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Martyn Unsworth and Volkan Tuncer Weerachai Siripunvaraporn

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1 Martyn Unsworth and Volkan Tuncer Weerachai Siripunvaraporn
Exploration for unconformity uranium deposits with audiomagnetotellurics Martyn Unsworth and Volkan Tuncer University of Alberta, Canada Weerachai Siripunvaraporn Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Jim Craven Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada

2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. AMT field techniques
3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing 4. MacArthur River AMT dataset – model verification 5. Other studies 6. Conclusions

3 Introduction After Ruzicka
1000 Crystalline rocks 100 (Wm) Sedimentary rocks 10 1 Brines Graphite After Ruzicka Why use audiomagnetotellurics (AMT) for uranium exploration? Graphitic conductors are strong targets. Can also resolve structures above the unconformity Logistically simple – no TX loops, small receiver Good depth of penetration Plane wave signal allow full 3-D inversion with modest computation

4 Audiomagnetotellurics (AMT)
2. AMT field techniques Audiomagnetotellurics (AMT) f = signal frequency Depth of penetration d = 500 * sqrt (r/f) Measure resistivity of Earth = Zxy / 2pmf Zxy = Ex / Hy 2

5 1980 2000 2. AMT field techniques Phoenix Geophysics V5-2000
• 24-bit A-to-D • Low induction coil noise • GPS time synchronized • large data storage capacities • low power consumption • lower cost Phoenix Geophysics V5-2000 Metronix AMT system

6 TE-mode Current flow along strike Ex and Hy Rho data Phase data
True model 100 10 1 10000 0 km 5 km TE-mode Current flow along strike Ex and Hy Rho data 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Phase data 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Rho fit 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Phase fit Inversion model 0 km 5 km Wm 10 100 1000 Non-linear conjugate gradient inversion 10 % noise in rho and phase

7 TM-mode Current flow across strike Ey and Hx Rho data Phase data
True model 100 10 1 10000 0 km 5 km TM-mode Current flow across strike Ey and Hx 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Rho data 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Phase data Rho fit 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Phase fit Inversion model 0 km 5 km Wm 10 100 1000 Non-linear conjugate gradient inversion 10 % noise in rho and phase

8 TE-mode tipper Current flow along strike
10 0 km 5 km TE-mode tipper Current flow along strike generates a vertical magnetic field 100 1 10000 True model 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Real data Quad data Real fit 1000 Hz 0.001 Hz 1 Hz Quad fit Inversion model 0 km 5 km Wm 1000 100 10 0.2 0.0 -0.2 Tipper Non-linear conjugate gradient inversion 0.01 noise in Tyz (tipper) Cannot determine absolute resistivity Good horizontal resolution

9 Combined inversions TE, TM and tipper (Tyz) 0 km 5 km True model 0 km
Wm 10 100 1000 TE+TM+Tyz Non-linear conjugate gradient inversion (Rodi and Mackie, Geophysics, 2000) 10 % noise in rho and phase 0.01 in Tyz

10 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
EXTECH IV was a cooperation between the Canadian government, industry and universities tested a range of geophysical and geological techniques above a known deposit Full tensor AMT data and vertical magnetic field recorded at all sites

11 Electric fields distorted
3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing Dimensionality - tensor decomposition Forward problem Measured electric fields = regional electric fields + distortion Undistorted electric fields Tensor decomposition Regional electric fields = measured electric fields - distortion assumes a 2-D regional structure with local 3-D distortion assumes no EM induction occurs in the distorter computes strike angle and distortion (twist and shear angles) r.m.s. misfit gives a measure of how well the above assumptions are satisfied at each MT station static shift still unknown Electric fields distorted by shallow structure

12 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
Dimensionality - tensor decomposition used multi-site, multi-frequency algorithm of Gary McNeice and Alan Jones plot best fitting geoelectric strike direction as map and rose diagram r.m.s. misfit shows if assumptions are valid (should be in range 0.5 – 1.5 ) inherent ambiguity of 90 degrees in strike direction

13 ? 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
Dimensionality – induction vectors ? Projection of the real component of the vertical magnetic field In the Parkinson convention, these vectors point at conductors. Direction reverses above the conductor (as in VLF) More sensitive than apparent resistivity data to structures to the side of AMT station

14 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
Apparent resistivity and phase curves on Line 224 Above conductor Away from conductor data rotated to strike direction defined by tensor decomposition frequency is a proxy for depth AMT dead band has weak signals 224

15 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
Pseudosection displays – Line 224 1-D analysis not appropriate since major lateral changes Note the sign reversal in the tipper (Tzy) Need to convert frequency to true depth 224

16 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
2-D inversion – Line 224 Inverted with NLCG6 algorithm developed by Randy Mackie Inverse MT problem is inherently non-unique Overcome this issue by imposing extra conditions on solution (e.g. smooth model, discontinuity at known location etc). Note that smoothing broadens the basement conductor Full imaging requires both modes and tipper

17 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
2-D inversion - fit to data Error floor used to give uniform fit Note consistent apparent resistivity and phase 224

18 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
3-D inversion Line 304 Line 254 Line 224 0 km 1 km 2 km Mackie 2D TE+TM+Tzy 0 km 1 km 2 km Mackie 3D TE+TM+Tzy 0 km 1 km 2 km Siripunvaraporn 3D TE+TM 304 224 254 Inverse MT problem is inherently non-unique 3-D inversion much more computationally demanding than 2-D

19 3. MacArthur River AMT dataset – data processing
3-D inversion Mackie 2D inversion Mackie 2D inversion Siripunvaraporn 3D inversion

20 4. MacArthur River AMT dataset – model verification
Comparison with well logs

21 4. MacArthur River AMT dataset – model verification
Tests to justify a 2-D interpretation Measured data at 10 Hz Computed response of 3-D model 3-D effects in induction vectors not due to termination of conductors

22 4. MacArthur River AMT dataset – model verification
Tests to justify a 2-D interpretation Measured data at 10 Hz Computed response of 3-D model Rose diagram can hide 3-D behaviour Large r.m.s. misfit values can be diagnostic of 3-D effects

23 4. MacArthur River AMT dataset – model verification
Resolution from 2-D synthetic inversions 2 1 depth (km) 2 1 depth (km) 2 1 distance (km) 3 2 1 distance (km) 3 Resistivity values in ohm-m 10% noise added to synthetic AMT data Invert TE, TM and Tzy data

24 5. Other studies GEOTEM channel 12 Vertical magnetic field AMT study in Athabasca Basin by Leppin and Goldak (2006) Inversion of TE tipper. Apparent resistivity data at every 4th station Previous applications in USSR (Olex Ingerov, personal communication, 2006)

25 NW SE 6.Conclusions Future research
Depth and dip of the basement conductor can be reliably mapped to 2 km Vertical magnetic fields very useful 2D inversions validated by 3D inversions (likely not true for all deposits) Features above the unconformity may be artifacts of the inversion – beware! Future research Evaluate other AMT datasets Integrate various EM methods Sharp bound inversions More objective comparison of the 3D codes

26 Acknowledgements Grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Alberta Ingenuity Fund to Martyn Unsworth are gratefully acknowledged AMT data collection was made possible by the financial support of Cameco, Cogema, Geosystem and the Geological Survey of Canada Charlie Jefferson (GSC) is thanked for his enthusiasm and initiative during the EXTECH-IV project The Geosystem field crew are thanked for the high quality of the AMT data Alan Jones and Gary McNeice are thanked for the use of their tensor decomposition code (STRIKE) We thank Randy Mackie for use of his 2D inversion and for the 3D AMT inversion of the EXTECH-IV dataset

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