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Italian Fascism.

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1 Italian Fascism

2 Definition Fascism is the totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life.

3 Fascism An ideology opposed to liberalism, socialism, conservatism, and communism, because they brought economic depression, political betrayal, national weakness, and moral decline. Aggressively nationalistic ideology.

4 The Origins of Fascism Fascism arose as a form of counter-revolutionary politics in early twentieth-century Europe in response to: Rapid social upheaval The devastation of World War I The Bolshevik Revolution.

5 The Fasces Symbol The name Fascism comes from the Latin word fasces. In ancient Roman, the fasces were cylindrical bundles of wooden rods, tied tightly together around an axe. They symbolize unity and power.

6 Ideology Fascism is a form of extreme right-wing ideology that celebrates the nation or the race as a community that transcends all other loyalties.

7 Subordination to the State
Fascism seeks forcibly to subordinate all aspects of society to its vision of community, usually through a totalitarian state. It uses organized violence to suppress opposition.

8 Glorification of Force
Fascism glorifies force, accepts the tenets of Social Darwinism, and is anti-democratic.

9 Cult of State Worship In the Italian totalitarian state, which stressed “The Cult of State Worship,” the individual had no significance except as a member of the state. The Fascists were taught “To believe, to obey, and to fight” (credere, obbedire, combattere).

10 The Myth of Rebirth Fascism emphasizes a myth of national or racial rebirth after a period of decline or destruction. To this end, fascism calls for: A "spiritual revolution" against signs of moral decay such as individualism and materialism Seeks to purge "alien" forces and groups that threaten the organic community.

11 Fascist Ideals Fascism tends to celebrate:
Masculinity Youth Mystical unity The regenerative power of violence. Often, but not always, it promotes: Racial superiority Ethnic persecution Imperialist expansion Genocide.

12 Utopian Dream Despite the idealistic goals of fascism, attempts to build fascist societies have led to wars and persecutions that caused millions of deaths. As a result, fascism is strongly associated with: Right-wing fanaticism Racism Totalitarianism Violence.

13 The Rise of Mussolini in Italy
Benito Mussolini ( ) By: Katie Galough and Jen Tripp

14 Problems after WWI 460,000 soldiers killed Heavy debt
Britain and France did not give Italy the land they promised Governments were all coalitions that couldn’t make decisions Rising unemployment led to unrest in cities

15 The Treaty of Versailles
Italians believed that it treated them badly. Italy had not been given the land promised at the Secret Treaty of London. Italy’s foreign Minister Orlando left before the conference ended, feeling humiliated.

16 Benito Mussolini ( ) In the troubled postwar period, Benito Mussolini established an organization that: Advocated aggressive nationalism Opposed the Communists and Socialists Dressed in black shirts

17 Mussolini’s Talents He had a talent for moving crowds of people with his powerful speeches and manipulating public opinion.

18 Restoration of Order Amid strikes, social unrest, and parliamentary breakdown, Mussolini: Preached forcible restoration of order Practiced terrorism with armed groups

19 National Fascist Party
In 1921 he was elected to parliament and the National Fascist party was officially organized.

20 Mussolini gains power Mussolini set up a Fascist Party and promised to solve Italy’s problems Promised to rebuild Italy and recreate the Roman Empire Organized armed gangs called the “Blackshirts” Came to power in 1922 and was appointed Prime Minister by King Victor Emmanuel to prevent a Communist Revolution in Italy

21 1922 March on Rome to establish Mussolini and the Fascist Party as the most important party in Italy In 1921 the fascist parties in Italy joined together to form the Fascist Party Mussolini said this at a party conference: "Either the government will be given to us or will shall seize it by marching on Rome."

22 March on Rome, 1922


24 March on Rome In October 1922, backed by nationalists and propertied interests, Mussolini sent the Fascists to march on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III  permitted them to enter the city and called on Mussolini, who had remained in Milan, to form a cabinet.

25 Rise to Power After Mussolini’s rise to power, the Fascist state in Italy was ruled by a party elite, which ruthlessly crushed all free expression and banished critics of the regime to penal settlements on islands off the southern Italian Coast.

