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International Scientific Cooperation from FP6 to FP7 with a focus on water & agriculture European Commission DG Research International Cooperation

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1 International Scientific Cooperation from FP6 to FP7 with a focus on water & agriculture European Commission DG Research International Cooperation Water Saving in Mediterranean Agriculture & Future Research Needs International Conference, CIHEAM, Mediterranean Institute of Bari, 14-17 February 2007

2 International Scientific Cooperation (before FP6) From 1983 to 2003, more than 8.000 research teams, equally represented by the EU and the INCO target countries, participated in more than 3.000 projects in the agriculture, health and natural resources sectors

3 Outline Projects in FP6 and the path to FP7 FP7: International Cooperation in SP COOPERATION and MPC FP7: International Cooperation in SP CAPACITIES and MPC

4 International cooperation in FP 6 Three major routes for international cooperation in FP6: INCO: Specific measures in support of international cooperation, 315 M€ Opening of the 7 Thematic Areas of FP 6 (on a case by case basis), 285 M€ International mobility of researchers

5 FP6: Estimated Number of Participations of INCO countries in INCO and in Thematic Priorities (opening) 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 300 200 100 0 ACPASIALATIN AMERICAMPCRUSSIA + NISWBC INCOThematic PRIORITIES ACP ASIA LAC MPC RU+NIS WBC INCO THEMATIC PRIORITIES INCO

6 International cooperation in FP 6 SSA and CA on water in agriculture in INCO with MPC MED-7: «Thematic Workshops for the definition of the Science and Technology Euro-Mediterranean Policy within FP7» SOWAMED: « Network for the exchange of methodologies and expertise on sustainable water management and land husbandry in the Mediterranean » SWAP: « Mediterranean dialogue on framing sustainability in water policy evaluation » WEMED: « Evaluation of WUE indicators in the Mediterranean Region » WUEMED: « Improving WUE in Mediterranean agriculture: what limits the adoption of new technologies? » MELIA: « Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management » NOSTRUM-DSS: « Network on governance, Science and Technology for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean »

7 International cooperation in FP 6 STREP on water in agriculture in INCO with MPC DIMAS: « Deficit Irrigation for Mediterranean Agricultural Systems » QUALIWATER: « Diagnosis and Control of Salinity and Nitrate Pollution in Mediterranean Irrigated Agriculture » WatNitMed: « Management improvements of water and nitrogen use efficiency of Mediterranean strategic crops (Wheat and Barley) » GEWAMED: « Mainstreaming gender dimensions into water resources development and management in the Mediterranean region » SHADUF: « Traditional Water Techniques : Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future »

8 International cooperation in FP 6 Projects on water in agriculture in Thematic Area: Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems with MPC ALERT: « Sustainable Management of Water Resources by Automated Real-Time Monitoring » Morocco and Tunisia AQUASTRESS: « Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments » Morocco and Tunisia FLOW-Aid: «Farm Level Optimal Water Management: Assistant for Irrigation under Deficit » Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon PLEIADES: « Participatory multi-Level EO-assisted tools for Irrigation water management and Agricultural Decision-Support » Malta, Morocco, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Peru

9 International cooperation in FP 6 Projects on agriculture in the Thematic Area: Food Quality and Safety with MPC MEDA GO TO EUROPE: SSA « Enhancing the participation of Mediterranean countries in the area of Food Quality and Safety in FP7 » Turkey, Morocco (2), Tunisia (2), Egypt (2), Lebanon, Algeria EUROMED CITRUSNET: SSA «Safe and High Quality Supply Chains and Networks for the Citrus Industry between Mediterranean Partner Countries and Europe » Turkey, Morocco (2), Egypt IRRIQUAL: STREP « Sustainable orchard irrigation for improving fruit quality and safety » Morocco (2), Lebanon (2) MEDFROL: STREP «Market and Trade Policies for Mediterranean Agriculture: the case of fruit/vegetable and olive oil » Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia BIOEXPLOIT: IP «Exploitation of natural plant biodiversity for the pesticide-free production of food » Israel (2) and Mexico GL-PRO: IP « European extension network for the development of grain legume production in the European Union” » Israel

10 Outline Projects in FP6 and the path to FP7 FP7: International Cooperation in SP COOPERATION and MPC FP7: International Cooperation in SP CAPACITIES and MPC

11 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

12 FP7 Cooperation: novelties FP7 topics should integrate when relevant: Emerging needs, unforeseen policy needs/Policy relevance Dissemination activities International cooperation Opening of all activities to international cooperation min 3 MS (AS) participants SICA Specific International Cooperation Actions min 2 ICPC + 2 MS (AS) participants SME participation Cross thematic topics Coordination of national programmes ERA-NET, Art. 169 can be part of the Themes

13 International Cooperation: Third Countries 1- Associated countries 2- Industrialised countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia….) 3- International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC):  Countries neighbouring the EU (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Western Balkans, Eastern European and Central Asian Countries)  Developing countries (ACP, ASIA, Latin America)  Emerging economies (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa)

14 FP7 2007-2013 SP Cooperation Themes M € * Not including non-nuclear activities of the Joint Research Centre: €1 751 million 1. Health 6 100 2. Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology 1 935 3. Information and communication technologies 9 050 4. Nanotechnologies, materials and production 3 475 5. Energy 2 350 6. Environment 1 890 7. Transport 4 160 8. Socioeconomic research 623 9. Space 1 430 10. Security 1 400 Total 32 413

