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Published byPhilip Fletcher Modified over 9 years ago
CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT Participating Entities –SA Sports Commission –National Olympic Committee Of SA –Disability Sport SA –Sport and Recreation SA –SA Commonwealth Games Association –SA Students Sports Union (?) United Schools Sports Association of SA (?)
AGREEMENT TO CO-OPERATE Parties agree to co-operate with each other in the manner recorded in “The Agreement” In doing so, the parties shall act in good faith towards each other and use their respective best endeavors to overcome any contractual, legislative or other obstacles which may impede such co-operation “The Agreement” shall be binding upon each party until the establishment and implementation of “Sportco”
MINISTERIAL TASK TEAM (MTT) ON HIGH PERFORMANCE SPORT Focus Groups – Funding –Governance –Government –Support Services –Early Talent ID –Equity and Access –Marketing, Media and Promotions
MTT REPORT MTT Report envisages that there be – “ one authority charged by Government with the responsibility to develop, co- ordinate and monitor a comprehensive system established in accordance with broadly agreed national strategy and run on strictly business lines”
MTT Report recognises that – “this is not a function which can be carried out directly by a Government Department with all the restrictions inherent in such authorities” MTT Report proposes that various bodies charged with high performance sport in SA in the interim should enter into a co- operation agreement in order to expedite what can be done and to put the transformation process in motion
MTT Report (sub-committee - National Sports Plan Role and Function Harmonisation) recommends adoption of Option 2 as a framework structure “New” Department Sport and Recreation (participation) Confederation of SA Sport (high performance) NOCSA, SASC, SACG, DISSA, AAG, SASSU (?), NATIONAL FEDERATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Commonwealth Games, All Africa Games, Olympic Games, Paralympics,Student Games, World Games USSASA (?) Recreation, Mass Participation, Talent Identification and Development SA Games, Zone VI Games Minister High Performance Programme (medical, science, technology) Academies/Iinstitutes SASSU (?) CO-ORDINATION
Broad base - all regions, ages, gender, socio-economic groups Organised by - access/interest, age/gender, community based, formal or informal Skills level vary Programs in schools, clubs, community centres Motivation is fun and leisure, fitness and some skill level, social interaction Recreational Competition Informal Activities Seasonal sport Schools,colleges, universities Private clubs and centres Community and local centred programs ClubsSchools High performance Athletes Competitive Athletes members of clubs, teams, leagues affiliated to Provincial sports organisations and National Sports organisations Nationally Registered athletes and team athletes National High Performance Provincial High Performance Organised Competitive Sport Significant and competitive focus motivation includes: – fun and fitness – skill level – thrill of competition – pursuit of excellence HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTICIPATION
To ensure both VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL integration a “SYSTEM” at different STAGES of “athlete” development is required. There is also a need for coordination between the COMPONENTS (and their strategies, networks, facilities, special equity measures etc) involved as well as coordination UP and DOWN the STAGES of the model This will LINK together the various components involved in the DELIVERY of sport within a shared vision, purpose and agreed strategy to which each one has agreed It is CO-ORDINATION that is important not the style of DELIVERY and for this key COORDINATING PLATFORMS are needed
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 D e v e l o p m e n t p l a n s (strategies and networks ) partnership Enablers and coordinators
PASSING THOUGHT Sport development needs to be locally driven, taking into account local circumstances and involving local people in the planning and delivery of sporting opportunities, whilst at the same time linking them into the mainstream sporting system
OBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.Eliminating the duplication of activities undertaken by the respective parties at national level 2. Pooling the activities, as well as the resources, experience and expertise of the respective parties 3. Co-ordinating the preparation, presentation and delivery of SA teams to the Olympic Games, Paralympics, Deaflympics, All Africa Games and other multi-sport events deemed to be elite or high performance events 4. Co-ordinating the management and development of the various sports academies and sports institutes in SA 5. Co-ordinating the development of common administration systems
6. Co-ordinating the development and implementation of common databases 7. Co-ordinating the marketing and development of a uniform identity for the various national teams under the brand “Team South Africa” 8. Implementing a process which will culminate in the establishment of a new section 21 company (Sportco) which will manage and deliver high performance sport in SA in an integrated and uniform manner, as contemplated in the Report 9. Obtaining the co-operation of the National Federations of Sport in the developments of these objectives
