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Published byAlexis Edwards Modified over 9 years ago
NCQA Standards Workshop Patient-Centered Medical Home PCMH 2011
Part 2: Standards 4 - 6
Documentation examples* Survey processes
Agenda: Part 2 Content of PCMH 2011 Standards 4 – 6 Documentation examples* Survey processes Upgrades, Renewals, Add-on Surveys Multi-site requirements * Examples in the presentation only illustrate the element intent. They are NOT definitive nor the only methods of documenting how the elements may be met. 2
PCMH 2011 Content and Scoring
PCMH1: Enhance Access and Continuity Access During Office Hours** After-Hours Access Electronic Access Continuity Medical Home Responsibilities Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Practice Team Pts 4 2 20 PCMH2: Identify and Manage Patient Populations Patient Information Clinical Data Comprehensive Health Assessment Use Data for Population Management** 3 5 16 PCMH3: Plan and Manage Care Implement Evidence-Based Guidelines Identify High-Risk Patients Care Management** Manage Medications Use Electronic Prescribing 17 PCMH4: Provide Self-Care Support and Community Resources Support Self-Care Process** Provide Referrals to Community Resources Pts 6 3 9 PCMH5: Track and Coordinate Care Test Tracking and Follow-Up Referral Tracking and Follow-Up** Coordinate with Facilities/Care Transitions 18 PCMH6: Measure and Improve Performance Measure Performance Measure Patient/Family Experience Implement Continuously Quality Improvement** Demonstrate Continuous Quality Improvement Report Performance Report Data Externally 4 2 20 **Must Pass Elements 3
PCMH 4: Provide Self-Care Support and Community Resources
Meaningful Use Criteria Use EHR to identify patients who need education resources Intent of Standard Practice provides self-care tools and support to patients Practice identifies and refers patients to community resources
PCMH 4: Provide Self-Care Support and Community Resources
Elements PCMH4A: Support Self-Care Process – MUST PASS PCMH4B: Provide Referrals to Community Resources Find new pics
PCMH4A: Support Self-Care Process
Practice conducts activities to support patients in self-management: Provides education resources or refers at least 50% of patients to educational resources Uses EHR to identify education resources and provide them to 10% of patients** Collaborates with at least 50% of patients to develop and document self-management plans and goals-CRITICAL FACTOR Documents self-management abilities for at least 50% of patients Provides self-management result recording tools to at least 50% of patients Counsels at least 50% of patients on adopting health lifestyles ** Menu Meaningful Use Requirement
PCMH 4A: Scoring and Documentation
MUST PASS 6 Points Scoring 5-6 factors (including factor 3)= 100% 4 factors (including factor 3)= 75% 3 factors (including factor 3)= 50% 1-2 factors= 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Report from electronic system or submission of Record Review Workbook
PCMH 4A: Example Support Self-Care Process
Response Options Yes No Not Used
PCMH 4B: Provide Referrals to Community Resources
Practice supports patients who need access to community resources: Maintains current resource list covering five (5) community service areas (e.g. smoking cessation, weight loss, parenting, dental, transportation, fall prevention, meal support) Tracks referrals provided to patients Arranges for or provides treatment for mental health/substance abuse disorders Offers opportunities for health education and peer support
PCMH 4B: Scoring and Documentation
3 Points Scoring 4 factors = 100% 3 factors = 75% 2 factors = 50% 1 factor = 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: List of community services or agencies Referral log or report covering at least one month Processes to provide/arrange for mental health/substance abuse treatment and health education support
PCMH 5: Track and Coordinate Care
Meaningful Use Criteria Incorporate clinical lab test results into the medical record Electronically exchange of clinical information with other clinicians and facilities Provide electronic summary of care record for referrals and care transitions Intent of Standard Track and follow-up on lab and imaging results Track and follow-up on referrals Coordinates care received at hospitals and other facilities
