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Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Headquarters Update Fall 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Headquarters Update Fall 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Headquarters Update Fall 2009

2 The Phi Theta Kappa Experience: Honoring Scholars, Building Servant Leaders

3 Honoring Scholars Share The Phi Theta Kappa Experience

4 Share the Experience Video Testimonials Key Advantage Slide Show Power Point Slides Sample Invitations and phone-a-thon Scripts Newspaper Advertisements Fliers for College Administrators and Faculty Membership Recruitment Resources

5 Students are 13 times more likely to join if encouraged by a faculty member How to Involve Faculty Speak at faculty meeting at beginning of the year Recognize most supportive faculty members Provide a list of eligible students to all faculty Faculty Awareness and Support

6 Increase in Membership Acceptance 5% increase = 1 International Membership Fee Scholarship Up to five scholarships for each chapter Deadline for reporting members is noon on December 31 Pinnacle Awards

7 Thursday, November 19 Celebrate Phi Theta Kappa’s history/mission Raise visibility of Phi Theta Kappa on campus Promote the benefits of membership Activities during the week of November 16-20 fulfill chapter’s public awareness requirement for the Five Star Program (Level 1, #3) Founders Day

8 Building Servant Leaders Through Honors in Action

9 Scholarship | Leadership | Service | Fellowship Honors Program Guide Provided to each Advisor and Chapter President 10 Issues | 100 Honors In Action Ideas

10 The Paradox of Affluence: Choices, Challenges, and Consequences In the news Affects our daily lives Encourages solutions that impact our college, community, and world

11 Five Star Chapter Development Program “Chapter Business Plan” Level 1 – Organization of the chapter Level 2 – Start Honors in Action planning Level 3 – Implement Honors in Action/College Project Level 4 – Participation at regional level Level 5 – Participation at international level

12 Hallmark Awards Program Competitive awards program Recognizing Regions, Chapters, & Individuals Reflection on Honors in Action Administrator Awards due Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Other Awards due Wednesday, February 3, 2010

13 Annual Convention Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Hotel Orlando, FL April 8-10, 2010 Honors in Action Academy on Thursday, April 8 NEW Convention Grand Opening/ Transfer College Fair Thursday evening

14 Honors Institute Chapman University Orange, CA June 14-18, 2010 honors/institute

15 Honors Seminars Fulfills Five Star Program requirementFulfills Five Star Program requirement Subscribers receive:Subscribers receive: Three lectures in DVD & web download format A promotional packet Ten Honors Program Guides Speakers include: Ralph Nader, Ray Suarez, and Jessica JackleySpeakers include: Ralph Nader, Ray Suarez, and Jessica Jackley

16 Reel in the College of Your Dreams! Get matched to your best transfer colleges Find scholarships to fund your education Get email notification of transfer-related deadlines Complete your profile now!

17 Scholarship Dollars Fall Deadlines All-USA Academic Team, Coca-Cola All-State Academic Team & New Century Scholars - One Application - Two nominees per campus - Application deadline: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Guistwhite Scholar Program - Open to all members - Application deadline: Tuesday, December 1, 2009

18 Scholarship Dollars Leaders of Promise Up to 30 Associate Degree Scholarships of $1,000 Applications available: January 31, 2010 Application deadline: Saturday, May 1, 2010 *applications will be accepted through Monday, May 3

19 Hites Scholarship Challenge Every Dollar Makes a Difference! $350,000 Goal To establish a $2 million Scholarship Endowment

20 Nota Bene Literary Honors Anthology Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Research Papers $1,000 Citation Scholarship for best overall submission Four $500 Reynolds Scholarships Submission Deadline: Friday, December 4

21 10% discount on all Recognitions Online items Use promo code RE2 Show Your Phi Theta Kappa Style

22 Stay Connected! Report Your Chapter Officers & New Advisors Update Contact Information at! Get Your Phi Theta Kappa News: Golden Key News Briefs | Breaking News | Facebook | Twitter International Officers’ blog | OutThinking blog

23 Thank You, Rocky Mountains- Cascades Region! Phi Theta Kappa

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