SUMMARY AREAS OF CO-OPERATION The Parties have agreed to co-operate in the following areas: 1.Presentation and Delivery of teams participating in international multi-sport events 2.Marketing of “Team SA” as a brand 3.Unitary sponsorship programs for “Team SA” 4.Hosting of international sporting events 5.Pooling and integration of common resources, programs….. 6.Co-ordination,integration and management of scientific, medical, technological and other high performance related services
5.Budget preparation for pre- and one year post- ”Sportco” period 6.Amendment of any rules/regulatory/legislation constraints that could prevent optimal functioning of ‘Sportco” 7.Consulting with national federations and other relevant bodies 8.Contribution of all rights for the use of Team SA and the protection of the name “Team SA” 9.Development and implementation of a suitable strategic plan 10.Establishment of “Sportco” by April 2005 11.Investigate all existing contractual obligations and identify constraints to be dealt with
OMBUDSMAN Parties shall by consensus appoint an independent person to act as ombudsman for purposes of – –Monitoring progress of the respective Parties in implementing the provisions of this agreement –Considering any complaints which any Party may have in relation to any other Party arising from or relating to the implementation of this Agreement – Mediating any disputes or differences between any of the Parties arising from or in connection with this Agreement, in an informal, cost-effective and expedient manner Ombudsman shall act in a fair and impartial manner, and shall endeavor to maintain and foster the spirit of co- operation which exists between the parties
MTT HIGH PERFORMANCE STEERING COMMITTEE Representative of each of the Parties involved as well as persons nominated by the Minister To manage the implementation of the Agreement and to attend to any other issues relating to or arising there from Terms of Reference: 1. To oversee and finalise the establishment of a macro- structure focusing, amongst others on high performance sport in SA. 2. To ensure the harmonisation of the new Dept of Sport and Recreation with the establishment of the new Macro-Structure The above processes to be completed subject to all relevant legislation
ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF AGREEMENT 1.Review and identify the common functional activities, human resources and programs of each one of the participating parties. 2.Propose a mechanism for pooling those functional related activities, human resources and programmes common to all parties in the most practical and business like way 3. Investigate and outline a process for pooling and effectively co-ordinating and controlling all the actions, resources and expertise required for the presentation and delivery of teams participating in international multi- sport events.
4.Analyze existing portfolio of national federation and multi-sport event sponsors with a view to identify all potential conflict areas and propose a draft plan for how best to deal proactively with these sponsors pending the establishment and implementation of Sportco 4.Establish a sponsorship liaison and co-operation platform pre the establishment of Sportco to co- ordinate current sponsorship efforts and develop an interim draft sponsorship strategy around the “Team SA” concept 5.Research and outline a communication strategy around the “Team SA” concept as a brand
7. Review sport’s existing Academy and Institute infrastructure with respect to resources, skill base, programs, with a view to remove duplication and to co- ordinate all scientific, medical, technology and other services offered into a structured and integrated world- class system. Establish National Academy 8. Review all existing athlete based databases and design a single centrally administered database fulfilling in the requirements of all parties and ensuring the protection of the athlete’s private data 9. Plan and implement a series of gatherings with national federations to explain, motivate and promote understanding and value of the objects of the Agreement and the implications of the outcome thereof
10.Establish a joint Finance Committee to produce a draft “Pre-Sportco Budget” – covering the period up and to the establishment and implementation of “Sportco” “Post-Sportco Budget” for the first year after the establishment and implementation of Sportco Proposal as to the extent each one of the Parties will fund the two draft budgets Agreement on the international multi-sport events in which “Team SA” will participate in during the period –Preceding Athens 2004 and –Post Athens 2004 to December 2005
11. Review existing human resource bases and HR policies of all participating parties and –broadly identify those individuals, “units”, programs that could form part of “Sportco” – harmonise the human resource policies prior of all parties prior to the formation of “Sportco” and –monitor and co-ordinate the appointment of staff that could contribute to future duplication and constrain the smooth launching and operation of “Sportco” 12. Review portfolio of Intellectual Property Rights in and to any Trade Marks, Copy Right or other intellectual property held by the “Parties” involved and identify those that can contribute to the use of “Team SA”. Initiate the necessary steps to protect the brand “Team SA”
13. Identify and review any and all “Party” – specific legislation as well as any other rules and regulation related issues with respect to obligations to international federations that may impede implementation of the Agreement. Institute processes where necessary to amend such legislation and/or to circumvent any obstacles. 14.Review and identify all current contractual obligations to third parties and/or national legislation as well as sponsors that could impact the implementation of “Sportco” and propose/negotiate an appropriate plan of action to resolve.
