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Science Teacher Leader Content Network October 30, 2014 #grrecscinet #kyscinet.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Teacher Leader Content Network October 30, 2014 #grrecscinet #kyscinet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Teacher Leader Content Network October 30, 2014 #grrecscinet #kyscinet

2 Facilitation Team Teresa Emmert, KDE GRREC Instructional Specialist Kadi Ralston, KDE GRREC Instructional Specialist Brian Womack, GRREC Instructional Specialist Barb Degraaf, GRREC Instructional Specialist Amanda Abell, GRREC Director of District Services Tim Sears, KDE Instructional Specialist Rico Tyler, WKU Liaison

3 2014 – 2015 Network Vision 2014-15 is the year each grade is to begin full implementation of the new Science Standards in Kentucky. In order to do this effectively-- that is, in the spirit they are intended—we must prepare to SHIFT…shift our thinking about what it means to know and to teach/learn science—both for us as educators and for our students.

4 GATHER, REASON, and COMMUNICATE We must prepare to engineer learning environments that require students to GATHER, REASON, and COMMUNICATE scientifically— across “3 Dimensions”. As we engineer these experiences, we must focus PRIMARILY on what the STUDENTS WILL BE DOING versus what the teacher will be doing. We must remind ourselves that it isn’t enough to have STUDENTS telling WHAT or THAT (something is, is not, etc.)—we must ensure that STUDENTS’ LEARNING is SHIFTED to EXPLAINING-REASONING-(using evidence) and addressing WHY and HOW.

5 consciously congruent We’ll SHIFT our ideas about what constitutes acceptable evidence of student attainment of the standards—and design “lesson ideas” that are “consciously congruent” to the intent of the standards and ASSURE that acceptable and sufficient evidence of student understanding results. AND—as a result of our work to create such a model—we’ll transform our SYSTEM of ASSESSMENT for Science statewide— beginning in the classroom!

6 Characteristics of a Network Participant Commits to the work Displays leadership skills Exhibits effective interpersonal skills Exemplifies Productive Team Membership Seeks to enhance pedagogical skills Advances innovation and creativity 6

7 Norms Be present and engaged in our work. We are equal partners. Seek first to understand and then to be understood. Stay positive. Respect ideas of others. One voice rule – no private conversations. Be productive. Be flexible and willing to change.

8 September Road Map

9 Today’s Road Map

10 Targets Understand the Teacher Leader’s role in the science network and review the opportunity to engage in the development of a new assessment system driven by classroom instruction. Build content capacity for DCI: PS4A Identify shifts in instruction and assessment embedding the 3-dimensional learning required by KCAS for Science. Build capacity in myself as a teacher leader and in others in my school and district. Revise the Student Science Performance written last month based on new learning from today or your own classroom experience when teaching it.


12 “Willing to Be Disturbed” Quotation Mingle Find a different person to discuss your quote and each of the following questions:  When do you feel most uncomfortable professionally?  What in the article made you feel better about being disturbed?  What is the overall takeaway message from the article?

13 Roles

14 Wave-like Experience A new emphasis with KCAS-Science is Waves SEP: Developing and Using ModelsCCC: Energy

15 Interactive Human Model Districts ADAIR-HART in front of room in 3 rows Districts HOPKINS-WEST POINT in back of room in 3 rows

16 Reflect Share

17 Important Wave Ideas Amplitude: Distance from “rest to crest” or ½ the vertical distance from trough to crest Frequency: Number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time Wavelength: Distance between successive crests (or troughs) of a wave Waves carry energy

18 Reflect Share

19 Gathering Reasoning Communicating

20 Lesson Idea Development Select Performance Expectation from Standard Determine Science Essentials Select Phenomenon Gather Reason Communicate


22 Lesson Idea

23 7-PS4-1 ***Embed the Practices and Cross-cutting Concepts***

24 11:30-12:45 LUNCH

25 Roles

26 Electromagnetic Waves A new emphasis with KCAS-Science is how Waves transmit information. SEP: Check for your grade band.CCC:

27 Interactive Human Model Districts ADAIR-HART in front of room in 3 rows Districts HOPKINS-WEST POINT in back of room in 3 rows


29 Image Generator Transmitter Receiver Image Receiver 1 – ONE 0 - TWO

30 Analog vs Digital

31 Can you crack the code? 101 010 101 1, 0, 1 0, 1, 0 1, 0, 1 Now you draw a 3x3 grid and create a letter. Write down the 9 digit code. Share with a partner. 1 - 0 -


33 You Do – Lesson Idea As a table group, begin to create a Lesson Idea for your grade band’s Transmission of Information PE. As you design the assessment task, ask yourselves, “Will the student work generated from this task give us DEFENSIBLE EVIDENCE of student mastery?” As you create the GRC components, embed the practices and cross-cutting concepts intended in PE and scaffold those experiences to build to assessment task.

34 Revisit Deconstructions CASL excerpt DECONSTRUCTING COMPLEX STANDARDS Scanned copies of the deconstructions can be found on website. Names of group members are listed with the deconstruction. Get with your group. Hard copies of your 2 nd revision are up front. Reflect over 2 nd revision and make changes, if needed, based on the content knowledge gained today. Finalize the deconstruction and email or hand in. 4.PS4.3; 7.PS4.1; 7.PS4.3; HS.PS4.1; HS.PS4.2 If you did not deconstruct last year, choose one of the following wave standards and begin the deconstruction process: 4.PS4.3; 7.PS4.1; 7.PS4.3; HS.PS4.1; HS.PS4.2

35 Supporting Your District Leadership Teams (DLT) Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced: Resources for Scaling Network Information “For every ISLN and Network ‘round’ of meetings, district teams will decide how to scale practices learned through the meetings to other teachers in the district.” KY Leadership Networks: Roles of District Leadership Teams

36 Revisit Last Month’s Lesson Idea Reflect and Revise based on new learning from today or from the classroom experience. What defensible evidence did this student science experience generate to show mastery? Turn in when finished. (either electronically or hard copy)

37 Evaluations

38 GRREC Science Content Network Meetings Sept 30 Oct 30 Nov 19 – Joint ISLN, SS, Science Jan 27 Feb 26 Mar 18 See You Next Month Leave your Evaluation!

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