26 Personal Dictatorship
As the new premier, Mussolini gradually transformed the government into a dictatorship. Opposition was put down by: An efficient secret police A Fascist party militia A strictly controlled press

27 Duce Mussolini’s followers called him Duce (leader) by his followers. His ambition to restore ancient greatness to Italy found expression in: Grandiose slogans and speeches Monumental buildings

28 Mussolini’s Appearance
Although he was short and stocky, he gave the impression of being tall and powerful. He had a massive jaw and his eyes dominated his face. Many women thought his eyes where irresistible.

29 Mussolini’s Pose Mussolini often struck a pose – back stiff, hands on hips – because this was his idea of how a Roman emperor should look.

30 National Anthem The national anthem of Italian Fascism extols the giovinezza, the youth of the Fascist party and its future. On the cover is a full-page sketch of Mussolini by the artist Riva.

31 Censorship Censorship of the press was established, and a tribunal for defense of the state was set up to punish any individuals not conforming to Fascist practices.

32 Quote “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power.”~ Benito Mussolini Fascism conceives of the State s an absolute, in comparison with

33 Fascism under Mussolini

34 Quote “Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State.” ~Benito Mussolini

35 State Capitalism The Fascist system, sometimes defined as state capitalism, aimed to abolish class war through cooperation between capital and labor, by compulsion of the state if need be. In Communist theory, labor is the state itself. In Fascism, labor and capital are both instruments of the state.

36 Lateran Treaty Conflict between church and state was ended by the Lateran Treaty (1929) which stated that: Roman Catholicism was the only state religion of Italy Vatican City was fully sovereign and independent.

37 Economic Policy The main economic goals of Fascism were:
To make Italy more self-sufficient, especially in the matter of food To increase the power resources of the nation To expand foreign trade.

38 Domestic policies

39 -Emphasis on National Glory and Patriotism
Coordination of the economy while allowing private property Emphasis on production and banning of activities which hurt production more order and efficiency in Italian life

40 -crushing the mafia Mussolini launched several public construction programs and government initiatives throughout Italy to combat economic setbacks or unemployment levels

41 Social Programs The Fascist social program had some commendable features such as: Slum clearance Its offensive against illiteracy Its campaign against malaria Its system of child welfare clinics

42 Deficiencies But any positive achievements were more than outweighed by its deficiencies: The deification of war Excessive armaments budgets The fraudulent claim of the corporate state to protect the workers while it actually benefited the large landowners and industrialists.

43 Cultural Activities Prominent cultural activities of the Fascist regime in the fields of architecture, art, commerce, and film are lavishly represented in Italy's version of Life magazine.

44 Education Fascist ideology governed the educational system. The first sentence pronounced by children at school was “Let us salute the flag in the Roman fashion; hail to Italy; hail to Mussolini.”

45 Notebooks Children were required to use these notebooks with colored Fascist cartoons and quotations from Mussolini on the front and back.

46 Textbooks Textbooks emphasized:
The glorious past of the ancient Romans The limitations imposed upon the present inhabitants by geography and the western nations The imperial destiny that awaited Italy’s future development.

47 Propaganda All public functions and displays of the state were clothed in propaganda, including: Dedication of farm land Displays of military might Gigantic sports rallies

48 Politics Propaganda pamphlet making the case that Italy is a prisoner in the Mediterranean because it lacks control over Gibraltar, the Suez Canal, and the Dardanelles.

49 Agriculture An annual agenda produced by the Fascist party for farmers and merchants. Mixed in with the practical illustrations and instruction is much Fascist propaganda with appropriate quotations from Mussolini.

50 Family Life The Fascist party encouraged the development of large families, here through articles and photographs extolling family life.

51 Women Although this purports to be a monthly magazine dedicated to the women of the family, it consists mainly of speeches by Mussolini and other Fascist-related articles.

52 Women Melting down wedding rings to contribute to the war effort.

53 Youth A propaganda magazine designed for young Fascists and featuring stories and cartoons praising the regime.

54 Youth Weekly propaganda magazine for young people, intended to spark their interest in flying and to call attention to the prowess of Italian pilots.

