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‘Proper’ interface design: the design process
Three key activities Understand user requirements (various methods) Prototype & build the interface (programming environments software tools) Evaluate & refine (expert reviews, usability testing and experiments) But these may be interwoven through ‘iterative design’
The Traditional Waterfall Model of Systems Design
Requirements Design Implement Test Maintain
The Human Centred Design Cycle
Context: Users, tasks, hardware, software, materials, physical and social environments From: ISO Human Centred Design Process for Interactive Systems (1999) Plan the user-centred process Understand and specify the context of use Evaluate Designs Against User Requirements Specify the user and organisational requirements Produce Design Solutions Meets requirements
Putting them together: user-centred & iterative system design
Iterations Maintain Test Implement Design Requirements Environment USER Computers Task
Different perspectives on design
Social and organisational perspective Draws on sociology and management Focuses on organisational fit, environment, collaboration and legal and ethical issues Design perspective Draws on art and design Considers aesthetic, cultural and marketing aspects of interaction design Individual and cognitive perspective Draws on psychology Focuses on individual capabilities, task performance and dialogue User requirements
Understanding Users From an individual cognitive perspective
From an organisational and social perspective From an art and design perspective
The individual cognitive perspective
Cognitive capabilities Task analysis The Keystroke level model Fitt’s Law
Capabilities of Human Beings - Perception
Cognitive psychology tells us a great deal about how we interpret information from our senses Relevant here is Gestalt Psychology – we use five principles to organise what we see into a meaningful whole Proximity Similarity Symmetry Continuity Closure
What do you see? similarity continuity proximity symmetry closure
Design implications from Gestalt Psychology
Proximity – group related items close together and separate unrelated ones Alignment – place related items along an imaginary line. Align items of equal importance and indent subordinate ones Consistency – make related items look the same Contrast – make unrelated items look different
Human capabilities - memory
Hierarchical model of memory Sensory memory – buffer for sensory data that is mostly thrown away Short term memory – limited amount of information for 30 seconds to two minutes Long-term memory – virtually unlimited, but takes effort Chunking – users can remember seven plus or minus two chunks of information is three chunks It is much easier to recognise information than to recall it Interruptions Resuming a task after an interruption relies in short term memory A delay of more than 8-10 seconds will cause an interruption
Design implications arising from human memory
Minimise load on short term memory by Relying on recognition rather than recall Helping users chunk information Cope with interruptions by Keep delays below the critical threshold Warning users about how long delays will be Providing memory aids to help resume tasks after interruptions
Task Analysis Methods for understanding the fine details of tasks that users carry out with a system Needed for designing and refining interfaces and preparing documentation and training materials Capture task related data Task listings Interrelationships between tasks (sequence/hierarchy) Criticality of tasks Frequency of tasks Difficulty of tasks Pacing of tasks Information/knowledge required for tasks
The process of task analysis
Task elicitation Interviews Direct observation ‘Think aloud’ Task representation Using diagrams, pseudo language, tables etc Feedback and refinement Discuss with users Input to design Discuss with designers and identify specific design consequences
Tasks and subtasks E.g., for an email system .. Send message
Read message Reply to message Forward message Save Message Keep address book Start a new address book Add someone to the address book Change information about someone Remove someone from the address book
Sequence User ‘Fred Bloggs’ User ‘Freda Bloggs’ Write letter
Get envelope Address envelope Put stamp on envelope Put letter in envelope User ‘Freda Bloggs’
GOMS Model human problem solving strategies in terms of a hierarchy of: GOALS - user’s overall goals and memory points OPERATORS – the basic actions that the interface supports (select menu item, press button) METHODS - different routes to achieving a goal SELECTION- rules to say which method a given user will select under particular circumstances
Example 1 1. Borrow a book from the Library Selection rule:
Do 1.2 if the book is not found on the expected shelf 1.1. Go to the Library 1.2. Use catalogue to find book 1.3. Retrieve book from shelf 1.4. Take book to the counter Selection rule Do and if the book is not directly visible on browsing the catalogue listing 1.2.1 Access catalogue 1.2.2 Select search screen Enter search criteria Identify required book Note location
MOVE-MOUSE-TO-WINDOW-HEADER POP-UP-MENU CLICK-OVER-CLOSE-OPTION GOAL: USE-L7-METHOD PRESS-L7-KEY ] User Sam: Rule 1: Use the CLOSE-METHOD unless another rule applies Rule 2: If the application is ‘blocks’ use the L7-METHOD
