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Heavy-Ion Physics XXIII Physics in Collision Raimond Snellings

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1 Heavy-Ion Physics XXIII Physics in Collision Raimond Snellings
Zeuthen, Germany June 26-28, 2003

2 Outline Brief introduction to Heavy-Ion Physics
CERN SPS: a new state of matter BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider BRAHMS, PHOBOS, PHENIX and STAR (a few selected) RHIC results from year 1-3 Summary

3 “Large” as compared to mean-free path of produced particles.
Collisions of “Large” nuclei convert beam energy to temperatures above 200 MeV or 1,500,000,000,000 K ~100,000 times higher temperature than the center of our sun. “Large” as compared to mean-free path of produced particles.

4 QCD Phase Diagram Phase diagram of nuclear matter
We normally think of 4 phases: Plasma Gas Liquid Solid Phase diagram of nuclear matter Phase diagram of water

5 QCD on the Lattice F. Karsch, hep-lat/0106019
Z. Fodor and S.D. Katz, hep-lat/

6 Schematic Space-Time Diagram of a Heavy Ion Collision

7 Schematic Time Evolution
p K L g e space time f jet J/Y Freeze-out g e Hadronization  Expansion  QGP? Thermalization? Hard Scattering Au

8 CERN SPS: A New State of Matter?
NA50 Are hadronic scenarios ruled out? Co-mover absorption? canonical suppression? J/Y suppression indication of deconfinement? Strangeness enhancement Melting of the r

9 SPS, NA49: Indications of a Phase Transition at ≈ 30 GeV ?

10 3.83 km circumference Two independent rings 120 bunches/ring 106 ns crossing time Capable of colliding ~any nuclear species on ~any other species Energy: 200 GeV for Au-Au (per N-N collision) 500 GeV for p-p Luminosity Au-Au: 2 x 1026 cm-2 s-1 p-p : 2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 (polarized) ` A New Era for Heavy Ion Physics: The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at BNL

11 Hadron PID over broad rapidity acceptance
Two conventional beam line spectrometers Magnets, Tracking Chambers, TOF, RICH

12 Charged Hadrons in Central Spectrometer
Nearly 4p coverage multiplicity counters Silicon Multiplicity Rings Magnetic field, Silicon Pad Detectors, TOF

13 Electrons, Muons, Photons and Hadrons Measurement Capabilities
Focus on Rare Probes: J/y, high-pT Two central spectrometers with tracking and electron/photon PID Two forward muon spectrometers

14 Online Level 3 Trigger Display
Hadronic Observables over a Large Acceptance Event-by-Event Capabilities Solenoidal magnetic field Large coverage Time-Projection Chamber Silicon Tracking, RICH, EMC, TOF

15 Heavy-ion Physics at RHIC
RHIC different from previous (fixed target) heavy ion facilities ECM increased by order-of-magnitude Accessible x (parton momentum fraction) decreases by ~ same factor Study pp, pA to AA Comprehensive set of detectors All final state particles measured with overlap between the detectors Study QCD at high density with probes generated in the medium If QGP produced at RHIC most likely to live longer than at the SPS and therefore easier to observe and study its properties

16 Event Characterization
Cannot directly measure the impact parameter b! but we can distinguish peripheral collisions from central collisions! b Ncoll Npart Impact Parameter (b) 5% Central STAR

17 Soft Physics Particle Yields Spectra shapes Elliptic Flow

18 Particle distributions (PHOBOS)
dNch/dh h 19.6 GeV 130 GeV 200 GeV PHOBOS Preliminary Central Peripheral central collisions at 130 GeV: 4200 charged particles ! mid rapidity plateau

19 Energy Density (Bjorken estimate)
to 503±2 GeV (130 GeV) PRL 87 (2001) preliminary

20 Particle spectra at RHIC
Superimposed on the thermal (~Boltzmann) distributions: Collective velocity fields from Momentum spectra ~ ‘Test’ by investigating description for different mass particles: Excellent description of particle production (P. Kolb and U. Heinz, hep-ph/ )

21 Particle spectra at the SPS
Rather well described by Hydro motivated fit

22 Particle ratios: chemical potentials and freeze-out temperature
Assume distributions described by one temperature T and one ( baryon) chemical potential m One ratio (e.g.,p / p ) determines m / T A second ratio (e.g., K / p ) provides T  m Then predict all other hadronic yields and ratios:

23 Where is RHIC on the phase diagram?

24 Three Forms of Collective Motion
Only type of transverse flow in central collision (b=0) is transverse flow. Integrates pressure history over complete expansion phase x y Elliptic flow, caused by anisotropic initial overlap region (b > 0). More weight towards early stage of expansion. x y Directed flow, sensitive to earliest collision stage (pre-equilibrium, b > 0) z x