55 Anti-Semitism This book on Fascism explicitly excludes Jews from being considered of pure ancestral Italian blood and spells out government measures taken against them.

56 Wartime Propaganda A colorful assortment of Fascist propaganda pamphlets from the early 1940s. The materials attack the Atlantic Alliance, extol the leadership of the Duce, and praise the fighting qualities of the Italian soldier.

57 Foreign Policy "My objective is simple. I want to make Italy great, respected and feared."

58 Foreign Policy to an extreme form of aggressive nationalism
Mussolini believed that conquered foreign territory was the sign of a great nation and a great power. wanted to establish in the Mediterranean, a modern Roman Empire, rivaling that of the ancient Caesars

59 Mussolini wanted more territories to settle the Surplus Italian population and to acquire raw materials for her industries Fascist doctrines preached national glory. Italians should expand to show their national greatness

60 Mussolini tried to keep on good terms with France and Britain as well
Mussolini tried to keep on good terms with France and Britain as well. In June 1933, he invited representatives from France, Germany and Britain to a meeting in Rome. They signed the Four Power Pact. This, according to Mussolini, was a sign of the growing power Italy had: these countries came to Rome; Italians did not have to go to a venue out of Europe. Mussolini, so he claimed, was providing Europe with leadership.

61 Inevitability of War The concept of the “inevitability” of war:
Exalted the state and its “destiny” Advocated expansion of the Fascist state at the expense of other nations.

62 Imperialism Mussolini warned the world that Italy intended “to expand or explode”. His encouragement of a high birth rate with Italy’s meager territorial and natural resources pointed in only one direction – imperialism.

63 Ethiopia After gaining control of Italy from the king, he invaded and conquered Ethiopia. Using machine-gun fire his soldiers mowed down peaceful people who still used bows and arrows.

64 Spanish Civil War When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, both Mussolini and Adolph Hitler decided to support the rebel leader, General Francisco Franco.

65 Mussolini and Hitler Mussolini and Hitler
Hitler and Mussolini had a close relationship. In October 1936 they signed a non-military alliance. Mussolini signed a full defensive alliance with Nazi Germany in the Pact of Steel. Mussolini and Hitler

66 Italy during WWII Mussolini intended to annex Malta, Corsica, and Tunis. He wanted to create a “New Roman Empire.” He annexed Albania, straining the military. His troops were unprepared for the German invasion of Poland. Italy remained neutral. Mussolini during WWII

67 Italy during WWII cont’d
Italy soon declared war on Britain and France but troops were unprepared. It was defeated by Greece and lost the world’s first carrier strike. Italy was defeated on all fronts of the Anglo-American landing. Mussolini

68 Quote from Mussolini’s speech in Rome February 23, 1941
“We are not like the English. We boast that we are not like them. We haven't elevated lying into a government art nor into a narcotic for the people the way the London government has done…when the enemy wins a battle it is useless and ridiculous to seek, as the English do in their incomparable hypocrisy, to deny or diminish it.”

69 France Germany almost completely conquered France in Mussolini then entered World War II and invaded Southern France. Although France quickly surrendered, the Italian army met disaster after disaster.

70 Africa, Greece, Italy In Africa, Greece, and even Italy itself Mussolini's armies met defeat. The Germans kept Italy from total collapse for a time, but Mussolini was fighting a losing battle.

71 Escape to Switzerland In the spring of 1945, the German control of northern Italy collapsed. Mussolini fled with his mistress Clara Petacci and a few other followers, heading to Switzerland. The Italian underground captured them during there escape and gave them a quick trial.

72 Mussolini Shot Both Mussolini and Petacci were shot and hung by their heels in front of a garage for all to see. All through the day, in raw display of hatred, men and women jeered and spit on the mutilated bodies. Finally, Allied soldiers removed the bodies at night.

73 Questions What were some of the problems that Italy faces after WWI?
Why did Italians feel betrayed by the Treaty of Versailles? What is fascism, and how did Mussolini gain control of the Italian government? How did Italy fare during WWII? What happened to Mussolini?

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