15 Theme 2: Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnologies Calls in Activity 1 KBBE-2007-1- x « Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments » Call deadline: 02/05/07

16 KBBE-2007-1-2-01.“Annual Food crops with improved tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses” (Small collaborative project) SICA Support the development of “climate proof” food crops that better utilise agricultural areas affected by erratic rainfalls, drought and other associated stresses in the Mediterranean region The long-term aim will be the stabilisation of yield capacity in cultivars adapted to combinations of abiotic stresses Holistic approach: integrating research Agricultural systems Husbandry practices Plant breeding technologies Address socio-economic aspects

17 KBBE-2007-1-4-03. “The farm of tomorrow ” (Small collaborative project) Taking account of Europe’s ecological and cultural diversity, build new models of farm material flow management Energy efficient cultivation with light machinery, precision farming, and robotics, considering special requirements for high value markets, such as organic agriculture/livestock production Integrated technologies and ICT tools are needed to make cost efficient compliance with standards (public and private) an integral part of farm operations The multifunctional European farming model delivering public goods needs research support to integrate, assess and quantify these services and linkage to the rural economy

18 KBBE-2007-1-2-07. “Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean ” (ERANET- Coordination and support action) Mediterranean basin: similar problems in relation to agriculture (use and management of natural resources: soil and water, crop protection) and security and sustainability of agricultural production resulting from climate change. These issues need to be identified and addressed through a stronger scientific cooperation between the EU Members and other countries of the Mediterranean area IMPACT: This project is expected to help coordinate national research activities and identify common research programmes among the countries of the Mediterranean area, fight fragmentation and exploit synergies Call deadline: 31/07/07

19 Theme 6: Environment Calls in Activity 1 ENV-2007-1- x « Climate change, pollution and risks » Calls in Activity 2 ENV-2007-2- x « Sustainable management of resources » Call deadline: 02/05/07

20 ENV.200-1-1-5-1.“Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in water policies” (Coordination and Support Action, CSA) Study European and international adaptation measures and strategies related to climate change impacts and how these are taken into account in water policies (Policy relevant topic) Bring together scientific &policy experiences on the existing and/or missing links between climate change & water management It will contribute to: –identification of research needs on climate change impacts on water cycle and resources –development and application of methodologies for adaptation measures to climate change –development of scenarios of water demand –potential implementation on water policies

21 ENV.2007. “Temporary water bodies management” Collaborative Project (small or medium scale project) Their spatial extent and their temporal dynamics in semi-arid (Mediterranean) and arid climatic/hydrologic conditions Assessment of the role of temporary (ephemeral) water bodies in the dynamics of nutrients, toxic substances and organic matter Assessment and management of flood risk for temporary (ephemeral) water bodies The participation of Mediterranean Partner countries is encouraged

22 Outline Projects in FP6 and the path to FP7 FP7: International Cooperation in SP COOPERATION and MPC FP7: International Cooperation in SP CAPACITIES and MPC

23 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

24 CAPACITIES – the vehicle for this coordination Coordination of the international cooperation actions under the different programmes and across Themes Aim : To strengthen overall coordination to ensure a coherent approach and develop synergies with other Community policies (RELEX, DEV, Trade, ENV…) CAPACITIES – International Cooperation

25 Work Programme 2007-2008, 3 activities are proposed: Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Bilateral S&T Cooperation Partnerships SP CAPACITIES - International Cooperation

26 Bi-regional Coordination of S&T cooperation (INCO-NET): INCO-NETs are platforms bringing together policy makers and stakeholders of one target region/country with the EU to: Area MPC FP7-INCO-2007- 1.2 based on existing bi-regional structures (eg MoCo)  Establish a dialogue to identify S&T priorities for mutual benefit and interest and define cooperation policy orientations  Implement specific activities to promote and contribute to the participation of the targeted regions/countries in the Framework Programme CAPACITIES - International Cooperation

27 INCO-NET: Implementation activities  Developing, promoting, organising and structuring the participation of third countries in FP  Setting regional networks/fora with all relevant stakeholders  Training, awareness actions and dissemination activities  Evaluation and monitoring of ongoing cooperation activities CAPACITIES - International Cooperation

28 INCO-NET Implementation Call identifier: FP7-INCO-2007-1 Call publication date: 22/12/06 closure date: 02/05/07 Indicative budget: 17 M€ (2007) Regions: WBC, MPC, EECA, LAM, ACP, ASIA Funding scheme: Coordination and support action, CA, 3M€ for 4 y Eligibility criteria: min 3 participants from MS or AS Evaluation procedure: One step evaluation (no remote phase) The participation of legal entities located in the targeted region is essential for the success of the INCO-NET

29 SP CAPACITIES International Cooperation Trans-national co-operation among NCPs Call identifier: FP7-INCO-2007- 4 Date of publication: 22/12/2006 Closure date: 2/05/2007 Indicative budget: 0.37 M€ (2007) Funding Schemes: Coordination and Support Action (supporting) Reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP) under the activities of International Cooperation by promoting trans-national cooperation. The action may also involve official FP7 contacts from the international cooperation partner countries “NIP”

30 Further information EU research: 7th Framework Programme: Information on research programmes and projects: INCO portal International Scientific Cooperation Policy: Information requests:

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