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UNIT 5: Family Law Chapter 30 Law and the American Family.

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1 UNIT 5: Family Law Chapter 30 Law and the American Family

2  The law affects individuals & families throughout their lives—through events such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, & more For example: ○ when a child is born, a birth certificate is issued by the state ○ all babies are required by law to receive immunizations against certain diseases ○ in addition, children between certain ages are required to attend school

3  Families in the U.S. take a variety of forms as individuals make decisions about love, marriage, & with whom they will live  Some families don’t follow the traditional structure of a legally married woman & man & their children For example, families can consist of a single parent with children, or a same-sex couple with children Laws are changing rapidly to help solve conflicts & challenges faced by both traditional & nontraditional families in society today

4 What is Family Law?  Benefits that families provide to their members & society A socially accepted & orderly setting for sexual conduct Stable & economically secure circumstances in which to raise children Socialization & moral & physical development for children Companionship & psychological support Economic security & the potential to divide income, homemaking, & child-rearing responsibilities & Long-range assurance that other members of the family will help each other in times of sickness, accident, old age, poverty, or other hardship

5 Background— Defense of Marriage Act & Same-Sex Couples  One area of family law that is undergoing enormous debate & change in the area of domestic partnership, civil unions, & marriages for same-sex couples  In recent years, several courts have issued decisions & legislatures have enacted laws related to these issues

6 Law from Birth to Death  From birth until death, the law creates rules & boundaries that affect the way children, teenagers, adults, & families are able to live their lives  Many daily activities and events are so common that it is easy to forget that there are actually laws regulating almost every action For example: ○ parents must provide the basic necessities for their children; ○ children of a certain age are required to go to school; ○ & teenagers can take a driver's test & vote in public elections when they reach a certain age.

7 A will states how a person wants his or her property distributed after death If a person dies without making a will, then state law determines who receives that person’s property Having a will ensures that a person’s estate, or property, goes to whomever he or she wishes in the amounts he or she chooses The laws that govern many important aspects of a person's life can vary from state to state

8 What Is a Family?  The size & appearance of the American family is constantly changing due to various economic, social, & political factors For example, many children are raised in families that do not have two parents  Since there is no longer a traditional family model, the law & the courts have adapted to meet the changing needs of today's society & family Defining what constitutes a family can be difficult

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