PCMH 5: Track and Coordinate Care
Elements PCMH5A: Test Tracking and Follow-Up PCMH5B: Referral Tracking and Follow-Up – MUST PASS PCMH5C: Coordinate with Facilities and Care Transitions Find new pics
PCMH 5A: Test Tracking and Follow-Up
Practice has documented process for and demonstrates: Tracks lab tests and flags and follows-up on overdue results – CRITICAL FACTOR Tracks imaging tests and flags and follows-up on overdue results – CRITICAL FACTOR Flags abnormal lab results Flags abnormal imaging results Notifies patients of normal and abnormal lab/imaging results Follows up on newborn screening (NA for adults) Electronically order and retrieve lab tests and results Electronically order and retrieve imaging tests and results Electronically incorporates at least 40% of lab results in records** Electronically incorporate imaging test results into records **Menu Meaningful Use Requirement
PCMH 5A: Scoring and Documentation
6 Points Scoring 8-10 factors (including factors 1 and 2) = 100% 6-7 factors (including factors 1 and 2) = 75% 4-5 factors (including factors 1 and 2) = 50% Fewer than 3 factors = 0% Data Sources: Process or procedure for staff and an example of how factors 1-6 are met Electronic system examples for factors 7-10
PCMH 5A: Example Test Tracking Log
DATA COLLECTED Patient name DOB Provider Order date Test ordered Urgency Date results received Results normal/abnormal Date results to provider Date results to patient Factors 1 (no flagging), 3 (no flagging), 5 (only lab)
PCMH 5A: Example Electronic Test Tracking
All lab and imaging tests are tracked until results are available Overdue results are flagged Abnormal results are flagged Practice tracks: Date ordered Overdue Abnormal Priority Patient name Provider Order description Last appointment Next appointment Factor 1, 2, 3, 4, I would like to see us blind MD names.
PCMH 5A: Example Notifies Patient of Abnormal Results
Factor 5
PCMH 5A: Example EHR Order Screens
Laboratory Test Order Screen Radiology Test Order Screen Factor 7, 8 (but show ordering, not retrieving)
PCMH 5B: Referral Tracking & Follow-Up
Practice coordinates referrals: Provides specialist with reason and key information for the referral Tracks referral status Follows up to obtain specialist reports Has agreements with specialists documented in the record Asks patients about self-referrals and requests specialist reports Demonstrates electronic exchange of key clinical information* Provides electronic summary of care for more than 50% of referrals** * Core Meaningful Use Requirement **Menu Meaningful Use Requirement
PCMH 5B: Scoring and Documentation
MUST PASS 6 Points Scoring 5-7 factors= 100% 4 factors = 75% 3 factors = 50% 1-2 factors= 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports or logs demonstrating tracking system data collection Documented processes with three examples Reports from electronic system showing frequency of information exchange and summary of care records
PCMH 5B: Example Referral Tracking Log
No. maybe 2 but doesn’t include timing
PCMH 5B: Example Referral Tracking
Tracking Table Includes Referring physician Referral date Patient name/DOB Facility/physician Diagnosis/reason for referral Appointment date Insurance information/if pre-authorization needed Stat? Received report Report overdue? Notified patient Factor 2 (iffy),
PCMH 5C: Coordinate with Facilities and Care Transitions
Practice systematically demonstrates: Process to identify patients with hospital admissions or ED visits Process to share clinical information with hospital/ED Process to obtain patient discharge summaries Process to contact patients for follow-up care after discharge Process to exchange patient information with hospital It collaborates with patient to develop written care plan for transitions from pediatric to adult care (NA for adults) Electronic exchange of key clinical information with facilities* Provides electronic summary of care for more than 50% of transitions of care** * Core Meaningful Use Requirement **Menu Meaningful Use Requirement
PCMH 5C: Scoring and Documentation
6 Points Scoring: 5-8 factors= 100% 4 factors= 75% 2-3 factors= 50% 1 factor= 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Documented processes for patient identification, providing clinical information, systematic follow-up, obtaining discharge summaries and two-way communication Copy of a written transition care plan Reports illustrating electronic information exchange Electronic report summarizing >50% care transitions
