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WELCOME to the 2014-15 5 th grade School Year BELIEVE, INVEST, ACHIEVE.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the 2014-15 5 th grade School Year BELIEVE, INVEST, ACHIEVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the 2014-15 5 th grade School Year BELIEVE, INVEST, ACHIEVE

2 Daily 5 th Grade Schedule Morning: English Language Arts Math Social Studies & Map Skills Library (Wed) Afternoon: P.E., Band or Choir, Computers, Art, Reading Science

3 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics The new Common Core State Standards in Mathematics are being implemented in the 5 th grade classroom this school year.

4 SCIENCE Matter & Energy Variables No Bones About It Catapults

5 SOCIAL STUDIES Early Explorers The 13 Colonies American Revolution and Daily Geography Skills *Our class completes a research project required by the State called a CBA (Classroom-based Assessment).

6 English Language Arts Reading Standards Narrative and Informational text Stories – Dramas – Poetry – Historical Scientific - Technical – Biographies – Autobiographies Daily Warm-Ups in Non-fiction Reading Passages Writing Standards Opinion-Informative-Explanatory-Narrative Speaking & Listening Standards Language Standards Daily Grammar/Editing skills

7 SPELLING With our Spelling program, students will receive a spelling handout on Monday to be completed by Friday every week. We will review the skills that are the week’s focus in class. Students will take their Spelling TEST every Friday along with a Skills & Proofreading Check Test.

8 INDEPENDENT READING Students have opportunities to independently read every day in class. I also encourage students to read at least 20 minutes every evening.Students have opportunities to independently read every day in class. I also encourage students to read at least 20 minutes every evening. In addition to AR points & quizzes, I also provide class activities & journaling that pertains to a book a student is reading.In addition to AR points & quizzes, I also provide class activities & journaling that pertains to a book a student is reading. For Trimester 1- every student has an individual goal to reach for AR points. Half of their goal points will need to be informational text (nonfiction).For Trimester 1- every student has an individual goal to reach for AR points. Half of their goal points will need to be informational text (nonfiction).

9 5 th grade Mathematics developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions developing understanding of the multiplication of fractions and of division of fractions in limited cases ( unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions);

10 extending division to 2-digit divisors integrating decimal fractions into the place value system developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths developing fluency with whole number and decimal operations developing understanding of volume.

11 IXL FOR MATH IXL supports student learning in mathematics. It enables students to practice math standards they are struggling with. It enables students to practice higher level math concepts they might be ready for. Reports provide teachers & parents information on how students are progressing. IXL can be accessed at school and home or wherever you have internet access

12 IXL Expectations Focused math standards are assigned weekly. In addition, some students might be assigned to focus on their areas of concern, too. Students are asked to spend at least 1 hour (60 points) per week on IXL. The week begins on Monday and runs through Sunday. I check progress every Monday morning.

13 MATH HELP LAB Beginning the week of September 22 nd, I will conduct a math help lab every week during the following times: Wednesday morning- 8:45 – 9:15 Wednesday afternoon- 3:20 – 4:00

14 HOMEWORK Homework will be given Monday through Thursday; Friday only if student has incomplete, make-up or late work. Homework is given to ensure your child understands what was taught in class and allows the student to practice the skills learned. This independent practice is essential to learning the concept and will also teach responsibility. I will NOT send work home “just because.” Your child will have approximately 1½ hours of homework nightly which includes independent reading time & IXL math practice.

15 MISSED WORK DUE TO ABSENCES/FAMILY VACATIONS When your child is absent from school it is very important to keep in mind that much of what we do in class cannot be made up because of whole group instruction, discussions and activities that are not paper & pencil. Make-up work will be assigned, but because of the nature of several lessons it may not be directly retaught. When your child returns from an absence he/she will need to meet with me to collect any handouts, assignments, or letters that need to be taken home. I would prefer to have a students make-up missed tests or quizzes before or after school.

16 5 th Grade Code of Conduct Classroom Rules: Respect others in actions and words at all times. Be responsible for your actions. Try your very best. Be prepared to learn. Make good choices. Listen carefully and follow directions. Turn in all homework/assignments on time. Follow all school rules.

17 SNACKS We will have an assigned snack time daily. When students are hungry they are not able to focus on their schoolwork, so snacking is important. I have three rules about snacks: They must be healthy, not disruptive, and in order for students to share they must have enough for the whole class. Some good ideas for snacks are fruit, crackers and granola bars. Soda and candy are not allowed for a snack. It is a good idea, especially during the warmer times of the school year for students to have a leak proof water bottle to keep at their desk.

18 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS The 1 st Wednesday of every month I will send home scholastic book club order forms in your child’s Wednesday folder. If you are interested in purchasing any of the items, you can submit a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs for any and all orders from the different clubs or you can submit an order online at using our class access code, which is J9H4N. The 1 st Wednesday of every month I will send home scholastic book club order forms in your child’s Wednesday folder. If you are interested in purchasing any of the items, you can submit a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs for any and all orders from the different clubs or you can submit an order online at using our class access code, which is J9H4N. Orders are due by the 2nd Thursday of every month.

19 VOLUNTEERING  Field trips  Class celebrations  ART Projects  End of School Year 5 th grade activities PTG needs a 5 th grade classroom delegate

20 Parent/Student Conferences 5 th grade students are highly encouraged to attend their fall & spring conferences with their parents/guardians.

21 RECYCLING & DONATIONS Box tops & Soup labelsBox tops & Soup labels Non-fiction/Informational text booksNon-fiction/Informational text books *Sign up at for Reward points for the classroom.


23 My School Website  Parent Letter/Classroom Rules & Consequences  Weekly lessons, homework, tests/quizzes  Spelling List for the week  Upcoming field trips and other school events  Daily class schedules  5 th grade curriculum & standards  Independent Reading/Lexile Band  Scholastic Book Club Ordering  Math websites for student support  Classroom project details

24 Wednesday Folders CommunicationCommunication Graded workGraded work Notes from Mrs. BrezinskiNotes from Mrs. Brezinski Notes & Announcements from officeNotes & Announcements from office Field trip permission formsField trip permission forms Please please sign the folder & return to school no later than Friday morning.



27 Thank you for being a valuable partner in your child’s education. Together we can assure your child’s success this school year. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have. 340-4031

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