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John Baumgardner Logos Research Associates Recent Discoveries in Human Genetics Affirm Genesis 1-11 as Authentic History.

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Presentation on theme: "John Baumgardner Logos Research Associates Recent Discoveries in Human Genetics Affirm Genesis 1-11 as Authentic History."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Baumgardner Logos Research Associates Recent Discoveries in Human Genetics Affirm Genesis 1-11 as Authentic History


3 For the past 200 years Satan has been directing a massive campaign to rewrite the physical history of the earth in the minds of the human race.

4 Just what is the Bible’s account of human history ?



7 Discovery from human mitochondrial DNA: We all share a common female ancestor who lived only about 200 generations ago !

8 Cutaway view of a mitochondrion.

9 Mitochondrial DNA Layout of gene coding regions around DNA loop There are 16,569 DNA base pairs in the mitochondrial genome.

10 We inherit all our mtDNA through our mothers.

11 The key findings relative to human mtDNA  Small amount of observed variation Today, on average, our mtDNA differs from the consensus sequence at only 22 out of 16569 locations.  High observed mtDNA mutation rate 0.05 -0.10 mutations/generation —this measured implies at most about 200 generations of humans since creation !

12 Eve’s Actual Mitochondrial DNA Sequence!

13 Carter, R.W., Mitochondrial diversity within modern human populations, Nucleic Acids Res. 35(9):3039–3045, 2007. Carter, R.W., The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve! Refuting errors by Francis Collins and BioLogos, August 20, 2011,

14 Moreover, there appear to be three main mtDNA lineages within the people groups around the world.

15 Three main mitochondrial DNA lineages: M, N, R M and N are separated by only 8 mutations and R and N by only one.

16 Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth... These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated. Genesis 9:18-19

17 According to this text, everyone alive today has a maternal ancestry that traces back to one of the wives of Ham, Shem, and Japheth. It is therefore not surprising that we should find three main mtDNA lineages.

18 Another major finding: mtDNA lineages reveal a recent dispersal of the entire human family out of the Middle East—consistent with the Tower of Babel being a genuine historical event.

19 mtDMA comparisons show the entire human family dispersed from the Middle East recently. from National Geographic, June 2003

20 How did human ethnic differences arise? Scripture provides the answer !

21 What does genetic diversity reduction look like?

22 The high level of ethnic diversity within the human race today testifies to a division of an ancestral human population into many small groups that remained largely in isolation from one another over many generations, just as the Biblical account reveals. This pattern is also apparent in the mtDNA lineages. Moreover, the Babel account likewise provides an explanation for the amazing number of distinct human languages. It is not easy to find a plausible alternative.

23 Another major finding: Very little variation exists in the human Y-chromosome across the human race. The evidence indicates that we all descend from a single man who lived recently, known as ‘Y-chromosomal Adam’.

24 Y-Chromosomal Adam  Note: Only guys carry the Y chromosome.  Studies show that Y chromosomes in the human race today trace from a single man.  The fact that there is so genetic little variation indicates this man lived in the recent past.  We will likely soon know his exact Y- sequence.

25 Another major finding: Human/chimp genomes are profoundly different.


27 blown to pieces” “ blown to pieces” According to evolution thinking, chimps are our closest living relatives. Yet Page’s team found that the chimp Y chromosome has only two-thirds as many distinct genes or gene families as the human Y chromosome and only 47% as many protein-coding elements as humans. Also, more than 30% of the chimp Y chromosome lacks an alignable counterpart on the human Y chromosome and vice versa. Upon seeing these and other stark differences between the respective Y chromosomes, Page, the main author of the paper, says “the relationship between the human and chimp Y chromosomes has been blown to pieces”.

28 Human/chimp genomes are profoundly different. Human/chimp genomes are profoundly different. Only the centromeres align. Most regions can not be aligned at all.

29 Each Pixel is 100 nucleotides (first 1.2 million bases shown). Human vs. Chimp

30 Human/Chimp Y chromosomes are profoundly different. 1.Human chromosome Y is twice the size. 2.The gene counts are radically different. 3.The architectures are radically different. 4.Only 70% agreement in the DNA sequences (where alignable). There is no way to account for so many differences via mutation fixation, even within the evolutionary time scale.

31 Another major finding: The current human mutation rate is huge—at least 100 new mutations, on average, in each child born. This implies the human race is young.

32 With the observed human mutation rate, genetic fitness decreases rapidly.

33 Lifespans of Noah’s descendants

34 Genetic entropy —fitness goes down, not up!

35 An important observation: Initial created diversity in Adam’s genome allows for an incredible amount of genetic diversity in the human race today.

36 Designed Diversity Q: How many chromosome sets in Eden? A: Probably two sets in Adam and the same two sets in Eve. For example: Chromosome 1a : ATCGGCTTCAAATCGAA… Chromosome 1b : ATCGGCTACCAATCGCA…

37 Designed Diversity  There are roughly 10-15 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in humans.  Craig Venter, who was the first to sequence the human genome, found that he has 4 million SNPs.  Adam and Eve were easily sufficiently heterozygous to account for all these SNPs. It requires that at most one out of every 200 (15 million/3 billion) DNA letters need be different on the two pairs of chromosomes.  Designed variation gives instant diversity!

38 Genetic evidence supporting Genesis 1-11 as real history 1.mtDNA points to a recent ‘Mitochondrial Eve’. 2.Three main mtDNA lineages are consistent with all modern humans being descendants of the wives of Ham, Shem, and Japheth. 3.mtDNA lineages and the astonishing level of human ethnic and languge diversity indicates the dispersion from Babel was a real historical event. 4.Y-chromosome data points to a recent ‘Y-chromosomal Adam’. 5.That human/chimp genomes are so profoundly different negates the idea of an evolutionary link to some apelike ancestor. 6.Measured human mutation rate points to a young human race. 7.Most variation in our nuclear DNA can be accounted for as original created variation in Adam/Eve.

39 For more information visit the websites of Answers in Genesis Creation Ministries International Logos Research Associates

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