Other information about tasks
Criticality Difficulty Frequency Prepare food H M Put meal in oven L Select programe M/H Set autosensor Set to defrost Set timer Listen for bell
User and task requirements: cognitive models - keystroke level model
Predict performance times for common operations based on knowledge of human motor system 7 basic operators K - keystroking - actually striking keys B - pressing a mouse button P - pointing, moving the mouse at a target H - homing - switching the hand between mouse and keyboard D - drawing lines using the mouse M - mentally preparing for physical action R - system response (may be ignored)
M-operators in KLM Initiating a task – pause while user considers what should be done Making a strategy decision – which option to take? Remembering something – e.g., a filename Finding something on the screen (here the location is not well known) Verifying that what has been done or is about to be done is correct
Typical KLM times Operator K B P H D M R Remarks Press key
good typist (90 wpm) average typist (40 wpm) non-typist Mouse button press down or up click Point with mouse Specific movement Average movement Home hands to/from keyboard Drawing Mentally prepare Response from system Time (s) 0.12 0.28 1.20 0.10 0.20 Fitts’ law 1.10 0.40 domain dependent measure
Example of KLM Deleting a file from the desktop on a Mac
Method 1: drag to the wastebasket Operator sequence: Initiate the deletion (M) Find the file icon (M) Point to file icon (P) Press and hold mouse button (B) Drag file icon to wastebasket (P) Release mouse button (B) Total predicted time = 2M + 2P + 2B = 4.8 secs
Example of KLM Deleting a file from the desktop on a Mac
Method 2: using an accelerator key Operator sequence: Initiate the deletion (M) Find the file icon (M) Point to the file icon (P) Click – i.e., press and release mouse button (BB) Move hand to keyboard (H) Press ‘Apple’ and ‘Delete’ keys (KK) Move hand back to mouse (H) Total predicted time = 1P + 2B KM +2H = 5.1 seconds
(initial cursor position)
Fitts’ Law Predicts the time taken to move a pointer to hit a target on the screen Movement time = a + b log2 ( distance / size + 1) distance is distance to the target on the screen size is size of the target on the screen a and b are empirically determined constants that differ for different devices – typically 50 and 150 respectively time is in milliseconds D Target X (initial cursor position) S
Design implications Task analysis provides generally useful information to support the design of: Menu structures Groupings of items on the display Short-cuts The need for customisation Error prevention and handling
The Organisational and Social Perspective
Socio-technical methods (e.g., UTMS) Legal and ethical issues Ethnography Participatory Design
Different perspectives on design
Social and organisational perspective Draws on sociology and management Focuses on organisational fit, environment, collaboration and legal and ethical issues Design perspective Draws on art and design Considers aesthetic, cultural and marketing aspects of interaction design Individual and cognitive perspective Draws on psychology Focuses on individual capabilities, task performance and dialogue User requirements
Socio-technical models
Methods that take account of organisational factors Identify the different stakeholders a system Identifies the requirements of each through interviews and structured meetings Benefits from the output: Specification of particular requirements for a product A specification of overall context of use of a product Early understanding of requirements for evaluation/testing Benefits from the process: Helps to ensure a shared view among design team Buy in from stakeholders
User Skills and Task Match (UTSM)
Identify the stakeholders Primary – those who directly use the system Secondary – those who provide input to it or receive output from it Tertiary – those who are otherwise affected by the system Facilitating – those who are involved in development or support
Key questions for each stakeholder
What do they have to achieve? How is success measured? Sources of job satisfaction and stress What knowledge and skills do they have Their attitude to work and computers Frequency and fragmentation of tasks Issues affecting responsibility, security or privacy Physical work conditions
Ethnographic observation
An ethnographer participates, overtly or covertly, in people’s daily lives for an extended period of time, watching what happens, listening to what is said, and asking questions aim to understand the ‘situatedness’ of interaction what actually happens (versus what people say happens) trained observers take notes, collect materials and video they then analyse them used in debriefings and data sessions
Example ethnographic study: Air Traffic Control (Bentey et al, 1992)
“The air traffic control system is (deliberately) organised to minimise explicit coordination and cooperation between controllers. For example, so long as flights are as planned, the handover of a plane from a controller in one sector to a controller in an adjacent sector does not require any communication between them. A task-based systems analysis would therefore fail to reveal the subtle and complex cooperation which is actually going on. This cooperation only became apparent through the ethnographic studies.”
