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Human trafficking By: Aaron, and Jack.

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1 Human trafficking By: Aaron, and Jack

2 Definition Human Trafficking: The illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, or a modern day form of slavery.

3 What is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking is a violation of humanity. It involves kidnapping, recruiting, transferring, transporting, and violating the rights of innocent people.

4 How long has this been going on?
It has essentially been going on since the 1700’s. It just hasn’t been on a scale of this level.

5 Why? Because there are so many sick perverts in the world who can’t keep their hands off. The trade in human lives is a question of “supply’’ and “demand”.

6 Worst Countries Known for Human Trafficking
Brazil, Columbia, India, Japan, Philippines, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Spain, Australia, and unfortunately there has been an estimated 10,000 forced laborers in the United States.

7 Green= Tier 1: Full compliance with Trafficking Victims Protective Act (TVPA)
Yellow= Tier 2: Some effort to comply with TPVA. Orange= Tier 3: Countries whose government does not completely comply with the TVPA’s minimum standards, but are making some effort to bring themselves into compliance with these standards. Red= No effort to comply with the TPVA’s standards. Grey= No information.

8 Facts The average cost of a slave world wide is ninety dollars.
There is estimated to be 27 million slaves around the world.

9 Facts (continued) There is only one shelter in the USA for human trafficking victims. It currently only holds seven to nine victims.

10 Facts (continued) Sex trafficking has a major roll in the spread of HIV.

11 Facts (continued) An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking have died each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect. 80% of those sold into sexual slavery are under the age of 24, and some are as young as six years old.

12 Facts (contiued) About half of the victims are under 18.
More than 2/3 of sexually trafficked children get additional abuse from there owners.

13 Facts (continued) Children who have been trafficked are more likely to have mental health issues, abuse substances, involve in prostitution as adults, and be involved in or victimized by violence later in life.

14 Facts (continued) It is estimated that 80% of trafficked victims are sexually exploited and 19% are used for labor reasons.


16 Statistics 27 million people are in modern day slavery around the world.

17 800,000- Number of people trafficked across borders every year.

18 1,000,000- number of children exploited by the global commercial sex trade every year.

19 161- Countries that are identified as affected by human trafficking.

20 32,000,000,000- total yearly profits generated by the human trafficking industry

21 Bibliography Pictures

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