PCMH 5C: Example Identifying Patients in Facilities
Practice receives admission reports electronically from hospital Factor 1 (not a process tho)
PCMH 5C: Example Follow-Up Care after Hospital Admission
Factor 4 (hospital specific, isn’t a process or report
PCMH 6: Measure and Improve Performance
Meaningful Use Criteria Report: Ambulatory quality measures to CMS Immunization data to registries Syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies Intent of Standard Measure preventive, chronic and acute care; utilization affecting costs; patient experience and report performance Use and monitor effectiveness of quality improvement process
PCMH 6: Measure and Improve Performance
Elements PCMH6A: Measure Performance PCMH6B: Measure Patient/Family Experience PCMH6C: Implement Continuous Quality Improvement – MUST PASS PCMH6D: Demonstrate Continuous Quality Improvement PCMH6E: Report Performance PCMH6F: Report Data Externally Find new pics
PCMH 6A: Measure Performance
Practice measures or receives the following data: Three (3) preventive care measures Three (3) chronic or acute care measures Two (2) utilization measures affecting health care costs Vulnerable population data DO: Attach actual policies and procedures written for staff and patients Policies should be specific Factor 11: must include a note in text box stating % of patients needing language services and languages staff speak; if designating. N/A, must state why in text box Factor 11: relate to PPC2B, Factor 5 and PPC4A, Factor 1 language service. Must assess patient population Factors 7 and 8 - need specific times in policy DON’T: Do not provide policies in the text box Policies should not repeat the 1A Factors Explanations are helpful but don't replace the need for written policies that are available to train staff and inform patients
PCMH 6A: Scoring and Documentation
4 Points Scoring 4 factors= 100% 2-3 factors = 75% 1 factor 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports showing performance
PCMH 6A: Example Chronic Care Clinical Measures
Factor 2
NCQA Clinical Program Recognition Where Can it Be Used to Meet Elements?
NCQA Clinical Recognition Programs Diabetes Recognition Program (DRP) Heart/Stroke Recognition Program (HSRP) Back Pain Recognition Program (BPRP) Credit for Clinical Program Recognition may be used for meeting requirements in 7 elements if majority of physicians are Recognized: PCMH 3A, 3C (for selected conditions used for survey) PCMH 6A, 6C, 6E, 6F update 32
PCMH 6B: Measure Patient/Family Experience
Practice obtains feedback on patient experience with the practice and their care: Practice conducts survey measuring experience on at least three (3) of the following: access, communication, coordination, whole-person care Practice uses PCMH CAHPS-CG survey tool Practice obtains feedback from vulnerable populations Practice obtains feedback through qualitative means
PCMH6B: Scoring and Documentation
4 Points Scoring 4 factors = 100% 3 factors = 75% 2 factors= 50% 1 factor = 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports showing results of patient feedback
PCMH6B: Example Patient Experience Survey Results
Survey questions include: Access Communication
PCMH 6C: Implement Continuous Quality Improvement
Practice uses ongoing quality improvement process: Set goals and act to improve performance on three (3) measures from Element 6A Set goals and act to improve performance on one (1) measure from Element 6B Set goals and address at least one (1) identified disparity in care for vulnerable populations Involve patients in QI teams or on the practice’s advisory council
PCMH 6C: Scoring and Documentation
Must Pass 4 Points: 3-4 factors = 100% 2 factors= 50% 1 factor= 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Report or completed PCMH Quality Measurement and Improvement worksheet Process demonstrating how it involves patients/families in QI teams or advisory council
PCMH 6C: Example NCQA Quality Measurement and Improvement Worksheet
2011 Clinical Activities Patient Feedback Other Area for Analysis Data Source or Measure Opportunity Identified Current Performance Performance Goal Action Taken and Date update