15. Based on the outcome of the activities of the Steering Committee and the work done by the Focus Groups of the MTT, develop and propose mutually agreed Strategic Plan Frameworks for each one of the areas of co-operation as described in the Co-operation Agreement including a broad overarching Strategic Plan Framework 16. Develop a detail plan to establish and implement a section 21 Company – “Sportco” – which will manage and deliver High Performance Sport in SA 17. Appoint an Ombudsman for the purpose of considering complaints and mediating disputes that cannot be resolved by the Steering Committee
18.Review, analyze and quantify all sources of funding currently available to SA sport, including sponsorships. Determine the shortcomings and benefits of how these funds are currently distributed and the cost-effective and strategic application thereof. Identify potential processes and mechanisms for improved co-ordination and application of some of these funds. 19. Harmonisation of Macro Struture (Participation – New Department of Sport and High Performance Sport – Sportco)
ISSUES (factors that could promote or constrain activities of Steering committee) 1.Time period to complete task 2.Resistance from signatories to implement objects of agreement 3.Definition of “Participation” and “High Performance Sport” High Performance sport participation
4.Process in progress between Department and Commission 5.USSASA and SASSU’s positions in the structure 6.Responsibility for Zone vi Games and SA Games’ 7.Ensuring ongoing and intimate involvement of Federations in the process 8.Involvement of Minister’s Forum 9.Personal and Institutional agendas that could derail process
AREAS OF CO-OPERATION The Parties agree to co-operate with each other in the following areas: 1. Presentation and Delivery of Teams Pool resources, experience and expertise 2. Development of Common Administration Systems Develop common administration systems Seek methods of integrating respective administration functions and responsibilities 3. Development of Databases Integration of respective data bases into a common database keeping in mind athlete confidentiality 4. Sports Academies and Institutes Co-operation between different programmes and the development of joint strategic plans
5. Marketing of Team South Africa Promote the concept of a unitary brand for all national teams - Team South Africa All national teams to have the same look and feel participating under the “Team SA” banner 6. Hosting Of International Sporting Events Co-operation with each other to host international multi-sport events in South Africa 7. Sponsorships Unify sponsorship programmes and develop unitary sponsorship programme for “Team South Africa” For this purpose the Parties agree to –Start managing conflicting sponsors and develop a plan as to how to deal with sponsors with the establishment and implementation of “Sportsco” and to –Liaise and co-operate with each other in their sponsorship efforts
8. Consultation with National Federations and Other Bodies Parties undertake to engage in a process of consultation with their national federations, the general assembly of the Sports Commission and the ITT to get buy into the objects of the Agreement 9. Budgets - Parties agree to : Jointly prepare a joint operating budget for the period up and to the establishment of Sportco (The Pre-Sportco Budget) agreeing on –the extent to which each party will fund this budget –the secondment of appropriate staff for the presentation and delivery of team SA –the international events Team SA will attend during the period preceding Athens 2004 Jointly prepare an estimated budget for the period after the establishment of Sportco (The Post-Sportco Budget) Establish a joint Finance Committee to deal with the two budgets. Any disputes or differences shall be dealt with by the Steering Committee
10. Human Resources Parties agree not to appoint any staff without the prior approval of the Steering Committee Parties shall seek methods on an ongoing basis to integrate their respective staff, with a view to the ultimate inclusion of their staff in Sportco Parties shall endeavor to harmonise their respective human resources policies prior to the formation of Sportco 11. Contribution of Rights Parties undertake to contribute for the use of Team SA all their intellectual property rights in and to any trade marks, copyright or other intellectual property, and to take such steps as may necessary to protect the name “Team SA” Notwithstanding the Parties acknowledgement that their co- operation as contemplated may be impeded by
12. Amendment of legislation Parties undertake to use their respective best endeavors to procure the amendment of any and all legislation which may impede the implementation of this Agreement 13. Establishment of Sportco Parties acknowledge and agree that the ultimate goal of the Agreement is the establishment and implementation of Sportco Sportco will manage and deliver high performance on a national basis Notwithstanding the Parties acknowledgement that their co-operation as contemplated may be impeded by Their obligations to their respective international federations Their current contractual obligations to third parties, including sponsors and/or National legislation The Parties undertake to use their best endeavors to overcome any such impediments and to co-operate fully with each other in order to do so In regard to each of the areas of co-operation identified, the Parties undertake, as soon as possible after the execution of this agreement to develop and implement a mutually agreed strategic plan
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