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German & Italian Foreign Policy. German Foreign Policy Motivated by ideology - as set out in Mein Kampf Future of Germany = lebensraum + racial purity.

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Presentation on theme: "German & Italian Foreign Policy. German Foreign Policy Motivated by ideology - as set out in Mein Kampf Future of Germany = lebensraum + racial purity."— Presentation transcript:

1 German & Italian Foreign Policy

2 German Foreign Policy Motivated by ideology - as set out in Mein Kampf Future of Germany = lebensraum + racial purity Lebensraum –Aryan race growing –needed land –land available in east –war -v- Russia inevitable Racial purity –‘survival of the fittest’ –Slavic peoples would become slaves/labourers –Jews & other undesirables to be separated/eliminated

3 German Foreign Policy However, not all action was a direct result of Nazi ideology. Why? Hitler’s pragmatism - willing to pursue contradictory short-term objective if it would lead to long term gain - eg. Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 Hitler’s opportunism - willing to take advantage of situation, reluctance of others to act - eg. Anschluss ‘The ends justify the means.’

4 German Foreign Policy Stages of Nazi Foreign Policy in the 1930s - each a step to ultimate goals… 1. Revisionism (tearing up Versailles) - end reparations - restore German military - taking back ‘what was stolen’ - re-establishing Germany’s rightful place 2. Creation of Grossdeutschland (Greater Germany) - Anschluss - bringing ethnic Germans ‘home’ 3. Autarky (self-sufficiency) - important for future expansion 4. Dealing with France - would never permit German domination - France first, then Russia

5 German Foreign Policy Hitler –master diplomat –told others what they wanted to hear ‘equality, not military domination’ ‘Germany wants peace’ ‘We only want what was unfairly taken’ ‘Germany stands against the atheistic communists’ ‘I have no more territorial demands’ –few saw through him (eg. Churchill); most did not or chose not to  bullied those he could

6 Italy Background –post-WWI: major social, economic & political problems –500,000+ dead, territorial ambitions not met at Versailles

7 Italy Fascism –high unemployment & civil disorder in 1922: Benito Mussolini’s Blackshirts (equivalent of the Nazi SA) ‘March on Rome’ –Mussolini appointed PM, with full powers for 1 year –1924: law fixed so that Fascist Party dominates Parliament –by 1929: penal code tightened, secret police created, no opposition parties allowed - the ‘Corporate State’ (collective management of national economy) –regime not as brutal as Germany or Russia –social/economic progress: education, improved working conditions, hydroelectric schemes, improved relations with Vatican, trains run on time…

8 Italian Foreign Policy Mussolini –determined to make Italy a nation others would look up to –emphasised Italian nationalism, strength & military glory –concept of Italian ‘virility’ (individually & internationally)

9 Italian Foreign Policy Aims Short-term Long-term Revision of 1919 Peace Settlement - promised territory to join Allies: promise not kept Development of Italian military power - rearmament, conscription, build-up Creation of a ‘Neo-Roman Empire’ - late to begin empire building in 19 th century - colonies: Libya, Italian Somalia & Eritrea - revival of Roman Empire - Mediterranean to become an ‘Italian lake’ Italy to be taken seriously by other European powers

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