25 What makes elliptic flow an unique probe?
y x coordinate space Non central collisions coordinate space configuration anisotropic (almond shape). However, initial momentum distribution isotropic (spherically symmetric). Only interactions among constituents (mean free path small) generate a pressure gradient which transforms the initial coordinate space anisotropy into the observed momentum space anisotropy Multiple interactions lead to thermalization -> limiting behavior hydrodynamic flow py px Momentum space

26 Elliptic Flow at the SPS (NA49 and CERES)
Clearly deviates from ideal hydrodynamic model calculations

27 Integrated Elliptic Flow
Hydrodynamic limit STAR PHOBOS Compilation and Figure from M. Kaneta First time in Heavy-Ion Collisions a system created which at low pt is in quantitative agreement with hydrodynamic model predictions for v2 up to mid-central collisions

28 Differential Elliptic Flow
Hydro calculation: P. Huovinen et. al. Typical pt dependence Heavy particles more sensitive to velocity distribution (less effected by thermal smearing) therefore put better constrained on EOS

29 Soft Physics Energy density estimate well above critical Lattice values Particle yields are well described in a thermal model Spectra shapes are consistent with thermal boosted distributions Elliptic flow reaches hydrodynamical model predictions First time in heavy-ion collisions Observables consistent with strong early partonic interactions and approaching early local equilibrium However, size measurements (HBT) are not completely understood yet

30 Hard probes and the produced medium

31 Thermally-shaped Soft Production
Hard probes p+p->p0 + X hep-ex/ S.S. Adler et al. At RHIC energies different mechanisms are responsible for different regions of particle production. Rare process (Hard Scattering or “Jets”), a calibrated probe Hard Scattering Thermally-shaped Soft Production “Well Calibrated”

32 Hard Probes and the Produced Medium
Hard scatterings in nucleon collisions produce jets of particles. In the presence of a color-deconfined medium, the partons strongly interact losing much of their energy “Jet Quenching” hadrons q leading particle leading particle schematic view of jet production

33 p+p jet+jet (STAR@RHIC)
Jets at RHIC p+p jet+jet Au+Au X find this in this

34 Find partonic energy loss with leading hadrons
Energy loss  softening of fragmentation  suppression of leading hadron yield Binary collision scaling p+p reference

35 Measurements of jet suppression
BRAHMS preliminary nucl-ex/ nucl-ex/ Binary scaling Participant scaling Relative to UA1 p+p

36 Elliptic Flow at higher-pt
M. Gyulassy, I. Vitev and X.N. Wang STAR preliminary R.S, A.M. Poskanzer, S.A. Voloshin, STAR note, nucl-ex/

37 Back to back “jets” at the SPS (CERES)
Centrality 24-30% Centrality 11-15% Cronin Effect: Multiple Collisions broaden high PT spectrum SPS. CERES: Away side jet broadening, no disappearance

38 Disappearance of back to back “jets”
near side away side peripheral central PRL 90, (2003) In central Au+Au collisions the away-side “jet” disappears !!

39 High-pt phenomena: Initial state or final state effect?
nucl-ex/ Final state Initial state pT>5 GeV/c: well described by KLM saturation model (up to 60% central) and pQCD+jet quenching

40 Theory expectations for d+Au
Inclusive spectra RAB If Au+Au suppression is final state 1 If Au+Au suppression is initial state (KLM saturation: 0.75) ~2-4 GeV/c pT High pT hadron pairs broadening? pQCD: no suppression, small broadening due to Cronin effect saturation models: suppression due to mono-jet contribution? /2 suppression?  (radians) All effects strongest in central d+Au collisions

41 Comparison of Au+Au to d+Au (PHOBOS and BRAHMS)
central Au+Au PHOBOS d+Au: nucl-ex/

42 Comparison of Au+Au to d+Au (PHENIX and STAR)
Dramatically different behavior of Au+Au observables compared to d+Au observables. Jet Suppression is clearly a final state effect.

43 Back to back “jets” in d+Au
Central Au+Au ? d+Au “PHENIX Preliminary” results, consistent with STAR data in submitted paper

44 Summary High-pt probes are a new unique tool at RHIC to understand heavy-ion collisions New phenomena have been found: Suppression of the inclusive yields (“jet quenching”) Large elliptic flow Disappearance of the away-side “jet” Pointing at very dense (≈ 30x nuclear densities) and strongly interacting matter Low-pt (bulk) and high-pt observables consistent with expectations from a QGP (but not as proof, still more work to be done. RHIC program just started)

45 Thanks Many figures on the slides are “borrowed” from:
W. Zajc, P. Steinberg, N. Xu, P. Jacobs, F. Laue, P. Kolb, U. Heinz, T. Hemmick, G. Roland, I. Bearden, M. van Leeuwen and many others

46 Time Evolution in a Hydro Calculation
Calculation: P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank and U.Heinz Elliptic Flow reduces spatial anisotropy -> shuts itself off

47 Structure Functions

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