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Computers and programming The 6 th lecture Jiří Šebesta.

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Presentation on theme: "Computers and programming The 6 th lecture Jiří Šebesta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computers and programming The 6 th lecture Jiří Šebesta

2 TOPIC 1.Structures 2.Unions 3.Enumerative type 4.Dynamic variables - introduction 5.Example

3 Structures (1/4) Structure: an array consisting of items of different types embedding into superior type typedef struct friends // my girlfriend { char fname[20]; // her first name char sname[20]; // her surrname int age; // her age char phone[20]; // her phone number } T_friend; Declaration type identifier

4 Structures (2/4) int main(void) { T_friend baby; strcpy(baby.fname, "Anna\0"); strcpy(baby.sname, "Novakova\0"); baby.age = 16; strcpy(, "+420776151443\0"); printf(" %s %s - %d let - tel.: %s", baby.fname, baby.sname, baby.age,; getchar(); return 0; } Access to item of structure: Source code: Ex59.c variableitem

5 Structures (3/4) typedef struct date // date { int year; // year int month; // month int day; // day } T_date; typedef struct drivelog // drive log book { char driver[20]; // name char in_city[20];// initial city char en_city[20];// ending city T_date in_date; // initial date T_date en_date; // ending dta int dist; // distance int in_tacho; // initial st. of tacho. int en_tacho; // ending st. of tacho. } T_drivelog; Structure in structure:

6 Structures (4/4) T_drivelog toyota020, toyota021; strcpy(toyota020.driver, "John"); toyota020.in_date.year = 2011; toyota020.in_tacho = 53210; toyota020.en_tacho = 53372; toyota020.dist = toyota020.en_tacho-toyota020.in_tacho; strcpy(toyota021.driver, "Judith"); strcpy(toyota021.in_city, toyota020.en_city); toyota021.in_tacho = toyota020.en_tacho; toyota021.en_tacho = 53712; toyota021.dist = toyota021.en_tacho-toyota021.in_tacho; Manipulation with items of structure: Source code: Ex60.c

7 Unions (1/3) Union: it enables to save values of different types to a single variable (allocated common space in memory) union u1 {int i; double d; char c;} U = {'u'}; name of union list of union items variable of declared type of unie Memory size allocated for the union is given by the size of the largest element STRUCTURE: int and double and char UNION: int or double or char

8 Unions (2/3) typedef union id // ID of item { int id_num; // numerical ID char id_str[10]; // textual ID } T_id; int main(void) { char input_id[10]; int n, t; printf("\n\nInsert ID: "); gets(input_id);// get string from stdin … Declaration type identifiervariable of declared type

9 Unions (3/3) t=0; // test if at least char is not digit for(n=0; input_id[n]!='\0'; n++) if (input_id[n] '9') t=1; // t=0 input_id is a number, t=1 input_id is a string if (t==0)// input_id is a number { item.id_num=atol(input_id); printf("ID contents a number: %d\n", item.id_num); } else// input_id is a string { strcpy(item.id_str, input_id); printf("ID contents a string: %s\n", item.id_str); } S. code: Ex61.c

10 Enumerative type (1/3) Enumerative type: a set of symbolic constants with strictly defined values enum cards {seven, eight, nine, face_card, ace} set_1, set_2; enum cards {seven=7, eight, nine, face_card=20, ace=30} set_1, set_2; Declaration: type identifiervariable of declared type 012 34 789 2030

11 Enumerative type (2/3) Operator for enumerative type: – only assignment enum cards {seven=7, eight, nine, face_card=20, ace=30} set_1, set_2; set_1 = nine; set_2 = 8; //not possible, 8 isn’t enumerator set_1 -=2; //not possible int num = seven //type cast of enumerator seven to int

12 Enumerative type (3/3) enum zodiac {aries,taurus,gemini,cancer,leo,virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, …} eva; eva = virgo; switch(eva) { case aries: printf(”She is hard-headed”); break; case taurus: printf(”She is reserved”); break; case gemini: printf(”She is friendly”); break; case cancer: printf(”She is anxious”); break; case leo: printf(”She is bossy”); break; case virgo: printf(”She is trusty”); break; case libra: printf(”She is shaky”); break; … } Source code: Ex62.c

13 Dynamic variables – intro (1/3) Static variable: – memory space allocation when program is starting – memory space release when program is closing Dynamic variable: – controlled memory space allocation when program is running by function malloc() in C – controlled memory space release when program is running by function free() in C

14 Dynamic variables – intro (2/3) Application of dynamic variables: – a memory space can be allocated and released if program is running any time – suited for large blocks of data (e.g. large arrays), which are temporal (e.g. results, which will not be used later) – if we work with unknown size of array, if we use a static variable, we have to allocate the space for the worst case (max. size), e.g. double x[10000], this space is permanently blocked (in given function)

15 Dynamic variables – intro (3/3) #include int main( void) { double *x, y; x = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)); *x = 3.14; y = *x; free(x); printf("Ludolf's number: %f", y); printf("Ludolf's number: %f", *x); //free(x); getchar(); return 0; } free address free variable void *malloc(size_t size) type cast space release in memory pointed by x this space in a memory is pointed by x allocation of space in a memory with size of double Source code: Ex63.c

16 Example (1/5) Create a program working as a car database. Each car is described by a type and a year of production. Data of cars are saved in dynamic variables, pointers are stored in an array. Adding a car is activated by pressing the key A, deleting by pressing D, and the program is stopped by pressing Q. In the database, at least one car has to be left. #include typedef struct car // car record { char type[10]; int year; } T_car; T_car *my_cars[20]; // ptrs. to cars - global int cnt=0; // recorded cars - global

17 void addcar(char *atype, int ayear) { T_car *car; // pointer to a car car = (T_car*)malloc(sizeof(T_car)); strcpy(car->type, atype); // notation 1 (*car).year = ayear; // notation 2 my_cars[cnt++] = car; } Example (2/5) void showdelcar(void) { printf("type: %s\n", my_cars[cnt]->type); printf("year: %d\n", my_cars[cnt]->year); } Function which adds a car Function which displays erased car

18 void erasecar(void) { if(cnt>1) // if at least two cars { cnt--; // one car to be removed showdelcar(); // print the removed car free(my_cars[cnt]); // delete last } else printf("All cars can’t be deleted"); } Example (3/5) Function which deletes a car

19 int main(void) { char cmd, my_type[12]; int my_year; printf("\nA: Add, D: Delete, Q: Quit\n"); scanf("%c", &cmd); fflush( stdin); while(!(cmd == 'Q' || cmd == 'q')) { if(cmd=='A' || cmd=='a') { printf("\ntype : "); scanf("%s", &my_type); fflush(stdin); printf("\nyear : "); scanf("%d", &my_year); fflush(stdin); add(my_type, my_year); } Example (4/5) Main function - beginning

20 if( cmd=='D' || cmd=='d') erasecar(); printf("\nA: Add, D: Delete, Q: Quit"); scanf("%c", &cmd); fflush(stdin); } return 0; } Example (5/5) Main function - conclusion Source code: Ex64.c


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