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♣First planet from the sun. ♣Mercury has no moons. ♣Mercury has no rings. ♣Mercury has 88 days in a year. ♣One day on Mercury is 59 days on Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "♣First planet from the sun. ♣Mercury has no moons. ♣Mercury has no rings. ♣Mercury has 88 days in a year. ♣One day on Mercury is 59 days on Earth."— Presentation transcript:


2 ♣First planet from the sun. ♣Mercury has no moons. ♣Mercury has no rings. ♣Mercury has 88 days in a year. ♣One day on Mercury is 59 days on Earth.

3 ♠Mercury sometimes is brighter than any other star. ♠Its average distance from the sun is 36 million miles. ♠Mercury is an almost airless planet. ♠All the facts about Mercury come from one probe.

4 ♣Second planet from the sun. ♣Venus has no moons. ♣Venus has no rings. ♣One year is 224.7. ♣One day is 243 Earth days.

5 ♥Venus is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon. ♥Because it’s so brilliant, it is sometimes called the Evening Star or the Morning Star. ♥Its average distance from the sun is 68 million miles. ♥Venus is sometimes called earth’s sister. ۫The surface of Venus is incredibly hot as much as 900° F day & night.

6 ♣Third planet from the sun. ♣Earth has 1 moon. ♣Earth has no rings. ♣One year is 365.3. ♣One day is 24 hours.

7 ♦Many years ago people thought Earth was flat. ♦Earth is about 93 million miles from the sun. ♦Earth’s atmosphere is made of gases & bits of dust & water. ♦Earth is like a giant magnet. ♦The lands on earth’s surface are always changing.

8 ♣Fourth planet from the sun. ♣Mars has 2 moons. ♣Mars has no rings. ♣One year has 687 days. ♣One day has 24.5 Earth hours.

9 ☼Mars is more than 140 million miles from the sun. ☼It’s 4,218 miles across. ☼Mars was very hot inside. ☼Mars is a dusty planet. ☼Millions of years ago when it was a young planet it may even have had oceans.

10 ♪Fifth planet from the sun. ♪At least 16 moons. ♪It has 2 rings. ♪One year is 4,280 days. ♪It takes 9.8 hours to spin on its axis.

11 ♣I♣It’s about 480 million miles from the sun. ♣O♣One mystery on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. ♣T♣The temperature here is very cold. ♣T♣The planet is very hot in its center. ♣I♣If you weigh 100lb on Earth you would weigh 264lb on Jupiter.

12 ♫6♫6 th planet from the sun. ♫I♫It has at least 17 moons. ♫I♫It has 8 rings. ♫I♫It takes 12,688.5 days for one year. ♫I♫It takes 10.7 Earth days to spin once on its axis.

13 ♣It’s about 890 million miles from the sun. ♣It takes about thirty years to orbit around the sun. ♣If you could find an ocean large enough Saturn would float on the water. ♣There are so many rings that they look like the grooves in a phonographs record.

14 ☻7 th planet from the sun. ☻It has at least 15 moons. ☻It has 10 rings. ☻It takes 30,660 years to circle the sun. ☻One day is17 hours long.

15 ▲I▲It’s about one & three quarters billion miles from the sun. ▲U▲Uranus lies on its side. ▲T▲Thick blue-green clouds blow across the surface at 200 miles per hour. ▲T▲Temperatures on the top of the clouds are over 350۫° F. ▲A▲Astronomers once thought Uranus had 9 rings but it had 10 rings.

16 ◄8◄8 th planet from the sun. ◄I◄It has 8 moons. ◄I◄It has 4 rings. ◄O◄One year is 59,355 days. ◄O◄One day is 16 hours.

17 ♣It’s about 2.8 billion miles from the sun. ♣South of the Great Dark Spot is a bright white cloud the scientists have nicknamed “Scooter”. ♣The inner two thirds of the planet is 2 mixtures of hydrogen, helium, ammonia, & water. ♣Before Voyager 2, scientist thought it only had 2 moons Triton & Nereid.

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