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The Interwar Years The Great Depression

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1 The Interwar Years The Great Depression

2 What were the long-term causes of the Great Depression?

3 The long-term causes of the Great Depression were that:
Many countries had huge war debts from World War I European countries relied on American loans and investments The world economies were interconnected so when the largest economy (US) failed, it affected the world economy Prosperity was built on credit Wealth was unequally distributed

4 What were the short-term causes of the Great Depression?

5 The US stock market crashed in 1929
Banks demanded repayment of loans Farms fail and factories close The US reduced foreign trade to protect their economy (they increase tariffs which cause other countries to increase tariffs which causes a world wide decline in trade worsening the Great Depression) The US stops loans to foreign countries The American banking system collapses

6 What were the short-term effects of the Great Depression?

7 The short-term effects of the Great Depression were:
Millions become unemployed worldwide Businesses go bankrupt Governments take emergency measures to protect their economies Citizens lose faith in capitalism, democracy, and the banking system Some nations turn toward authoritarian leaders

8 What were the long-term effects of the Great Depression?

9 The long-term effects of the Great Depression were
Nazis take control of Germany Fascists come to power in other countries Democracies try social welfare programs Japan expands in East Asia World War II breaks out

10 What is totalitarianism?

11 Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the ruler has total control over every aspect of public and private life.

12 What are some characteristics of totalitarian states?

13 Some characteristics of totalitarian states are:
Dictatorship and one-party rule Dynamic leader Organized violence Anti-democratic State control over all sectors of society Dependence on modern technology ideology

14 List the major totalitarian governments of the 20th Century and their leaders.

15 Soviet Union – Joseph Stalin
Germany – Adolf Hitler Italy – Benito Mussolini China – Mao Zedong North Korea – Kim Il Sung

16 What are three different types of totalitarian governments?

17 Fascism, Nazism, and Communism are three different types of totalitarian governments.

18 Describe the fascist government led by Benito Mussolini in Italy.

19 Some characteristics of fascism in Italy were:
Belief in the union of classes Nationalist and racist Supported by middle class, industrialists, and military Censorship Indoctrination Secret police

20 What were some characteristics of Nazism in Germany?

21 Some characteristics of Nazism in Germany were:
Belief in union of classes Nationalist and racist Supported by middle class, industrialists, and military Censorship Indoctrination Secret police

22 What were some characteristics of Communism in the Soviet Union?

23 Some characteristics of Communism in the Soviet Union were:
Belief in the struggle of classes Internationalists Supported by workers and peasants Censorship Indoctrination Secret police

24 How are Fascism and Nazism related?

25 Nazism is a form of Fascism
Nazism is a form of Fascism. In Nazi Germany, racism was based on the idea that the Aryan race was superior while in Fascist Italy, racism was based on the idea that Italian culture was superior.

26 What are some differences between communism and fascism?

27 Some differences between Fascism and Communism are that
Fascists believe in the union of classes, is supported by middle class and industrialists, and are very nationalistic and racist While Communists believe in the struggle of classes, is supported by workers and peasants, and is internationalist

28 Why did dictatorial regimes emerge in Germany, Italy, Japan, and U. S
Why did dictatorial regimes emerge in Germany, Italy, Japan, and U.S.S.R. after World War I?

29 Economies were already hurt by World War I
Economies were already hurt by World War I. The Treaty of Versailles and later the Great Depression weakened governments and economies even more. These hopeless conditions made it easy for dictators to gain power. These dictators also used nationalism to gain support from people looking for some hope.


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