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The Digestive System a By: Sabrina Perna.  The Digestive System  The Mouth  The Pharynx and The Esophagus  The Stomach  The Small Intestine  The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System a By: Sabrina Perna.  The Digestive System  The Mouth  The Pharynx and The Esophagus  The Stomach  The Small Intestine  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System a By: Sabrina Perna

2  The Digestive System  The Mouth  The Pharynx and The Esophagus  The Stomach  The Small Intestine  The Large Intestine  The Rectum and Anus  The Pancreas  The Liver  The Gallbladder  The GERD disease  Fun Facts  Bibliography Outline:

3  Digestive System: the breaking down of food you eat into smaller parts.  This food turns into energy your body needs.  No food > No energy > Weak > Sick > DIE.  All the organs are joined by the digestive tract.  The tract is made up of muscles that help food move along it.  This process doesn’t stop while you are living The Digestive System

4  The Mouth: the mouth is the first organ that breaks food into smaller pieces by chewing it.  Saliva mixes with the food to make it softer so the body can absorb it later.  Most known tissues included in the mouth are: -Teeth -Salivary Glands -Tongue - Gums Cells: -Epithelial Cells -Stem Cells The Mouth

5  The pharynx is the throat which is a passageway for food and air.  After that, the chewed food goes down the esophagus, all the way to the stomach.  Peristalsis are muscle contractions that force food to go down.  Mucosa is a layer of muscle that lines the esophagus.  The Squamous Epithelium is the inner wall of the esophagus.  Squamous cells are found in the esophagus. The Pharynx and The Esophagus

6  The stomach secretes acids and enzymes which mixes and grinds the food.  The food keeps breaking into smaller and smaller pieces until it turns to liquid or paste.  The stomach has 4 types of tissues: -Epithelial: covers and lines the organ -Connective: connects, binds, separates or support organs -Nervous: composed of nerve cells -Muscle: controls movement of food. The Stomach

7  The small intestine keeps breaking down the food with enzymes and absorbs nutrients.  It is made up of 3 parts: -The duodenum: continues the process -The jejunum: absorbs nutrients -The ileum: also absorbs nutrients.  The small intestine’s inner wall is covered with villi, finger like structures that also absorb nutrients.  Cells: -Goblet cells -Endocrine cells -Exocrine cells -Absorptive cells The Small Intestine

8  The large intestine removes water from the undigested matter and form solid waste that can be excreted.  It is made up of different sections: -The cecum -The ascending colon -The transverse colon -The descending colon -The sigmoid colon  Cells: Goblet Cells The Large Intestine

9  The rectum is where the waste is hold until they leave the system.  The anus is the opening of the rectum and this is where waste leaves through.  When the waste is going to be released, the sphincters (muscle) relax and the rectum contracts, releasing the waste through the anus.  Internal Anal Sphincters keeps us from going to the bathroom when we are asleep.  External Anal Sphincters holds the waste until we get find a bathroom Rectum and Anus

10  The pancreas secrete enzymes that help digest proteins, fat, and carbohydrates.  This enzymes are send to the duodenum in the small intestine by ducts (channels).  Cells: -Red Blood Cells -Endocrine Cells -Duct Cells -Delta Cells The Pancreas

11  The liver makes and secrets bile.  It also purifies blood that comes from the small intestine holding nutrients just absorbed.  Bile helps the body absorb fat.  Bile also travels to the small intestine by ducts.  Cells: -Epithelial Cells The Liver

12  The gallbladder stores bile that the small intestine doesn’t need.  When you eat, the gallbladder contracts and sends the bile to the small intestine.  Cells: -Squamous Cells -Epithelial Cells The Gallblader

13  The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)  It is a disease when the esophageal sphincter ( a muscle that connects the esophagus and the stomach) allows acidic contents of the stomach to move back up into the esophagus.  Causes: acid reflux or getting bile into the esophagus.  Symptoms: burning chest pain, vomiting, and coughing.  Treatment: diet changes, medications, drugs and surgery if necessary.  It can be cured, but it can come back. The GERD Disease

14  The small intestine is actually larger than the large intestine, it is about 20 feet long!  You can live without an appendix.  Food can stay in your stomach for 2 to 3 hours  The stomach can hold 1 liter of food.  You can swallow upside down because the muscles in your esophagus are strong enough to move the food.  This process takes a couple of days but it keeps on going. Fun Facts

15     m.html# m.html#   The Digestive System. By: Christine Taylor-Butler Bibliography

16 Thank You!

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