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Coopérative Maroc Solidaire Training & Certification (CoMaSec) “An original idea serving the SMD Region”

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1 Coopérative Maroc Solidaire Training & Certification (CoMaSec) “An original idea serving the SMD Region”

2 Background The Souss Massa Draâ region is the source of a great wealth of local produce (saffron, argan oil, roses, almonds, honey, prickly pear, olive oil…), making it one of the foremost producers of these commodities in Morocco.

3 A university open to its environment A teacher at Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Mrs Salma DAOUD, has taken the initiative of instituting a vocational training course which responds to the needs of the region.

4 The idea was born in 2007 at the Science Faculty in Agadir: to create a new occupation which would met the needs of the region by providing technical training for local development.

5 Objective of the vocational training; development of local produce The objective of this training is to create outlets for students capable of launching innovative projects in each local area (students with a strong desire to play an active part in developing the local produce sector), by creating a profitable, sustainable and properly regulated socio- economic enterprise, in a spirit of cooperative teamwork.

6 Why a cooperative venture?

7 Because of the lack of proper training observed during visits to the area, and because of the many problems to which this gives rise (corruption; exploitation of the mainly female workforce; lack of professionalism and training, resulting in non-compliance with accounting principles and H&S regulations, failure to realise full potential, marketing problems…)

8 The students working for the “development of local produce” diploma wanted to set an example by acting as a driving force in regional development. Their idea was to establish a services cooperative to provide training and certification, which would respect the values of ethical conduct, fairness and solidarity as they relate to sustainable development.

9 The reality Thinking about it, we have become aware of the importance of serious intervention to assist professional organisations which, despite State efforts and State aid (support for start-ups, in some cases 100% funding of projects), fail to achieve the results expected of them in terms of marketing their products, on the one hand, and economic and social spin-off, on the other.

10 The team To tackle the wide range of problems involved, CoMaSec consists of a multi-disciplinary team: agronomists, biologists, sociologists, legal experts and economists, all determined to make a success of this new model of socially responsible enterprise, established to serve struggling areas, with a view to making the best possible use of their undervalued assets.

11 Objectives  To provide services to cooperatives and State organisations.  To generate socio-economic activity.  To provide social-enterprise certification for professional organisations.  To provide training and supervision for professional organisations.  To produce technical kits in a framework of partnership.  To sub-contract training and management projects.

12 Missions  Surveys, training, support and consultancy  Labelling, certification, quality control  Supporting the creation of solidarity-economy organisations/enterprises  Organising forums, seminars (events management)  R & D (coordination)

13 Visions  Promoting the social and solidarity economy and a sustainable form of development which makes high-quality products/services available to local people.  Creating a sustainable development dynamic through promotion, certification and supervision, resulting in accessible products which attract attention (act as a beacon).  Respect for the values of the social and solidarity economy and of sustainable development.

14 Customers Moroccan - International Cooperatives Set up to produce local products OCE Marketing and Exports Office Maroc Taswiq OCE’s marketing brand INDH/NIHD National Initiative for Human Development Maroc Solidaire (REMES) Registered label guaranteeing quality of local products Partnerships - REMESS - SMD REGION - IBN ZOHR University MOROC CO CoMaSEC Coopérative Maroc Solidaire training & certification

15 Experience Territorial diagnoses: 1. Aït Baha District, from 07 to 11 March 2011. 2. Tafraout District, from 21 to 26 April 2012. Activities and tasks performed  Interpretation of the landscape of the area under study  Small-group surveys of local operators  Discussion of prospects and scenarios for local development  Feedback to local operators (population, authorities)

16 Future prospects -CoMaSec is also considering creating a “Maroc Solidaire” brand to standardise the labelling arrangements and legibility/visibility of products sold under the Maroc Taswiq umbrella. -CoMaSec is also intending to use its resources and experience to take part in establishing projects connected with eco-tourism and geo-tourism.

17 A services cooperative, driving force in sustainable development CoMaSec

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