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B IOLOGY AND B EHAVIOR The Nervous System. O BJECTIVE Explain how messages are transmitted by neurons, and describe the functions of the spinal cord and.

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Presentation on theme: "B IOLOGY AND B EHAVIOR The Nervous System. O BJECTIVE Explain how messages are transmitted by neurons, and describe the functions of the spinal cord and."— Presentation transcript:

1 B IOLOGY AND B EHAVIOR The Nervous System

2 O BJECTIVE Explain how messages are transmitted by neurons, and describe the functions of the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system.

3 T ODAY ’ S GOALS Activity—Dance, Label Synapse and Neuron Notes on Biological Psychology, Nervous System, and Neurons.

4 B IOLOGICAL P SYCHOLOGY to-biological-psychology.html#transcript

5 N ERVOUS S YSTEM What does the Nervous System do? Nervous system is the body’s internal communication system. It contains 2 main parts The Central Nervous System The Peripheral Nervous System

6 N EURONS Neurons- Nerve Cells that run through our entire bodies and communicate with each other More than 100 billion neurons (most found in the brain) Neurons send and receive messages from other structures in the body.

7 C OMMUNICATION P ROCESS Messages are sent from the Axon Terminals of one neuron to the dendrites of other neurons. Message must cross the synapse Synapse is a junction (space) between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of another neuron

8 C OMMUNICATION P ROCESS Sensory Neurons: nerve cells that carry info received by the senses TO the central nervous system Motor neurons: nerve cells that carry info FROM the central nervous system to the muscles and the glands and influence their functioning.

9 N EUROTRANSMITTERS : C HEMICAL M ESSENGERS Neurons send messages across the synapse through the release of neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters: Chemicals that are stored in sacs in the axon terminals Neuron fires or sends its message by releasing neurotransmitters http://education-

10 C ENTRAL N ERVOUS S YSTEM Consists of the Brain and the Spinal Cord The Spinal Cord transmits messages between the brain the muscles and the glands through out the body. Spinal Reflex: simple, automatic response to something Ex. Hot Stove Message goes immediately from his or her hand to the spinal cord. Message to remove hand is sent back to Motor neurons in the hand to remove the hand.

11 P ERIPHERAL N ERVOUS S YSTEM Lies outside the central nervous system and is responsible for transmitting messages between the central nervous system and all parts of the body. 2 parts of the PNS Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Autonomic Nervous System(ANS) http://education- system.html

12 C OLOR IN YOUR CNS, PNS, AND ANS Color in the 3 rd page of your neuron packet Write down 3 examples of Autonomic Nervous System(ANS). Write down 3 examples of your Somatic Nervous System (SNS).

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