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Hi-Velocity Tubing Runs. How to get it where you need it! System Installation copyright Mestek, Inc. 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi-Velocity Tubing Runs. How to get it where you need it! System Installation copyright Mestek, Inc. 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi-Velocity Tubing Runs

2 How to get it where you need it! System Installation copyright Mestek, Inc. 2006

3 Restrictors and Balancing: Each 2”run will provide between 1700 - 2000 btu at a run lengths of 10’ – 30’ 3 restrictor sizes 15%, 30% and 50% Living room = 3 full runs Family room = 5 full runs How about the Dining room? Needs two outlets but gain is only 2800 btu. Use 2 30% restrictors on both runs. = 2800 btu Runs must total 19-21 full open for 3642D – 850 CFM to get ESP to 1.2” and 1.5” W.C.

4 Outlet Location ESP-3642 5190 4706 2385 606 3806 5935 2748 9910 > <

5 High Static Plenum Short runs Short runs Long runs Will this pull on fitting?

6 Considerations: Want to keep runs as close as possible to 10 feet in length. full 40 cfm and 2000 btu per outlet makes it much easier to balance….. Generally less $$$ to run supply plenum extra distance than run long 2” runs. Want to “premake” the 2” runs downstairs where it’s nice and cool!!!!

7 Plenum Connection ESP-3642 5190 4706 2385 606 3806 5935 2748 9910 > <

8 Plenum Take Offs

9 Installation Kits

10 Measure supply tubing length,Cut with hacksaw

11 Pull back Mylar & insulation copyright Mestek, Inc. 2004

12 Twist in a kwik connect fitting

13 Tuck insulation under collar

14 Wrap connection with UL listed foil tape

15 Support Takeoff Runs 20 degree down angle minimizes stress Round Duct Round Duct 2” Air Supply Run 2” Air Supply Run

16 Min. Run Length Air supply runs should be a min. of 6’ prior to sound attenuating tubing.

17 Minimum Radius Minimum 4” radius New 90° elbow Fits tight corners Runs down 2x4 wall

18 Quik-Connect

19 Tubing Takeoff Runs Supply connections should be a minimum 24” from the fan coil, and 18” from plenum tees, elbows and a minimum of 8” from other supply runs Minimum 18” 18” 8” Minimum 24”

20 Tubing Takeoff Runs Main Trunk/Plenum – Maximize use of the main trunk line in order to minimize the lengths of 2” duct. It will allow for an easier installation and better performing, balanced system if the 2” duct lines are minimized.

21 2” Supply Tubing 3-ply aluminum Flexible but strong With insulation and vapor barrier R-8, 50’ lengths R-6, 75’ lengths R-4.3, 100’ lengths Reduces waste Speeds installation

22 New R-8” Supply Tubing Meets new codes where R8 is required in uninsulated space 6-1/2” O.D. uncompressed

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