PCMH 6D: Demonstrate Continuous Quality Improvement
Practice demonstrates ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of its improvement process: Tracks results over time Assesses effect of its actions Achieves improved performance on one measure Achieves improved performance on a second measure
PCMH 6D: Scoring and Documentation
3 Points: 4 factors= 100% 3 factors = 75% 2 factors= 50% 1 factor= 25% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports showing measures over time, recognition results or completed Quality Improvement Measurement and Improvement Worksheet
PCMH6D: Example Patient Survey Results Over Time
PCMH 6E: Report Performance
Practice shares data from Element A and B: Individual clinician results within the practice Practice results within the practice Individual clinician or practice results to patients or public
PCMH 6E: Scoring and Documentation
3 Points: 3 factors= 100% 2 factors= 75% 1 factors= 50% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports (blinded) showing summary data and how it provides results within the practice Example of patient/public report
PCMH 6E: Example Reporting by Clinician
1 2 3 4 5 6 Factor 1
PCMH 6E: Example Reporting Across Practice(s)
Shows data for multiple sites Factor 2
PCMH 6F: Report Data Externally
Practice electronically reports: Ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS* Data to immunization registries or systems** Syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies** *Core Meaningful Use Requirement **Menu Meaningful Use Requirement
PCMH 6F: Scoring and Documentation
2 Points: 3 factors= 100% 2 factors= 75% 1 factor= 50% 0 factors = 0% Data Sources: Reports demonstrating data submission
Overview of Recognition Process
NCQA Reviews submitted Survey Tool after all application information received: NCQA Agreement (contract with NCQA) and Business Associate Addendum (BAA), Application, Clinician information, Application fee Checks licensure of all clinicians Evaluates Survey Tool responses, documentation, and explanations Conducts 5% audit by , teleconference, or on-site visit Executive reviewer conducts a secondary review Peer review by trained Recognition Program Oversight Committee (RP-ROC) member Issues final decision and status to the practice within 30 – 60 days Reports results Recognition posted on NCQA Web site Not passed - not reported Mails PCMH certificate and Recognition packet Comment from Kathi: First bullet: I think you may need to clarify what the “NCQA agreement” is> Sixth bullet: The correct reference is the Recognition Program Review Oversight Committee (RP-ROC).
Add-On Surveys When will a practice utilize an add-on survey? Process
Practices with Level 1 or 2 Recognition who want to increase their Level with additional documentation and scoring Practice may submit an add-on survey anytime within the current Recognition period, application fee is discounted Process Complete application information from your online application account NCQA merges data from previous Survey Tool into new PCMH Survey Tool and makes available to practice Practice may change response in any element with score of <100%; no need to reattach already submitted documents Once completed, practice uploads new documents and submits survey and payment New status based on Score achieved on saved scores and new assessment Comment from Kathi: Sub-bullet under Process: the last word should be “submits” and not “submit” Might want to re-word last bullet as “Score and number of Must Pass elements passed.” Twice now, I’ve looked at this slide and not connected the dots that the process described applies only to Add-on Surveys. Also, I think “on line” needs to either be “online” or “on-line”
What Are Multi-Site Surveys?
The multi-site application process is an option for organizations or medical practices that have 3 or more sites that share policies and procedures and electronic systems across all of their physician sites. NCQA does not give organization-wide Recognition Multi-site surveys enable practices to complete specified PCMH assessments once for multiple practice sites Elements where responses and documentation are always required for each site: 1A* 3A 3B 3C* 3D 4A* 6A 6B 6C* 6D 6E * Must Pass Comment from Kathi: I am assuming that this slide has been updated to reflect the 2011 requirements? I can’t tell.
