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The Roman Catholic Church in the Dark Ages

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1 The Roman Catholic Church in the Dark Ages
Because of so much warfare and disunity the Catholic Church becomes the Dominate power in Europe. It is backed most of the time by the second most power entity – The Holy Roman Empire.

2 The Crusades 1050s – Muslims invade Byzantine Empire. Extend power over Palestine to the Holy Land 1095 – Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asks Pope Urban for help in ridding his empire of Muslim invaders. Pope Urban agrees to help. Hopes to consolidate his own power, end schism between Rome and Constantinople and keep Christian knights from fighting one another.

3 The Crusades Pope promises if you die you can go to heaven.
You may keep the riches you plunder there Unemployed knights could get rich


5 The First Crusade Christian Kingdoms like England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire send knights to Jerusalem Stop and sack many Jewish towns on the way Worst atrocity – just outside Antioch (kill everyone and eat Muslim children) 1099 – Christian knights capture Jerusalem, slaughter the inhabitants

6 The Second Crusade Zengi – the first to unify the Muslims attacks and takes Edessa (1st city taken in 1st Crusade) Pope calls for a 2nd Crusade French King answers the call but is soundly defeated Second Crusade is a bust Gives Muslims hope Zengi is soon after killed by his own slave His son Nur al-Din takes over

7 In between the 2nd and 3rd Nur al-Din expands his holdings (all of present day Seria) Sends his general Saladin to Egypt to try to take control of that Shia held region (crusaders screw up) Saladin controls Egypt and makes himself king (lots of mysterious deaths) Nur al-Din dies (mysteriously) 12 yr old son takes control of Seria

8 In between the 2nd and 3rd The young son hires hit men to kill Saladin (group of people called “assassins”) They like to smoke a lot of weed before a kill Saladin survives 2 hits. The son 9 years later dies mysteriously Saladin has it all and surrounds all of the holy land He then takes Christian held cities Takes Jerusalem peacefully

9 3rd Crusade Biggest force yet Richard takes Acre and Jaffa
HRE – drowns on the way Richard of England (the Lionheart) Philip II – France (would soon leave the crusade) Richard takes Acre and Jaffa Takes Heavy losses He realizes that if he takes Jerusalem he could not hold it. Saladin and Richard call for truce Christians keep coastal towns Muslims keep Jerusalem but Christians can visit

10 The Fourth Crusade Plan to invade Holy Land
Instead they stop at Constantinople and sack the city


12 The Children's’ Crusade
Boy claims to have been visited by Jesus, says he is to lead a crusade to peacefully convert Muslims 20,000 boys and girls follow Fail

13 Spanish Crusade Moors (Muslims) controlled most of Spain till the 1100s Reconquista - Spain would fight a long battle that would finally remove the last of the Muslims to the other side of the Strait of Gibraltar in 1492 Spanish Inquisition – a way to arrest, torture and kill all non Christians in Spain

14 Effects of the Crusades on Europe
Economic expansion – increased trade Increased power of the monarchs. Wider world view Europe receives the scholarship and learning of the Muslim empire Begins the Renaissance (Rebirth)

15 Rise of Cities Most people crowd around castles (peasants)
If the castle is in a particularly wealthy area, a town may develop Towns developed merchants, tradesmen, so a small middle class was begun again Eventually, towns develop away from castles, free peasants move to these cities to escape feudal obligations


17 England is Born To outsiders both claim the throne
Duke William the Bastard later known as The Conqueror Defeats Harold II Godwinson (Anglo-Saxons) at the battle of Hastings in 1066

18 Evolution of France In France
The French kingdom survives from the Carolingians (Charlemagne’s family) to the Capets (elected) The last Capet, Phillip IV’s three son’s all failed to have a son Crisis over who will take the throne!

19 100 Years War Edward III claims to be king of France
French law says only male Heirs count England Invades, very successful early on

20 Joan of Arc Young woman hears the voice of God
Hears that she is to lead the army against England Inspires French troops to kick the English out Is captured by the English and burned as a witch, but the French win


22 The Black Death


24 The Black Death 1346 AD first rumors are heard of this disease by European traders By 1350 almost all of Europe had lost 25% of its people



27 The Final Invader – The Spread of the Black Death



30 The Final Invader – The Black Death
"The first signs of the plague were lumps in the groin or armpits. After this, livid black spots appeared on the arms and thighs and other parts of the body. Few recovered. Almost all died within three days, usually without any fever."

31 The Final Invader – The Effects of the Black Death
In Medieval England, the Black Death was to kill 1.5 million people. No medical knowledge existed in Medieval England to cope with the disease. After 1350, it was to strike England another six times by the end of the century.


33 Decline of the Church People lose faith due to black death
Pope loses absolute power Doubt created by plague Nationalism created during forming of England and France

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