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Published byEgbert McDowell Modified over 9 years ago
“Intelligent Life” Part 3 “The Third Adam”
GENESIS 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, GENESIS 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
GENESIS 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. GENESIS 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
GENESIS 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. GENESIS 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I CORINTHIANS 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. I CORINTHIANS 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. I CORINTHIANS 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
41-3 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - C.A.B CPT.1 We then see that when these last of Israel have been joined in love to the Lord, and the enemy has been destroyed, God will prepare His holy mountain, His new Garden of Eden for the bride and His and her attendants for the thousand year honeymoon upon the earth. As Adam and Eve were in the garden and did not finish out the thousand years, now Jesus our last Adam, and His Eve (True Church) will fulfill all the plan of God.
WHAT.IS.THE.ATTRACTION.ON.THE.MOUNTAIN_ 65-0725 136 I went down in a canyon, some big chasms, the sun was just coming up. I come around the other side of the hill, not thinking nothing about the prophecies. Set down, waiting, resting; I thought, "What happened to those hogs?"
137 I picked up my... Set down like Indians do, you know, cross-legged. I looked on my overall leg, and there was a bullheader. I picked it up. And I said, "That's strange! Here I am, about forty miles northeast of Tucson. There's my little boy Joseph sitting there waiting for me." And as I started to look, I seen a herd of hogs come out about a thousand yards from me, up on a mountain, I throwed the bullheader down. I said, "I'll get them.
138 And I started up the mountain, running as hard as I could on the other side. All of a sudden, I thought somebody shot me. I never heard such a blast; it shook the whole country. And, when it did, standing before me was seven Angels in a cluster. 139 I met Brother Fred and them, a little after. Said, "What was it?" I said, "That was it." "What are you going to do?
140 "Return home. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the seven mysteries that's been hid in the Bible all these years, these denominations and everything, God is going to open those seven mysteries to us in the Seven Seals." 141 There was that circle coming up from the earth, like a mist forming. When It did, It went plumb up into the mountain, begin to circle on westward, from the way It come. Science found It after a while, thirty miles high and twenty-five miles across, just exactly in the circle of the pyramid.
The First Adam came from the generation in the heavens; that mist! He had the attributes of sonship in his unveiling; prophet, priest, and king. In his choice to eat of the tree of knowledge the three sonships would be separated and dissected for us to understand the Sonship of God. The three attributes Eagle, Lamb, and Lion are the fullness of Christ in these dimensional realms that we are now reigning in and gaining our power. The Father, the Word, The Holy Ghost; these three are one! ~(dkp)~
The Second Adam came from the generation in that mist. He held the three attributes within him. Again the fullness was on the scene. He was prophet, priest and king! Natural Israel could not grasp the vision, the unveiling, the revealing of that man. It was too much for them to put the Pillar of Fire behind the flesh of a man. They could comprehend it behind the skins of animals but not the skin of a man. Jesus redeemed the body of his Seed so he could finish the work with his redeemed subjects. ~(dkp)~
The Third Adam came from that generation in the mist and held all the attributes of sonship within. He is a redeemed body of Jesus Christ. Christ restored what was lost in the Garden of Eden. He also restored what was lost since Pentecost. The redeemed body of William Branham accomplished it. Now we are the Garden of God, his redeemed subjects in the earth with spoken word bodies, as the original creation. The secondary creation is now bypassed. ~(dkp)~
1 st Adam – Prophet 2 nd Adam – Priest Present Adam – King Israel’s leadership was a Prophet, Priest, and King in a man. They separated the Prophet and Priest in Moses. They separated out the King in Saul and became Trinitarian.
I had a dream that I was standing before an unseen congregation ministering the gospel. There was a mountain of bread around me. I was throwing the bread in the direction of the unseen congregation. None of the bread fell to the ground. People would quickly come from the unseen and catch the bread in the air and run with it. They were eating from this bread and it kept going on through millions of people and endless time.
A preacher and some of his congregation stepped in front of me and began to curse and yell at me trying to stop me from throwing the bread. They tried every way to cause me trouble and get my attention off of that mountain of bread. I had so much bread and knew that I didn't have time to address the preacher, so I ignored him and kept throwing the bread. The process was not hindered by the opposition at all.
A voice spoke and said, "Pay no attention to the railings of these ministries for I will bring them to an end. Continue your work and there are still yet many who will not let the bread fall to the ground". As I was throwing the bread people were catching it in the air and running with it in their hands and mouths. I awoke from the dream. ~(dkp)~
"Unity" is the word that best describes the Third Testament. We don't separate things when it is the time, season, and purpose of union. The new birth gives us power to become sons -- the only begotten of the Father. Our fleshman unit is a spoken word body, a new creation where the delegated authority is given. This is the true fellowship -- in the father and the son. It is among equals. We don't put the flesh down when God has declared it to be His son. It is a sign of inferiority and hinders the greatest purpose of God to man -- fellowship. ~Winston Pesito~
I truly believe that one of the most important aspects to our character as a Christian is being mutable; the ability to change from one attribute to another. It's one of the fundamentals of our growth and progression in revelation. We do it in our natural life without ever questioning it; from babe to child, to teenager, to young adult, to mature adult, to elderly adult. Our whole life is a constant series of changes. ~Daniel Brooks~
The natural is a type of the spiritual. Knowing when to change and what to change into are essential in our growth. Knowing that it is a change forward for a higher expression is important also. There is no backward growth; there is no standing still and progressing forward at the same time. Jesus never looked back at what he was in order to know what he needed to become. He knew by revelation the attributes that were in him and how to use them to progress forward.
