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Published byClaud Gallagher Modified over 9 years ago
AP World History
o Postwar inflation occurred as governments printed new money instead of raising taxes o Art and science benefited from new ideas after the war. o New mass consumption and popular culture was important. o Western Europe did not regain export markets that were taken over by the USA and Japan during the war.
o After Australia gained independence in 1901, it was still a Commonwealth of Great Britain until the 1920’s. o The United States economy and culture boomed in the 1920’s. o The United States entered a period of isolation after refusing to enter the League of Nations. o Japan industrialized and expanded factories and agricultural output. o There was tension between Japan’s military and the civilian government.
o Benito Mussolini emerged in 1919 and formed the “union for struggle.” o Italian fascists argued that a corporate state with nationalist values would replace both capitalism (profit seeking) and socialism (class struggle) with a new national unity. o Fascism attacked the weakness of democracy, the corruption of capitalism and took control of the economy to reduce social friction. o In 1922, the Italian king called on Mussolini to form a new government.
o Many new nations in Europe began with Western-style parliaments but could not maintain them during economic difficulties. o Rivalries between small eastern European nations were diplomatically and economically weakened. o Most eastern European countries remained primarily agricultural. o Authoritarianism arrived in most eastern European nations.
o The Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) was influenced by the outbreak of WWI. o Under Porfirio Diaz (1876-1910), economic changes had been made to Mexico. Ruled with Iron fist. o Mexico was not self-sufficient, relying too much on foreign investments and exports. o A rebellion happened after Francisco Madero opposed Diaz. o Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata brought rebellions that drove Diaz from power.
o Villa and Zapata fight over the nature of the new regime, while they each remained in control of their home territories. o Alvaro Obrégon, a general, defeated Villa and emerged as the leader of Mexico in 1915. o In 1920, Obregon was elected president and the civil war ended. o The Mexico Constitution of 1917 attempted to change social problems in Mexico.
o Artists like Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco attempted to recapture Indian heritage. o The secularization of society was opposed by the Catholic church. o The United States intervened diplomatically and militarily during the revolution. o The Party of the Institutionalized Revolution (PRI) developed during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
o In March 1917, Russia saw strikes and rioting in St. Petersburg and tsar Nicholas II abdicated. o Protested early industrialization set against incomplete rural reform, and an unresponsive political system o Russia was ruled by a provisional government for eight months. o In November 1917, the Bolshevik wing of the Social Democratic Party (Communist party) took over.
o The Council of People’s Commissars was created to govern Russia. o Lenin shut down parliament and replaced it with the Congress of Soviets. o Civil war waged from 1918 to 1921 led by tsarist generals and religiously faithful peasants o Lenin quickly redistributed the land to the peasantry and had the state take over basic industry. o Famine and unemployment spread.
o The Red Army was led by Leon Trotsky. o New Economy Policy set out to reduce economic distress. o 1923- Moscow became the new capital of Russia. o The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created after the creation of a new constitution. o The Supreme Soviet was created, and was elected by universal suffrage
o The USSR saw the rapid spread of education. o Lenin died in 1924 and there was a leadership gap until Joseph Stalin emerged as the leader of the USSR. o Stalin represented anti-Western, Russian tradition. o The Russian Revolution was one of the most successful revolutions in history.
o Pu Yi, the last Manchu (Qing) emperor abdicated in 1912. o Many different groups wanted to take over after the fall of the Qing. o Sun Yat-sen headed the Revolutionary Alliance and was elected president in 1911. o Sun Yat-sen resigned when Yuan Shikai (a warlord) replaced him as president in 1912.
o Japan had entered WWI and went after German-held islands in the Pacific and areas of China. o Japan proposed the Twenty-One Demands, which would have reduced China to a dependent protectorate. o Yuan Shikai neither accepted or rejected the demands. o He was forced to resign in 1916.
o Japan solidified its holdings in northern China from peace negotiations at Versailles. o China allied themselves with the Entente as well, and was upset they did not get that territory. o The May Fourth Movement was a resistance to Japanese encroachments in China on May 4, 1919. o Aimed at creating a liberal democracy in China. o It became clear that mere emulation of Western thinking could not solve China’s problems.
