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Mrs. Klupchak’s Second Grade Class Handbook 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Klupchak’s Second Grade Class Handbook 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Klupchak’s Second Grade Class Handbook 2015-2016

2 Hello, Welcome to Second Grade in Room 43. I am so happy to have your child in my class this year. I look forward to a successful and productive year. I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Michelle Klupchak. I live in Homewood with my husband Bob and I have my three kids, Zach,24, who graduated from Marquette University and now works for the Milwaukee Bucks in Milwaukee, Kelly,22, Illinois State University graduate and doing an internship at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Abby,19,a sophomore at Butler University,and our dogs, Otto and Beau. I love Homewood and am so proud of its wonderful schools. I firmly believe that we should work together as a team to enrich your child. I believe in a happy and positive environment in order to build a positive self-esteem. I want to establish a strong foundation to build on for their education. Communication is so important between parents/guardians and teachers. I will inform you about classroom activities throughout the year and I encourage you to check your child’s Take Home folder everyday. Please address the handbook if you have any questions as to what will be expected of your child this year in Room 43. Sincerely, Mrs. Klupchak

3 Contact Information There are several ways that I will communicate with you. I will be using a daily behavior calendar, e-mail, newsletters, notes, telephone calls, report cards, and conferences to keep you informed of your child’s behavior and class activities. I encourage you to contact me any time using one of the methods listed below. Telephone: (708) 647-2200 ext. 1743 E-mail: *Email is the best way to get in touch with me. I will check my email at least 3 times a day – before school, lunch and after school. If you need to relay an important message to me or your child during the school day, please call the office. They will make sure your child and I are notified. My home phone number is 708-798-6319 in the event of an emergency. Our district website:, go to Willow School then to Teacher pages and click on my name. There will be calendar updates, newsletters, our daily schedule and this document. Daily Communication Your child will have a daily take home folder. In it your student will place any work we do in class. It will also include important notes that should be read daily. Please be sure to initial each day so I know you saw it. It will contain your child’s behavior calendar. Please send notes for me in this folder as well as money for lunch, field trips in an envelope.* Please label the money envelope with your child’s name, the purpose of the money, our room number (43) and my name (Mrs. Klupchak). Please check DAILY!

4 Homework Homework will be sent in the daily take home folder. While the students will not receive a large amount of work, it is important to complete what is sent home so the skills taught daily can be reinforced. Please be sure all homework is returned in a timely manner. All students will receive an assignment notebook. Each day we will record any homework or reminders in this notebook. The types of homework sent home regularly are listed below. Everyday Math: Home links will be sent home as we learn new skills. These will need to be finished and returned the NEXT day. The top of each Home link page will explain each new concept to parents. Reading: I highly encourage that students read with you at least once a day. The most important thing students at this age can do is read, read, read! Whether students are doing the reading, being read to, or you are reading together, it is such an important part of a child’s day. It can become a wonderful nightly ritual for the family! A reading log will be sent home at the beginning of each month. More instructions will follow.

5 Scholastic Book Orders Once a month I will be sending book orders home with your child from a variety of book clubs. Our class will be awarded points for every book ordered. I can then use those points for classroom books and materials! To order you may use one of two ways: 1. Send the order form and check made payable to Scholastic Book Club to school by due date. 2. Order Online: By ordering online you can view a wider array of books, use your credit/debit cards, send orders directly to me, and possibly earn FREE books for our classroom! Here’s how: -Sign up at -Go to the parent tab at the top of the site and click on Book Club Orders. Sign up clicking clicking Register in the First Time Here? box. -Create your own username and password. When prompted enter the one time class activation code which ensures that your order is sent to me. Our class activation code: GKBYH Choose from a wide variety of books and send order to me by the due date! *All books will be sent directly to our classroom!

6 Lunch Lunch recess 10:45-11:00 Eat lunch 11:00-11:20 Homewood School District #153 has a computerized cafeteria management system. Everyone is encouraged to use this service provided for them. It works as follows: *Each month a menu will be sent home. A complete lunch costs $2.90 and milk is $.30 and juice is $.50 *You can add money to your child’s account online or send a check/cash to school with your child’s name and grade in their take home folder. *Our monthly menu is available on *Money cannot be credited during lunch hours. *Families that receive free or reduced meals will automatically have an account set up for the school year.

7 Snack -Every morning a short amount of time will be set aside for the students to have a snack. Please send a healthy snack, fruit, crackers, granola bars etc. If they do not order a drink from school, they will be responsible for bringing their own drink. I believe in modeling healthy habits and STRONGLY encourage parents to send students with a healthy snack. *Due to food allergies, the children will not be allowed to share snack with one another. Parent Participation During the school year the students will be taking part in many unique classroom activities, celebrations, and field trips. Parents are welcome to attend these events and to send needed supplies/treats if possible. Your participation will encourage your child to keep up their hard work in school!

8 Special Classes P.E. - Each child needs to have a pair of gym shoes to be kept at school. Print your child’s name on each shoe with permanent marker. On days that students have P.E. girls must wear short or pants (under a dress is fine) and all children need to have socks with them. An extra pair of socks can be left at school if child wears sandals often. Library- The students will be visiting the library weekly and can check out two books at a time. Our class goes to library on Thursday. Books should be returned to school on Wednesday. Schedule P.E. - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday-8:20-8:50 Thursday 9:20-9:50 Music- Monday & Friday 11:50-12:20 Art- Wednesday 11:30-12:30 Library-Thursday 9:50-10:20 Computer Lab- Tuesday11:35-12:35

9 Willow Way I share Willow’s belief that all children need to be responsible for their own behavior and it should be modeled for them in a positive, supportive environment. Willow’s motto is “Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Caring”. Room 43 will follow the same motto as an expectation for all students. Willow Wows Willow Wows are rewards that can be given out to students from any staff/school worker at Willow. Students collect these rewards throughout the year and store them at school. Students can accumulate them for special prizes! Wildcat Wows Wildcat Wows are special certificates that students can earn as a class. Classes can earn Wildcat Wows by modeling good behavior as a class in the hall, lunchroom, at assemblies, etc. Wildcat Wows will be displayed in the room and collected for the class to go to special events. Room 43 will also be working towards an ice cream social, pizza party, and pajama party!

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