Participatory design Involve users as members of the design team from the start of the process (rather than as experimental subjects of passive participants) Aims to ensure buy-in from users Highly iterative Originated in Scandinavia where it is promoted in law and widely used Less practised elsewhere, perhaps due to cost and ‘power’ issues
Participatory design methods
Brainstorming ideas Rapid and open Non-judgemental – neutral facilitator Some on-the-fly structuring of ideas Role play – designers take on the role of users and vice versa Storyboarding – express the design in cartoon style
Participatory design methods
‘No tech’ prototyping – mocking up the system with pen, paper, cardboard, glue etc ‘Low tech’ prototyping – e.g., storyboarding the outward appearance of a system using common tools (e.g., Powerpoint) Body-storming and wizard-of-oz interfaces Software Prototyping
Which prototyping method?
Location in the design cycle Resources available Costs associated with getting it wrong Cost-benefit comparison of approaches (Hall, 2001) Method Time to construct and evaluate Number and % of major problems revealed Average number of problems revealed/user Cardboard prototype Approx 3 days 14 (67%) 8.5 Software with touch-screen Approx 3 weeks 19 (90%) 13.5
Legal and ethical issues?
Different perspectives on design
Social and organisational perspective Draws on sociology and management Focuses on organisational fit, environment, collaboration and legal and ethical issues Design perspective Draws on art and design Considers aesthetic, cultural and marketing aspects of interaction design Individual and cognitive perspective Draws on psychology Focuses on individual capabilities, task performance and dialogue User requirements
Art and Design Perspective
Aim to understand peoples broader aspirations and values Various techniques from art, design and marketing Emerging directions for interfaces – ambiguous, provocative and reflective
Focus Groups Structured discussion meetings with small groups of people to test attitudes towards particular issues Groups carefully chosen to reflect a broader population Gender, age, income, location Results feedback through briefings and documents, often along with an analysis that proposes key concepts
Cultural Probes “The artist–designer approach is openly subjective, only partly guided by any ‘objective’ problem statement. Thus we were after ‘inspirational data’ with the probes, to stimulate our imaginations rather than define a set of problems. We weren’t trying to reach an objective view of the elders’ needs through the probes, but instead a more impressionistic account of their beliefs and desires, their aesthetic preferences and cultural concerns. Using official-looking questionnaires or formal meetings seemed likely to cast us in the role of doctors, diagnosing user problems and prescribing technological cures.”
Probe pack
Inspires new street furniture
Ambiguous interfaces Ambiguity is traditionally seen as a problem in interface design And yet for hundreds of years artists have deliberately been using ambiguity to provoke and engage audiences and lead them to reflect As a broad guideline, three kinds of ambiguity Ambiguity of information Ambiguity of context Ambiguity of relationship
Ambiguity of Information
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa “sfumato”
Ambiguity of context Marcel DuChamps “Fountain”
Ambiguity of relationship
Van Lieshout’s Bais-ô-Drôme
Ambiguity in systems design?
Mobile phones - connection status and face saving Mobile games – Uncle Roy All Around You Ambiguous information (clues) Ambiguous relationships To the game To remote players To bystanders
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