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Joshua and Judges Corresponding to Chapter 9 of Textbook.

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1 Joshua and Judges Corresponding to Chapter 9 of Textbook





6 What is Crossing the River Jordan a type of? – Baptism Why?




10 Tribal Confederacy The Tribal Confederacy was established in the book of Joshua. – This was basically a pact made by the twelve tribes to have their own territory, but they worshipped Yahweh and had political union (much like the EU).

11 What is a judge? – A military-champion or “deliverer”. The textbook describes them as “soldier-prophets” – Unlike kingship, the office of judge was nonhereditary and based on divine charisma (spiritual power). – They generally dealt with internal disagreements within their tribe, but their authority could sometimes be recognized by the entire Tribal Confederacy.

12 Israel falls into sin and idolatry Israel is oppressed Israel cries out to the Lord God raises up a Judge Israel is delivered, serves the Lord, and there is peace until the judge dies Cycle of Sin in Judges

13 “Cycles” Each story in Judges is called a “cycle.” – Ex. – Deborah cycle, Gideon cycle, Samson cycle, etc. Each story fits the cyclical chart shown in the previous slide. – For HW, do the worksheet provided and fill in the chart with verse numbers from the stories provided.

14 Falling into Sin


16 Finding a King Samuel warned the people what they could expect from a king. – 1 Sam 8: 10-20 Taxes Military Service Oppression However, the people still insisted on having a king in order that they may “be like all the nations”, so Samuel agreed to find a king for Israel. – God viewed this as a rejection of Himself as Israel’s king



19 Saul’s Mistakes


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