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EXCEL FUNCTIONS MIS 2502. THE BASICS  LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID()  Keep X characters from string  CONCATENATE()  Join two strings together  TRIM()  Drop.

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Presentation on theme: "EXCEL FUNCTIONS MIS 2502. THE BASICS  LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID()  Keep X characters from string  CONCATENATE()  Join two strings together  TRIM()  Drop."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE BASICS  LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID()  Keep X characters from string  CONCATENATE()  Join two strings together  TRIM()  Drop leading and trailing spaces  LOWER(), UPPER(), PROPER()  Convert string to lower, upper or proper case  IF()  IF THEN type statements

3 LEFT(), RIGHT() or MID()  =LEFT(cell/value, num_chars)  cell = cell reference (e.g., A2)  num_chars = number of characters to keep  =RIGHT(cell/value, num_chars)  As above.  MID(cell/value, start_index, num_chars)  as above, but…  start_index = first character to start at

4 CONCATENATE()  =CONCATENATE(cell1/val1, cell2/val2, …)  cell1, cell2, etc. = cell reference  val1, val2, etc. = a string value (e.g., “text”)  Example…  =CONCATENATE(A2, A3, “ “, “text”) would result in a value combining the contents of cells A2 and A3, a space, and the word text

5 TRIM()  =TRIM(cell/val)  cell = cell reference  val = text value  Example…  =TRIM(“ text value “) spit out a cell contents of just text value, with no leading or trailing spaces

6 LOWER(), UPPER(), PROPER()  =LOWER(cell/val)  cell = cell reference  val = text value  Example…  =LOWER(“ABCDEFG”) would result in a value of abcdefg  =UPPER(“abcdefg”) would result in a value of ABCDEFG  =PROPER(“ABCDEFG”) gives you Abcdefg

7 IF()  =IF(condition, met_result, else_result)  condition = conditional statement (e.g., A2 > 3, C5 = “text”)  met_result = value to spit out if condition is met  else_result = value to spit out if condition is not met  Example…  IF(4 > 5, “red”, “yellow”) would give you a result of yellow

8 MORE ADVANCED: INDEXING & CALCULATIONS  VLOOKUP() (or HLOOKUP)  Match values and get associated fields  COUNTIF()  Count records meeting some condition  SUMIF()  Sum values across records that meet some condition  SUMPRODUCT()  Sum the product of two columns  Nested Statements  Statements within statements

9 VLOOKUP()  =VLOOKUP(cell/val, range, index [, approximate])  cell = cell reference  val = value  range = range of cells (e.g., A2:E5)  index = what column value to return from matched record  approximate = is an approximate match okay?  Example…  VLOOKUP(“abc”, A1:B10, 2) will find the record in A1:B10 that has an A value matching abc, and it will return the second field value

10 COUNTIF()  =COUNTIF(range, condition)  range = range of cells (e.g., A2:E5)  condition = only count if condition is met  Example…  COUNTIF(A1:A10,”=“&2) will count all the records in column A, from row 1 to 10, where the value is 2

11 SUMIF()  =SUMIF(range1, condition, range2)  range1 = range of cells to examine (e.g., A2:E5)  condition = only include record if condition met  range2 = range of values to sum  Example…  SUMIF(A1:A10,”=“&2, B1:B10) will identify all the records in column A, from row 1 to 10, where the value is 2, and will add up the corresponding values in column B

12 SUMPRODUCT()  =SUMPRODUCT(range1, range2, …)  range1 = first column of values  range2 = second column of values  Example…  SUMPRODUCT(A1:A10, B1:B10) would return the summed products (i.e., A1*B1 + A2*B2 + A3*B3 + …)

13 NESTED STATEMENTS()  Replace cell or val with some other statement  Example…  IF(10 > 9, IF(5 = 4, 1000, 999), 0) would return a value of…?

14 NESTED STATEMENTS()  Replace cell or val with some other statement  Example…  IF(10 > 9, IF(5 = 4, 1000, 999 ), 0) would return a value of… 999

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