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Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 6 th April 2008 Part 14: Sexual Equality? 1 Corinthians 11 v 2 – 16.

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Presentation on theme: "Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 6 th April 2008 Part 14: Sexual Equality? 1 Corinthians 11 v 2 – 16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 6 th April 2008 Part 14: Sexual Equality? 1 Corinthians 11 v 2 – 16

2 Sexual Equality? Is this passage relevant today?

3 Sexual Equality? Equal in status and value Different / complementary in role Male and female: “Male and female he created them” Genesis 1 v 27

4 Sexual Equality? 1.Background principles 2.Historical application 3.Cultural context 4.Spiritual principles 5.Application

5 Sexual Equality? Background principles 1. Scripture comes from God 2. Some scripture is hard to understand 3. Paul is not a sexist 4. He is correcting a church with big problems 5. No one has the perfect grasp of this passage 6. Some parts of the bible are cultural 7. The underlying spiritual principles remain 8. The bible is counter cultural

6 Sexual Equality? Historical application 1.A Strict-Brethren application 2.A Salvation Army application 3.A traditional UK church application 4.A modern UK evangelical church application 5.An emerging church application 6.My worst (or best!) experience

7 Sexual Equality? The cultural context

8 Sexual Equality? Three spiritual principles: 1.There is a God given order of headship and authority 2.A man’s character is reflected in his wife 3.Male and female are co-dependent

9 Sexual Equality? Application Spiritual principle 1: Headship, authority, submission

10 Sexual Equality? Spiritual principle 2: Your wife – your glory! Application

11 Sexual Equality? Spiritual principle 3: Co-dependency Application

12 Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 6 th April 2008 Part 14: Sexual Equality? 1 Corinthians 11 v 2 – 16

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