o Li Dazhao reworked Marxist ideology to fit China (bourgeoisie West and proletariat China). o Believed in social reform, an authoritarian state and social welfare. o In 1921, the communist party of China was born. o Belief in authoritarian state to intervene constructively in people’s lives o Belief in social reform and social welfare
o The Nationalist party (Guomindang) was formed, which was the biggest rival for communism. o The Nationalists began creating alliances with key social groups in China. o The Nationalists were too focused on political issues and not on implementing domestic programs. o 1924 – forms alliance with communists, who serve as link to peasants and urban workers o 1924- The Whampoa Military Academy opened and was led by Chiang Kai-shek. o The Nationalists were trying to find a way to get rid of the communists and warlords in order to seize total power.
o Chiang Kai-shek’s new army captured areas in the Yangtze River, Shanghai, Beijing and Huanghe River valley. o Chiang turned against the communists and attacked them. o Mao Zedong spearheaded the Long March in 1934, where 90,000 people marched thousands of miles. o Mao Zedong becomes the leader of Chinese communism.
o Farmers saw postwar inflation after overproduction and low food prices. o Employment in key sectors (coal, iron, textiles) began to decline; less demand postwar. o October 1929- The New York Stock Market crashed. Investors pulled out their stocks and banks, who depended on investments, collapsed. o Falling production (by 1/3 in 1932) led to unemployment and lower wages. o The Depression grew worse from 1929 to 1933.
o The stock market crash affected the world economy; massive unemployment in US, Germany, Britain, Latin America. o Many bad harvests during this time. o People stopped buying goods to save money, which hurt the production levels and employment even more. o Western luxury purchases collapsed; hurt Japanese and Chinese economies. o The Great Depression was an international collapse.
o Most governments tried to cut spending and many raised tariffs; worsened Depression. o The Depression sometimes heightened political polarization. o Governments saw an incapacitated parliamentary system or the overturning of the parliamentary system. o Franklin D. Roosevelt offered “New Deal”. o Offered more direct aid to Americans through increased unemployment benefits and jobs on public works projects o Social Security, designed to provide protection in unemployment and old age
o The impact of the Depression led to the rise of a new fascist regime in Germany. o The National Socialist, or Nazi, regime in Germany under Adolf Hitler was a major force in Germany. o Hitler wanted unity, and a strong leader under a centralized state who would attack what he claimed were Jewish influences in Germany. o 1933- Hitler quickly set up a totalitarian state. o The Gestapo, or secret police, arrested political opponents. o Hitler blamed Jews for excessive capitalism.
o 1935- Benito Mussolini attacked and won Ethiopia; League of Nations condemned this but did not take action. o Fascism spread into Spain and led to the Spanish Civil War. o The Spanish military was backed by the fascist party, the Falange. o Francisco Franco, the general of the Spanish military, won after three years of fighting.
o Limitations of liberalism had become apparent o Corporatism, aimed at curbing capitalism while avoiding Marxism, rose in Latin America, which made the state a mediator, adjusting the interests of different social groups. o President Lázaro Cárdenas distributed over 40 million acres of land in Mexico. o He created a state monopoly of oil and expanded rural education programs.
o Brazil’s president Getúlio Vargas promised liberal reforms after the crash of the coffee market in the 1929 Depression. o New constitution in 1937: imposed an authoritarian regime, limited immigration and eliminated political opposition. o Brazil joined the Allies in WWII. o Vargas ran a corporatist government.
o 1931 - Japanese military officials completed the conquest of the Chinese province of Manchuria. o 1932- Army officers murdered the prime minister. o Japan invaded China in 1937-1938. o Japan suffered far less than other nations during the Depression because of quickly acting government policies. o Japan fully industrialized after 1931.
o The Soviet Union did not feel the Depression as much because of its separate economy. o Stalin wanted to make the USSR a fully industrial society under the control of the state. o Collectivization of agriculture in 1928 (large, state-run farms rather than individual holdings); mixed reactions o Under the five year plans, the government constructed massive factories for mining, electrical power and metallurgy. o From 1927-1937, Soviet output of machinery and metal products grew 14-fold. The Soviet Union became the world’s third industrial power.
Stalin imposed controls over intellectual life in the Soviet Union. Social Realism was the dominant school of thought, emphasizing heroic idealizations o workers, Soldiers, and peasants. Stalin used government secret police to monopolize power. Real and imagined opponents of his version of communism Were executed or sent to Siberian labor camps. Peace agreement with Hitler in 1939 allowed the Soviets to Prepare for WWII, and enabled them to Attack Poland and Finland in an effort to gain lost territories from WWI.
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