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INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 1 Presentation for the occasion of the International Migrants Day (18 December) Ruth Krčmář, IOM Mission in Ukraine.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 1 Presentation for the occasion of the International Migrants Day (18 December) Ruth Krčmář, IOM Mission in Ukraine."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 1 Presentation for the occasion of the International Migrants Day (18 December) Ruth Krčmář, IOM Mission in Ukraine

2 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 2  Migration and the World  Migration and Ukraine  What is IOM?  IOM mission in Ukraine  IOM and I Contents

3 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Migration and the World 3 IOM staff together with Ukrainian labour migrants in Portugal

4 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 4 1) History of mankind can be described as a history of migration; 2) 200 million people migrate across international borders globally annually 3) Another 700 million people per year migrate internally within the borders of their states without leaving their countries and regions of origin; 4) Contemporary migration is global, fast and diverse; 5) Number of people living outside their countries of origin will double in the next 15 years; 6) An upcoming challenge – environmentally induced migration as a result of global warming; 7) Aging population asks for modern approaches to address demographic change. Average Slovenian in 2050 will be 49 years old. 8) If migration is managed well, migrants’ sending and receiving countries can benefit from it. As we speak

5 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Feminization of Migration  Nearly half of the world's migrants today are women.  Female migration can challenge gender stereotypes and lead to greater independence and autonomy for women by increasing the proportion of women in paid employment situations.  The increased feminization of migration - women migrating independently, or, as the "breadwinner," thereby promoting gender equality and empowering women. 5

6 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 6 There are more Ukrainians living abroad than foreigners in Ukraine Prudentopolis looks like a typical Ukrainian town, although it is in Brazil; Ukrainian population in Brazil was in 2009 was 0.5 million people. Around 80% of them live in a central Region called “the Brazilian Ukraine”. 75% of Prudentópolis city population are Ukrainians. The Ukrainian language is taught in local schools, and the culture from Ukraine is preserved. Prudentópolis?

7 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Migration and Ukraine 7 Children of Ukrainian labour migrants in Italy attending a theatre play by student actors

8 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 8  First Ukrainians settled in Canada in 1861. Today Ukrainian diaspora is estimated 6-20 million.  Emigration waves followed before and after WWI, during WWII and after the country’s independence.  Remittance (money sent back to their country by labour migrants) is the second biggest cash flow globally;  World Bank estimates that remittance flows to developing countries amounts to USD 316 billion/year -- two times that of Overseas Development Aid and about as substantial as all global Foreign Direct Investment.  The World Bank estimates that a 10% increase in per capita remittances leads to a 3.5% decline in the share of people living in poverty.  Remittances to Ukraine totaled $ 5bn in 2009 (World Bank) and equaled to foreign direct investment or 5% of the GDP. Transfers mostly informal and used for consumption. Migration & Development

9 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 9 Ukrainian Labour Migrant Married (60%) Average salary abroad (USD 817) Secondary of higher education 90% Male (67%) Average salary in Ukraine (USD 175) Has Dependents (50%) Source: World Bank Men: 67%

10 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 10 Labour Migration The estimates of the stock of Ukrainian labour migrants vary: 1.5-4.5 to 9 million.  Half go to Russia & half to EU  Over 50% are irregular  Average wage differential: 8 times higher abroad  Migrants: 2/3 men, 1/3 women  Men: work in construction  Women: work in domestic care Main Destination Countries

11 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 11 Trafficking in Human Beings Main destination countries for VoTs (2000-2010)  Over 110,000 Ukrainian Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) since 1991 (average 5,500/ annum)  7,035 VoTs assisted by IOM (2000- 2010)  Trend 1: increasing no. of minors identified  Trend 2: risk group for trafficking expanding from young women (15- 24) to women and men of all ages  Trend 3: increasing no. of foreign nationals VoTs  Trend 4: increase in non-sexual forms of exploitation Counter-trafficking helpline 527 is free of charge

12 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 12 Female Victim of Trafficking Profile 18-30 years of age From a rural area/ small town (39%) Trends: older, internal trafficking Secondary or technical education (73%) Has a child (53%) Victim of sexual or labour exploitation (50/50)

13 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 13 Male Victim of Trafficking Profile 19-45 years old From a rural area or a small town Trend: trafficked to Ukraine Secondary or technical education Man Victim of labour exploitation Do not realize he is a VoT Has a child

14 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 14 What is IOM? IOM staff at the Migrant Advice centre

15 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 15  Established in 1951, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the principal intergovernmental organization in the field of migration.  Growing rapidly with currently 127 member states.  A further 17 states hold observer status (as do numerous Os and NGOs).  IOM’s programme budget for 2009 exceeds US$ 1 billion.  Funding over 2,360 active programmes.  And more than 7,000 staff members serving in more than 460 field offices in more than a 100 countries. Leading Global Migration Agency

16 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 1) To provide secure, reliable and cost-effective services for persons who require international migration assistance; 2) To enhance the humane and orderly management of migration; 3) To offer expert advice, research, technical cooperation and operational assistance to states and other stakeholders; 4) To contribute to economic development of States through design and implementation of migration-related programmes aimed at maximizing migration benefits; 5) To support States, migrants and communities in addressing the challenges of irregular migration; 6) To be a primary reference point for migration information, research, best practices and data collection; 16 IOM’s Strategy IOM’s Strategy

17 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION IOM’s Strategy (cont) IOM’s Strategy (cont) 7) To promote, facilitate and support regional and global debate and dialogue on migration; 8) To assist States to facilitate the integration of migrants in their new environment and to engage diasporas as development partners; 9) To participate in coordinated humanitarian responses and post-crisis situations; 10) To undertake programmes which facilitate the voluntary return and integration of refugees and displaced persons; 11) To assist States in the development and delivery of programmes, studies and technical expertise on combating migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons; 12) To support the efforts of States in the area in labour migration, circular migration in particular. 17

18 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 18 IOM in Ukraine IOM mission in Ukraine staff

19 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION IOM in Ukraine Over 100 dedicated professional staff members, working in:  COUNTER TRAFFICKING (awareness raising, advocacy and VoT assistance);  LABOUR MIGRATION (promote legal channels for Ukrainian employment abroad);  MIGRATION HEALTH ASSESSMENT (health screening for migrants);  CAPACITY BUILDING IN MIGRATION MANAGEMENT (policy and technical advice to specialized Government agencies)  PROMOTING MULTICULTURALISM (and Intercultural dialogue)  ALLEVIATION OF SOCIAL DRAIN CAUSED BY MIGRATION (psychosocial assistance to children left behind by labour migrants) 19

20 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION IOM in Ukraine  The IOM Mission in Ukraine was established in 1996 in Kyiv;  At the same time Ukraine became an observer state of IOM;  In 2001, Ukraine requested membership in IOM;  In 2002 the Ukrainian Parliament ratified this membership;  Same privileges and immunities as a United Nations Specialized Agency, member of the UN Country team 20

21 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION 21 Thank You Do you have a migration story to tell?

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