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Between the Wars 1920 – 1941 Chapter 23. Politics of Isolation Washington Conference (1921): series of disarmament treaties involving all major industrialized.

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Presentation on theme: "Between the Wars 1920 – 1941 Chapter 23. Politics of Isolation Washington Conference (1921): series of disarmament treaties involving all major industrialized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Between the Wars 1920 – 1941 Chapter 23

2 Politics of Isolation Washington Conference (1921): series of disarmament treaties involving all major industrialized nations. Kellogg-Briand Pact (1927): 60 nations agreed to outlaw aggressive war! Dawes Plan (1924-29): U.S. loaned $ to Germany = pay France & Britain = pay U.S.

3 Latin America Americans wanted to limit intervention !Too expensive! Americans wanted to limit intervention !Too expensive! Good Neighbor Policy : FDR focused on diplomacy, reciprocal trade, and understanding

4 The Rise of Dictators Causes: World War I & Versailles Treaty World War I & Versailles Treaty The Global Depression The Global Depression Fear of the spread of Soviet Communism led to right-wing reactionary governments Fear of the spread of Soviet Communism led to right-wing reactionary governments

5 Mussolini and Italian Fascism (1922-1943) Appealed to Middle & Upper Class Wanted revival of Roman Empire Fascism: radical authoritarian nationalist ideology Anti-Communistic Anti-Communistic Anti-Democratic Anti-Democratic Totalitarian leader is the state Totalitarian leader is the state


7 Adolf Hitler & German Nazism (1933-1945) Blamed socialists, communists, and Jews for defeat in WWI Wanted to reverse Versailles Trty. And build a new German Empire Claimed Aryan-Germans were the Superior Race


9 Was named Chancellor at height of Germany’s depression. His party gained total control of Germany & revoked civil liberties Purged & murdered “undesirables” Kristallnacht Kristallnacht


11 Japanese Militarism Japan had gone from Feudalism to World Power in less than a century Militarists, Nationalists, & Industrialists gained power in the 1930s Ruled in name of the Emperor. Denied civil liberties & pursued expansion for resources


13 Japan Invades Manchuria (1931) Japan set up a puppet-govt. U.S. condemned the takeover, but did nothing. Japan withdrew from League of Nations

14 Joseph Stalin & the U.S.S.R. (1924-1953) Created a command economy, rapidly industrialized Russia May have killed up to 20 million thru purges, slave labor, famines, forced relocations Cold & calculating Totalitarian


16 The USA recognizes the USSR (1933) Rise of Fascism led to this marriage of convenience FDR felt it would help out economy Alliance lasted until end of WWII

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