Multi-site Eligibility and Policies
Requires electronic systems implemented at 3 or more practice sites for at least 3 months Application fees are determined by site along with a multi-site review fee and based on listed clinicians for each site Clinicians can be listed at multiple sites Not all sites need to be included All sites must be submitted within 12 months Practices may not combine sites for one Recognition survey Comment from Kathi: Third bullet: Please check with Mina. I thought this policy had changed. Last bullet: submitted within 12 months of what?
Online Multi-Site Survey Process
Through the online application system, organization completes eligibility questions If eligible, proceed to multi-site resource screen for instructions, FAQs and fee calculator Review the Self-Assessment Element Table to self-assess the Elements that may be submitted once in the group survey tool and the Elements that will require site specific responses in each of the practice site survey tools. Generate an order form following the instructions given and purchase the required number of survey tools for the sites identified Comment from Kathi: Title: This content seems more about determining eligibility for a MSS rather than the actual MSS process. First bullet: To be consistent with the other bullets, we should probably just say; “through the online application system, complete the eligibility questions”.
Multi-Site Survey Process, con’t
Complete and submit multi-site applications and multi-site practice site information (in online system) Record survey tool license numbers in your online applications Complete and submit multi-site survey (group) tool when ready Complete and submit individual practice site survey tools within 12 months NCQA will merge the score of the multi-site survey with each submitted site to determine the Recognition Level for each site Comment from Kathi: I thought we were getting rid of the requirement to enter the 3 important conditions into the ST?
Practice Transition Timeline 2008 PPC-PCMH PCMH 2011
Using the PCMH 2011 Standards and Survey Tool Practices may now obtain the PCMH 2011 Standards Publication Practices may obtain the PCMH 2011 Survey Tool for use in submitting for PCMH Recognition after 3/28/2011 Practices may submit a survey for PCMH Recognition anytime after they have completed the PCMH 2011 survey and documentation requirements Using the 2008 PPC-PCMH Standards and Survey Tool Practices may continue to obtain the 2008 PPC-PCMH Standards Publication through March 2011 Practices may continue to obtain the 2008 PPC-PCMH Survey Tool through March 2011 for initial surveys Practices may continue to submit an initial survey for PPC-PCMH Recognition through 12/31/2011 Practices may continue to request and submit add-on surveys for their PPC-PCMH Recognition until the expiration of their PPC-PCMH Recognition Multi-sites groups must submit their group survey tool by 12/31/2011 and must submit their site survey tools within 12 months or 6/30/2012, whichever is earlier. Franks: you may want to break this up and actually use a timeline with arrows as to the specific dates/months and the changes TF: this is changing so soon, not sure it’s worth it
Renewal Requirements Goal for PCMH 2011 to streamline documentation requirements for renewal submissions Requirements Practices must be Recognized at Level 2 and 3 Practice must respond to all standards/elements Practice provides documentation for subset of elements (12) PCMH 1C and PCMH 1G PCMH 2C and PCMH 2D PCMH 3A, PCMH 3B, PCMH 3C, and PCMH 3D PCMH 4A PCMH 5C PCMH 6A and PCMH 6C
Upgrades and Renewals Streamlined process for upgrades or renewals with fewer documentation requirements Upgrade: PPC-PCMH to PCMH 2011 PCC-PCMH Level 2 or 3 No extension of Recognition Practice must purchase and complete the entire survey Submit documentation for 12 designated elements* Multi-sites – only site-level Add-on survey pricing Renewal : PPC-PCMH to PCMH 2011 PPC-PCMH Level 2 or 3 Practice must purchase and complete the entire survey Submit documentation for 12 designated elements* Multi-site process is followed Full survey pricing *12 Designated elements: 1C, 1G, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 5C, 6A, 6C
NCQA Contact Information Contact NCQA Customer Support to: Acquire standards documents, application account, and survey tools Questions about your user ID, password, access Visit NCQA Web Site to: View Frequently Asked Questions View Recognition Programs Training Schedule Submit to questions to Please use this box to: Ask about interpretation of standards or elements Request registration for ISS Survey Tool demonstration (Web-ex)
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