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Chapter 11- Royal People Vocabulary Prophet Monarchy.

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1 Chapter 11- Royal People Vocabulary Prophet Monarchy

2 Historical writing gives an account of period of history Hannah- prays for son- Samuel She dedicated Samuel to God- Shiloh under Eli, the priest Samuel hears a voice while he sleeps- thinks it is Eli After 3 times, realizes it is God and Samuel becomes God’s prophet. Philistines- captured ark of covenant and abused it Tribe of Benjamin – criminals and tribe suffered Through Samuel things improved when Israelites returned to obeying God and the commandments.

3 As Samuel grew older, discontent among Israelites grew. They wanted a king (monarchy) like other nations had. Finally, God asked Samuel to anoint Saul- from the tribe of Benjamin- as the 1 st king of Israel. Anointing- using holy oil to make someone a prophet or king. Oil is still used today for special sacraments. Oil of Catechumens, Oil of the Sick, and Sacred Chrism Saul listened to Samuel and God, but decided he could rule without them. Because of this Philistines were able to conquer Israel again. God declared there would be a new king- but not one of Saul’s sons

4 God told Samuel next king would be one of Jesse’s ( grandson of Boaz and Ruth) many sons. Samuel and Jesse met at a feast- Jesse brought 7 of his sons. None of the sons were acceptable to God as the next king. Jesse’s youngest son was not there- he was tending to sheep. Sent for youngest son, David, who was then anointed as the next king. Saul was not happy, but was soothed when David played his harp for him. Philistines- Goliath teased the Israelites. David was sent to bring supplies to his brothers who were fighting the Philistines. David was chosen by God to defeat Goliath. David used a slingshot and stone against the weapons and was victorious.

5 David declared king of Israel in 1000 BC David- great military leader- took over all of Israel and other lands Including Jerusalem, known as city of David. Jerusalem-political – built strong kingdom under David religious- brought ark of covenant to city Even though David was great leader he had a weakness. Bathsheba, wife of Uriah- general killed in battle Prophet Nathan warned David that God was not happy. David did penance and was forgiven.

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