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Soft Tissue Infections

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1 Soft Tissue Infections
Lawrence L. Lambert Off Shore Paramedic Acadian Integrated Services

2 Staphylococcus Aureus
Commonly called staph Bacteria commonly found on human skin Commonly found Inside the nose Armpit Groin Genital Areas

3 MRSA Methicillin-resistant S. Aureus
Symptoms Reddness Warmth Swelling Tenderness Boils or blisters Often mistaken for spider bites Fever and chills

4 How is MRSA Spread? Close contact with infected persons
Staph can come off skin during skin to to skin contact Staph can come off the skin onto shared objects and surfaces and can get into the skin of another person who uses that object or surface Through the drainage and pus which is very infectious

5 Who is at risk for MRSA Infections?
Those with recurrent skin diseases or open wounds Long term illness Been a patient at a hospital or other health care facility within the past year

6 Who is at risk for MRSA Infections?
Contact with persons with MRSA infections Recent Antibiotic use Live in crowded settings

7 MRSA is diagnosed through a culture being taken and sent to the laboratory

8 How is MRSA treated? Proper wound and skin care using antibiotics
Incision and drainage (I&D) More serious infections may require IV antibiotic treatments

9 How can I protect myself from becoming infected with staph
Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water Keep cuts and abrasions clean and covered with a clean bandage until healed

10 How can I protect myself from becoming infected with staph
Avoid contact with other employee wounds Clean objects and surfaces that are shared with other employees before you use them

11 If I have MRSA or staph how can I keep from spreading it?
Keep infections covered with clean, dry bandages Wash hands after touching exposed skin and bandages Do not share personal items Keep your clothes clean Avoid skin to skin contact with others

12 What should I do if I think I have a staph infection?
Consult your medic immediately Early treatment can help prevent the infection from getting worse Control the spread!!!

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