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Fourth Grade Math and the MAP Program What to Expect.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth Grade Math and the MAP Program What to Expect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth Grade Math and the MAP Program What to Expect

2 Table of Contents What is MAP? What MAP will offer your child MAP pedagogy MAP assessment and grading What makes MAP accelerated Why we accelerate What exactly your child will learn Daily logistics

3 What is MAP? MAP stands for Mathematics Acceleration Program. It is an accelerated curriculum currently being implemented throughout Arlington elementary schools. It uses inquiry-based learning to provide rich mathematical understanding instead of only rote memorization of facts.

4 What will MAP offer my child? MAP offers your child an opportunity to explore mathematical ideas with the teacher, with their classmates, and on their own. MAP allows constant enrichment and extension experiences through an accelerated curriculum. MAP uses a variety of materials to enhance learning, not just pencil and paper.

5 What pedagogy does MAP employ? The program is based on the Investigations method of teaching. Investigations encourages student-invented methods to solving problems and student-led discovery to traditional algorithms. We provide a variety of materials and manipulatives to assist students along the way.

6 What pedagogy does MAP employ? Perhaps most importantly, students are required to support their mathematical thinking through explanations, both written and verbal. Students share together as groups and as a class, and frequently write about their methods of solving problems (see example of question on overhead). One mathematical understanding is achieved, we do place emphasis on efficiency through algorithms and fact memorization.

7 How do you assess in MAP? There is an Arlington MAP pre- test given at the beginning of the year to assess current understanding of the previous grade level’s objectives as well as the current grade level’s objectives. At the end of the year, the SOL’s are used to assess student learning. The students are assessed daily through class practice and homework. At the end of each unit, more formal assessments are given that test the concepts covered over the course of the unit. These tests are often only a few questions, but are Investigations-style and involve lots of explanation. All student work, including assessments, will be kept in a tabbed binder in the classroom. This creates a portfolio for each student and provides a great resource for study and review! Virginia-approved benchmark tests are given a few times during the year to prepare for the SOL test.

8 How will you grade? Because the portfolio assessments are not traditional multiple-choice or “right-and-wrong answer” assessments, we will use rubrics or checklists to grade each test. The rubrics look for specific elements in each question such as whether or not an explanation is present, the mathematical vocabulary used in the explanation, the method used to solve the problem, and whether or not the student arrived at the correct answer.

9 What makes MAP “accelerated”? MAP is an accelerated program because students learn not only their own grade level content, but some content from the next grade level as well. That means that this year, your child will be working on both fourth and fifth grade objectives in the classroom. These objectives are rolled into each Investigation that we do, so we do not necessarily teach separate lessons that address fifth grade objectives. We simply delve deeper into the topic at hand.

10 Why accelerate? Mathematics is interconnected. There is no concept that does not rely on other concepts to complete its structure. Because the Investigations idea is to explore concepts more deeply and develop mathematical understanding, it is only natural that we will explore ideas beyond the grade- level curriculum objectives.

11 So what exactly will my child learn? Fourth Grade Concepts Number and Number Sense – place value through the hundred millions; comparing, rounding, and ordering whole numbers, fractions, and decimals Computation and Estimation – multiplication and division of 2-digit numbers, addition and subtraction of whole numbers and fractions Measurement – estimate and measure weight, volume, length, area, and perimeter using customary and metric units Geometry – identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, parallel lines and perpendicular lines; analyze and compare 2-D and 3-D figures Probability and Statistics – predict likelihood of events and collect, organize and display data Patterns Functions, and Algebra – recognize patterns and recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality

12 So what exactly will my child learn? Fifth Grade Concepts Number and Number Sense – comparing, ordering and rounding fractions and decimals Computation and Estimation – multiplication and division of at least 2-digit whole numbers and decimals; add and subtract whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers; create and solve problems involving all operations Measurement – estimate and measure length, weight, and volume to a fraction of a unit; measure perimeter and area and analyze which is appropriate; identify and describe the diameter, radius, chord, and circumference of a circle Geometry – describe and subdivide 2-D and 3-D figures; identify and classify angles and triangles Probability and Statistics – collect, organize, and display data using student- devised methods and traditional graphs Patterns, Functions, and Algebra – describe the concept of a variable, write a variable equation, and write an open sentence to represent a mathematical relationship using a variable

13 Now, what about the daily logistics? Students will be switching classes for math. Our math time is from 10:55 to 12:15 daily, except Wednesdays when our time will be from 10:10 to 11:10. Homework will be given nightly. Student provided materials to be taken to math class are a folder and a spiral-bound notebook. The binders will be kept in the classroom.

14 That was a lot of information! Questions???

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