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The Call of Samuel Israel's Last Judge and First Prophet Intro to Chapter 5 Freshman Theology.

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Presentation on theme: "The Call of Samuel Israel's Last Judge and First Prophet Intro to Chapter 5 Freshman Theology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Call of Samuel Israel's Last Judge and First Prophet Intro to Chapter 5 Freshman Theology

2 Life After Moses The Israelites had won back the Promise Land Thanks to the Judges the Promise Land was safe! The Judges were the Generals of God – The Most Famous were: Joshua Gideon Sampson Esther Samuel

3 The Judges Chased out all the Pagans who had occupied the land. Ruled and kept Israel safe for God! Spread the message of God with the High Priest to keep Israel Faithful. Protected the Ark of the Covenant which was kept in the “Tabernacle Tent” with High Priest” They began to lose their Faith!

4 The Ark of the Covenant Was kept in the Tabernacle Tent and watched over by the High Priest and protected by The Judges. It held the 10 Commandments.

5 The Call of Samuel Prophet Judge Born to Serve Key People and Places ELI – The High Priest His Son’s – Phineas and Hophni Hannah and her faith and devotion to God Elkanah – Samuels' Dad Shiloh – City were the Arc was kept in the Tabernacle Tent. The Philistines – Israel's number biggest enemy

6 Hannah’s Prayer She was barren and wanted a son She prayed at the Tabernacle that God would help her. She meets Eli who after doubting her intention, says God has heard her prayer! Hannah promises a lifetime of service to God for her son if her prayer is answered.

7 The Call of Samuel Eli was losing favor with God His sons were corrupt and he did nothing Hannah brings Samuel to live with Eli as promised. God calls Samuel in a dream as a boy! Was&

8 The Fall of Eli God predicted to Samuel that Eli had lost Faith Because of this God allowed the Philistines to defeat Israel, Kill Eli’s Sons and cause Eli to die in his chair. Samuel was now the High Prophet that God promised and his quest was to find the Arc.

9 The Power of the Ark Under Philistine control it caused all their false idols to crumble. After 7 months of turmoil, they returned it to Samuel, it gave him great power. Israel after years of prayer was strong again.

10 Samuel’s Problem Israelite's wanted a King as they had seen the power of the Judges and High Priest become unfaithful. They did not want Samuel's sons to replace him. Samuel prayed to God who said “I am their King” The people kept insisting that to be a great nation like Egypt and The Philistines they needed a King. God reluctantly agreed!

11 The Call of Saul Israel's First King A powerful General born from the small tribe of Benjamin. God told Samuel he would come to him on a donkey. Chosen by God and anointed by Samuel to be the first King of Israel. Had to prove himself verses the Philistines Great for many years but……… ature=fvsr

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