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Multimedia Thematic Project III CMP 555 University of Phoenix February 24 th, 2006 Ramiro Melero.

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1 Multimedia Thematic Project III CMP 555 University of Phoenix February 24 th, 2006 Ramiro Melero

2 Analyze Learners General characteristics: 21 third grade students Ages: eight to nine years old Three students have learning disabilities One student has motor function problems Two students are high achieving readers 16 are Hispanic, four are Caucasian, and one is half-Asian. Students are generally respectful, with no major behavior problems.

3 Entry Competencies The third grade students have experience and knowledge in: Using a word processor Using KidPix’s illustration tools Identifying facts from a passage Simple keyboarding Using KidPix’s slideshow feature Identifying the nine planets of the solar system

4 Learning Styles Students generally struggle with staying engaged while reading from text. Ten students are below grade level readers, making it difficult for them to read text. They prefer experiments, discussions, and visuals. Most of the class would enjoy using technology as a learning tool. Most of the class enjoys working in groups. Majority of class are visual learners, and would be motivated to present visual demonstrations (dioramas, slideshows, etc.) than give an oral presentation.

5 Objectives Third grade students will list the nine planets of the solar system using paper and pencil, and on KidPix in order with at least 89% accuracy. Third grade students will research for three facts on each planet of the solar system using the Internet, and record them on paper. All three facts should be accurate. Third grade students will identify images of each planet of the solar system using the Internet, and illustrate its colors and physical characteristics accurately, using KidPix’s illustration tools.

6 Methods, Media, and Materials Instructor will review the names of the nine planets of the solar system, and provide visual illustration on white board demonstrating the order of the nine planets from the sun. Instructor will also use a visual poster showing realistic images of the planets in order from the sun. Students will be using the Internet as a research tool, to look for facts and images of the nine planets of the solar system. Mars photo retrieved from:

7 Methods, Media, and Materials The students will be using the websites, and for their research. They will be using the program, KidPix, for their illustrations. They will be using the computer lab of the school, working in groups of two (assigned by the instructor). The computer lab is the only environment where all students can have access to a computer at the same time.

8 Utilize Media and Materials Preview the materials: Instructor will check to see that all computers in the lab are working properly, and that the Internet is accessible. He or she will check for any glitches with the KidPix program. He or she will preview the two websites to make sure they are appropriate for the level of readers in the class.

9 Utilize Media and Materials Preparing the Materials: Instructor will post poster of realistic images of planets in order from the sun for students to view in the lab. In case a site is not working, an alternative site will be made available (such as: Instructor will sign up for at least a one hour time slot for the computer lab. Paper and pencils will be provided to students for their research

10 Utilize Media and Materials Prepare the environment: Each group of two students will each have their own computer to use in the computer lab. The list of websites will be posted on the whiteboard in the computer lab for reference. Students will be required to use only conversational voice tones to keep distractions to a minimum.

11 Utilize Media and Materials Prepare the learners and provide the learning experience: Instructor and students will discuss what they already know about the nine planets of the solar system. Instructor will place students into groups of two. In the computer lab, instructor will provide a quick review of how to visit a website, using the Smartboard. He or she will model how to scan for key facts on a website. Rules on proper computer use and group behavior will be reviewed. He or she will also be available for students who have difficulty in reading the content on a website and/or accessing the websites.

12 Require Learner Participation While reviewing the nine planets of the solar system, students will have an opportunity to discuss what they know. The size of the groups will be two, increasing each students’ workload in each group. Groups will be asked to divide work equally. Instructor will check in with each group to check their status. Instructor will be asking questions of each group to check for understanding and learning. Encouragement will be given to students to motivate them to stay on task.

13 Evaluate and Revise Instructor will check the accuracy of the facts recorded by the students. Instructor will assess the illustrations created of the nine planets, checking for accuracy of color and physical characteristics. With no visual aids, the students will be asked to list the order of the nine planets on paper, as a quiz. Students will be asked to give feedback on the project, using a questionnaire provided by the instructor.

14 Evaluate and Revise (quiz) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Order the nine planets from the sun, from the closest to the farthest.

15 Evaluate and Revise (questionnaire) In the following questionnaire, mark how much you agree with each statement. Be sure to give an honest answer, your grade will not be affected, and you do not have to enter your name. StatementStrongly agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree The Internet helped me learn about the planets. 4 3 2 1 KidPix is a good program to use for illustrating planets. 4 3 2 1 Our group was able to work well together. 4 3 2 1

16 References Mars photograph (2006, January) Retrieved February 25 th, 2006 from the World Wide Web at: s?start=90 s?start=90

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