UST Monthly Subsidy Your Monthly Cost Your Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Only$33.74$8.44$25.30$12.65 Employee +Spouse$84.38$21.10$63.28$31.64 Employee + Child(ren) $77.34$19.34$58.00$29.00 Family$121.88$30.48$91.40$45.70

10 EyeMed Vision Plan (No changes to the plan design) In-Network Member CostOut of Network Reimbursement Exam w/ dilation as necessary$10 CopayUp to $30 Contact lens fit and follow up Standard contact Premium contact Up to $40 10% off Retail n/a FramesNo copay; $130 allowance; 20% discount on charge over $130 Up to $65 Standard Plastic LensesGenerally $25; see benefit guide for detailsVaries from $25-60 depending on type of lens; see benefit guide for details Lens OptionsGenerally $0; see benefit guide for detailsGenerally up to $5 Contact LensesGenerally $150 allowance; see benefit guide for details Up to $120 Frequency Examination Frame Lenses or Contact Lenses Once every 12 months Once every 24 months Once every 12 months 10

11 Vision Plan Cost (No change to premium rates) 11 2015 Vision Plan Rates St. Thomas Vision Plan Total Monthly Cost UST Monthly Subsidy Your Monthly Cost Your Bi-Weekly Cost Employee Only $ 6.28 - $3.14 Employee + Family$16.90- $8.45

12 2015 Health Care & Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts Annual amount must be elected through the Online Annual Enrollment System (Murphy Online) Separate limit amounts for each account – Health Care Account limit is $2,500 – Dependent Care Account limit is $5,000 Check your 2014 balance for surplus and spend before December 31 st Grace Period – Incur claims until March 15 th; reimbursable up to May 15 th 12

13 2015 - Health Savings Account (HSA) Each year you must designate your pre-tax payroll HSA contribution – You can change your election amount through the Online Annual Enrollment System, as well as access the HSA Enrollment Packet if you are a first time enrollee Balance resides in account, no loss at end of year Penalty for non-qualified withdrawals is 20% The maximum contribution for 2015 will increase to $3,350 (individual) and $6,650 (family) Additional $1,000 contribution allowed for account holders that are 55 or older For more detailed information about the HSA, consider attending one of the HSA education sessions 13

14 Voluntary Term Life Insurance & AD&D Employee: – up to 5x your annual salary in increments of $10,000, not to exceed $500,000 Spouse: – up to 5x your annual salary in increments of $10,000, not to exceed $500,000 Child(ren): – benefit election can be either $5,000 or $10,000 *Note: You must be enrolled in Voluntary Term Life Insurance and/or AD&D to carry coverage for any of your family members. 14

15 Voluntary Term Life Insurance & AD&D If currently enrolled in voluntary life and or AD&D, you can purchase additional life insurance up to the guarantee issue amount of $200,000 If currently enrolled in spousal voluntary life and/or AD&D, you can purchase additional coverage up to the guarantee issues amount of $50,000 If not currently enrolled or if you would like to purchase above the guarantee issue amount for life insurance and/or AD&D, you will be required to go through “evidence of insurability” (EOI) 15

16 Long Term Disability The university provides a long term disability (LTD) benefit providing income should you become disabled During annual enrollment, you can elect to pay taxes on the premium, making the income benefit received non-taxable – If you choose to change the taxability of your LTD benefit, please complete the form provided in your 2015 Benefit Guide and return it AQU213 no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 14 th 16

17 Employee Online Enrollment You must complete the online enrollment process to: – newly elect, change, or drop medical, dental and/or vision coverage – add or drop family members from your coverage – continue or add a Health Care and/or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account election or – continue or elect a Health Savings Account (HSA) for the first time if enrolling in the medical HDHP You do not need to complete the annual online enrollment process if: – you do not wish to participate in the FSA or HSA and, – you do not wish to make other changes to your 2014 elections 17

18 Online Enrollment All changes need to be completed and submitted by 11:59 p.m. on November 14 th, 2014 Benefits staff available: 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F, Aquinas Hall Room 213 Phone: 651-962-6520 Fax: 651-962-6524 Email: 18

19 Eligibility If your family members currently are covered under any of our benefit plans, you should confirm their continued eligibility under each of the plans before deciding whether to complete annual enrollment It is your responsibility to remove ineligible family members from coverage, and failure to do so could result in adverse consequences to you 19

20 Questions? Thank you for attending the 2015 Annual Enrollment meeting! 20

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