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Planet Notes.

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1 Planet Notes

2 Introduction Our solar system formed from a swirling cloud of gas and dust. The sun -made from the densest matter that became very hot and started to produce its energy by nuclear fusion.

3 Introduction The remaining matter continued swirling around the sun because of the sun’s gravity and eventually clumped together to make solid forms =planets, moon, and other objects of space.

4 The Planets In order from the sun- Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars (inner)
Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune (outer)

5 The Planets Mnemonic Device
A silly sentence to help you remember the order of the planets My Mercury Very Venus Educated Earth Mother Mars Just Jupiter Served Saturn Us Uranus Nachos Neptune

6 INNER PLANETS Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Terrestrial means “Earth-like” All have rocky surfaces like Earth.

7 MERCURY Closest to the Sun. Thin to no atmosphere “planet of extremes”
temps range: -170C to 425C No moons

8 VENUS Earth’s twin Greenhouse effect “Evening star”
Retrograde rotation- spins East to West Carbon dioxide; thick atmosphere No moons

9 EARTH 70% water Atmosphere -mostly Nitrogen Rotates West to East
1 moon 3rd from the sun

10 MARS “Red Planet” Ice Caps Thin atmosphere -mostly Carbon Dioxide
2 moons- Phobos, Deimos Axis is tilted & has seasons like Earth.

11 OUTER PLANETS Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. “Gas giants”
All have gaseous atmospheres/surfaces. Have rings. Some rings are more visible than others.

12 JUPITER Largest of all planets
Has a “Great Red Spot”- storm of swirling high-pressure gas Faint rings. 4 well-known moons- Io, Callisto, Ganymede, Europa

13 SATURN visible rings made of ice, dust, and rock. 2nd largest planet
Less dense than water (would float in water) Largest moon (Titan)- is bigger than Mercury

14 URANUS Methane Atmosphere Bluish in color
Rotates from top to bottom (like a tire) Faint rings that surround the planet vertically (up and down)

15 NEPTUNE Atmosphere has very visible clouds. Has a “great dark spot”
Has Faint rings Last planet 8th from the sun

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