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By SOFIA TARIQ.  Learning Objective At the end of the topic the students will be able to  Find equivalent fraction  Find equivalent fraction with denominator.

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Presentation on theme: "By SOFIA TARIQ.  Learning Objective At the end of the topic the students will be able to  Find equivalent fraction  Find equivalent fraction with denominator."— Presentation transcript:


2  Learning Objective At the end of the topic the students will be able to  Find equivalent fraction  Find equivalent fraction with denominator 100  To relate Percentage as a special kind of fraction whose denominator is always 100.

3  Write five equivalent fractions of given fractions ¼, 3/4, 7/9.  What does century mean?  Have you heard the word percentage?

4  Percentage is simply a special kind of fraction whose denominator is always 100.  We can change any common fraction or decimal fraction into Percentage by finding its equivalent fraction with denominator 100.  We use the symbol % for Percentage.  The symbol means or upon 100.It contains all the numerals of 100 but jumbled up.  1/100 is read as 1 percent or 1%

5  35/100 is read as 35 percent  15/20 can be changed into Percentage by finding its equivalent fraction  i.e 15/20 x  5/5=75/100=75%

6  Do the given exercise on Percentage and turn the given Percentage into equivalent fraction.  EVALUATION  A worksheet on equivalent fraction will be given to the students to asses their response to the lesson.

7  Today we have learnt how to change a given fraction into equivalent fraction with denominator 100.  Tomorrow we will learn how to change a decimal fraction into Percentage.

8  Learning objective  At the end of the topic the students will be able to  Change Percentage as decimal fraction.  Change decimal fraction as Percentage.  Rank the fraction by level of difficulties.

9  Write five fraction of 1 decimal place.  Write five fractions of 2 decimal place.  Turn these decimal fractions common fractions.

10  In case of decimal fractions we can multiply the given decimal fraction by 100,  Or just shift the decimal point to the right and get the Percentage.  E.g 6.79x 100/100=679/100=679%  Assessment  Do the given exercise on Percentage and turn the given Percentage into decimal numbers.

11 ◦ An incomplete chart will be shown to students and ask them to complete the chart by answering in groups. Bridge  Today we have learnt how to change a decimal fraction into Percentage,tomorrow we will work out the special price of given items. tt BB

12  Learning Objective  At the end of the topic the students will be able to  Find special price  Solve the problems involving Percentage.  Make a report.

13  Can you find out the cost of a toothpaste if its original price is Rs.50 and it is on Sale with 20% off?  Can you tell the reduced price of a shoe if it is on Sale and 50% off on Rs300?  So now work out how to find the special price of given items.

14  It is very easy to find out the special price of any item  E.g find out 10% of Rs 80  To find out the special price, we first change Percentage into common fraction  10%=10/100  Then change into and multiply it by80  i.e 10/100 x 80= 8  Or 10% of Rs 80=Rs 8

15  The teacher will ask the students to do the exercise from book and assess their response.  The teacher will ask the students to create a sale menu for a restaurant products and write a report on it.

16  The children will be given activities to assess their response to the lesson.  The given activity will also help the teacher to know weather she has achieved the lesson objective.

17 Fraction Fraction with denominator 100 Percentage 1. 1/4 2. 8/25 3. 4 1/4 4. 3 4/5 5. 6 7/20

18 Percentage4.Fraction with denominator 100 Decimal fraction Fraction in lowest terms 1. 50 % 50/100 0.50 or 0.5 1/2 2. 30 % 3. 10 % 4. 1 % 5. 2/1 or 2 6. 4.55 7. 175/100

19 1. Which of the following equals to 1.6 ?  a. 16/10 b. 8 to 100 c. 16 % d. none of these 2. 0.179 equals to 1.79 % ? True False 3. The equivalent fraction of 37/50 with denominator 100 is_______________. 4.Work out the special price of a bucket,when the price reduced by 20% of Rs 65 ? -__________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Which of the following equals to 65 % ? a. 13/20 b. 1 4/5 c. 18/10 d. 4 1/10 6. 4 ¼ equals to 9/11 ? 6. True False. 7. If we say that ¼ of the class received a perfect score on their test, the Percentage of the class received a perfect score is -------------.

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