This is what we need to be doing in this age and also teaching the next generation how to do it. Trust me, they will become better at it than us and their understanding of it will manifest quicker and sharper than our own. I'm saying here that it's our responsibility as frontiersmen of this new age to understand the practical application of our attributes and to teach that to those coming up behind us for the betterment of the Body as a whole;
learn how to become all things needed, understand them, then give that to the rest of the Body-especially the young ones, the next generation. I believe that understanding eternal things is needful, but sharing these experiences with the Body is more important. ~Daniel Brooks~
Time frames help us see the move of God for our day. The portal began to close for the Son of God manifestation in 1956 A.D. and in 1963 A.D. the door was shut and no man has ever been able to open it since that time at the opening of the Seals.
The portal to the Son of Man began to close at the opening of the Seals in 1963 A.D. and at the exit of the prophet from these realms in December 1965 A.D. the door was shut completely. At the opening of the Seals Brother Branham positioned the Son of David and by December 1965, the son of man was finished. ~Vincent Manlapaz~
We know that we will do exploits when the circumstances arrive. The Spirit of the Lord moves to display his character in a person. If it is a Lion then so be it at the time; roar, fight and overtake the situation. If it is an ox so be it. As millions did bow your head and be a sacrifice willingly. If it is the shrewdness of man let the Spirit move and be the very best in that circumstance. If it is to display the character of the eagle then so be it. Whatever it is I know I will accomplish all things through Christ who strengthens me. He gives me of his Spirit to do what is necessary in the circumstance. ~(dkp)~
In Uniformity there is competition. In Unity there is Harmony and Love in every action. There is no Superiority, but all is the Same Spirit in Different Gifts to maintain the Function of the Lord's Body. In Unity there are no mistakes; no faults to find. It is perfection in every Part of it. ~(Louie Villamor)~
THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_60-1204 228 The Holy Ghost separated Itself on the day of Pentecost: God separating Himself, "That day you'll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." That day, the Holy Spirit over all, in all, through all... Amen. There it is. The Holy Spirit has a right to move anywhere that He wants to, upon anybody He wants to. You don't have to take what some bishop or some priest says. He's our only Priest (It's right.), a High Priest. Now: Prophet, Priest, and King...
THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_60-1204 296 He made Hisself a body, lived in it to produce His own Blood, not through sexual like it was in the garden of Eden, but produce a creative body. And through that virgin born body, He gave a Blood that sanctified us and loosed us from our unbelief to believe on Him. Then when we do that, we receive Him into our heart, and that's God in us: God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (See?), just as Prophet, Priest, and King. That's the same thing.
301 God reaches down in this Book and takes the veil off, said, "There He is: Prophet, Priest, King, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, He that was, which is, and shall come, all of these things. It is God."
THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_60-1204M 251 That's it. He's one God, not three gods. He lived in three offices, served three places. He's Prophet, Priest, and King. He's Eagle, Lamb, and Lion. He's the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and Morning Star. He's the Root and Offspring of David. He's from A to Z.
THE.SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE_60-1206 91 The Body of Jesus Christ is not an organization. The Body of Jesus Christ is a mystical Body; it is a Body and a Kingdom that's a spiritual Kingdom that's set upon the earth by Jesus Christ being the King of this Kingdom, the High Priest to offer sacrifices for the wayfaring in this Kingdom. He's the Prophet, the Word that preaches the Truth and brings the Light of God in this Kingdom; and He is both Prophet, Priest, and King in this Kingdom.
JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY. AND.FOREVER_62-0718 E-44 The Word, the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. Now, Deuteronomy 18, Moses, the great prophet, priest, and king, whatever he was, that led Israel, he said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet liken unto me. It shall come to pass that whoever will not hear that prophet shall be cut off."
I KINGS 1:32 And king David said, Call me Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada. And they came before the king. I KINGS 1:33 The king also said unto them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule, and bring him down to Gihon: I KINGS 1:34 And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel: and blow ye with the trumpet, and say, God save king Solomon.
The fullness is on the scene when Prophet – Priest – King are unveiling in a revealing. The fullness is on the scene when Eagle – Lamb – Lion are unveiling in a revealing. The fullness is on the scene when Adam – Jesus – William Branham are unveiling in a revealing. ~(dkp)~
The fullness is on the scene when Eve – Pentecost – Seals are unveiling in a revealing. The fullness is on the scene when the First – Second – Third Testaments are unveiling in a revealing. First Testament = Prophet - Law Second Testament = Priest - Grace Third Testament = King – Love ~(dkp)~
Israel was used of the Lord for revealing his leadership in a man as Prophet, Priest, and King. Israel was disobedient separating out the Priesthood from Moses, their prophet, priest and king. Israel was disobedient separating out the Kingship from Samuel and placing Kingship in Saul, and Priesthood in Eli – they became a Trinitarian nation of falsehood. ~(dkp)~
Our time is not the season for separation. We have separated from unbelief. Our time is the fullness when we are united by the full word of the hour. Unity in the Body; the bond of perfectness. The bondage and barriers of the human mind have been removed. We are walking in the intelligence of Christ.
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