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A Cultural Understanding Class Model for Underachievers in Elementary English Hyeyoung Joo Sangdong Elementary school in Bucheon.

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Presentation on theme: "A Cultural Understanding Class Model for Underachievers in Elementary English Hyeyoung Joo Sangdong Elementary school in Bucheon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cultural Understanding Class Model for Underachievers in Elementary English Hyeyoung Joo Sangdong Elementary school in Bucheon

2 The Purpose of this study – to develop a class model for underachievers in Elementary English Main idea - using cultural content in teaching English to bring out underachiever’s interest in studying English 1

3 2

4 10 students with limited conditions 3

5 Underachiever in Elementary English 1. The achievement viewpoint, -the student who can't successfully accomplish a learning task(Park, 1984). 2. The personal factor viewpoint, -the student has internal defects like impaired brain development or birth defects(Strauss & Lehtinen, 1974). The national scholastic aptitude exam is a discriminatory evaluation tool. Based on the results, students who fail to meet the basic standard are referred to as underachievers. 4

6 Features of Underachievers A. Intellectual Properties Lack of language ability, perception ability, me mory, and logical thinking skills B. Affective Properties Lack of attention, self confidence, learning mo tivation, and learning interests 5

7 The Reality of Underachievers The percentage of lower basic level students (from Korean Institute for curriculum and Evaluation, 2010) 6

8 The Reality of Special Teaching for U nderachievers The percentage of special teaching for underachievers (from Korean Institute for curriculum and Evaluation, 2011) 7

9 "What makes teaching underachievers so hard?" Middle and High school teachers - heavy workload - a shortage of time to teach(tight curriculum) Elementary school teachers - lack of students' motivation (The survey of the Korean Institute for curriculum and Evaluation, 2011) 8

10 The present way & New approaches The present way Main purpose is to raise their grade in the short run. Main activity is practicing problem solving (The result from survey of 10 English teachers who are teaching u nderachievers in 2012: Dong-il Kim, 1999 ) New approaches for teaching underachievers Variety of teaching methods Draw out their interests and motivate them Offer meaningful contextual situations Activity centered(Games) teaching 9

11 The interview of one student 10

12 Teaching language vs. Teaching culture Culture is essential to the teaching of a language. 'It is virtually impossible to teach a language without teaching cultural content'(Valdes, 1986) 'Culture is necessary because it is really an integral part of the interaction between language and thought. Cultural patterns, customs, and ways of life are expressed in language'(Brown, 2001) 11

13 The Goal of Teaching Culture Byram(1998) - knowing about another culture and accepting anoth er culture(Biculturalism/Interculturalism) Kramsch(1993) - a 'sphere of interculturality' and teaching cultural dif ferences. - The goal of teaching culture should not be for s tudents to accept the standards of inner circle co untries, but to recognize how particular pragmati c differences might affect their own cross-cultura l encounters. 12

14 What kind of cultural content? Cortazzi and Jin(1999)- three types of cultural information : 1. source culture materials 2. target culture materials 3. international target culture materials 13

15 Cultural content can drag out student’s interest? Richards(1995)- Students wanted to deal with cu ltural content and learn about the target culture. (mostly school life, food, music...) Teaching culture motivates students' language st udying. 14

16 Theoretical Background

17 Experiential Cultural Teaching Model 15

18 Greetings Countries Food weather and clothing children's games houses and buildings Birthday etiquette different gestures breaking down the stereotypes Cultural Theme 16

19 Cultural Understanding Syllabus 17

20 Self cultural understanding model(Type A) 18

21 Topic: Children’s Game(Type A) 19

22 Intercultural understanding model (Type B) 20

23 Topic: Birthday(Type B) 21

24 22

25 23

26 Filed trip 24

27 25

28 30

29 Are you sure that they are underachievers? 31

30 The Findings from the Study

31 English achivement & Cultural understanding 1. English achievement 2. Cultural Understanding Increasing their willingness to have contact with other cultures 32

32 33 문화이해도 설문지 예시

33 Strategy for Leaning vocabulary or Memory 어휘의 암기와 읽기를 위한 학습자 나름의 전략을 구사 ‘smell’-‘wrote “ 냄새킁킁 스멜스멜 ” ‘shake’-Wrote Korean alphabet ‘ 쉐이크 ’ Wrote the phonics in Korean alphabet Under the sentence 34

34 Writing 25

35 3. Affective domains 26

36 Conclusion 1.Motivating strategies are needed. 2. The specially designed English class is also essential. 3.More encouraging and interest activating mat erials need on a nationwide level. 27

37 Episode 28

38 Discussions 1.What are some solutions for underachievers i n English? 2. What are some ideas for motivating underachi eving students to learn English? 3. Are there any ideas for encouraging underach iever's participation in the regular class? 29

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