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Math Across the Curriculum Byrd Middle School August 31, 2012 Skip Tyler.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Across the Curriculum Byrd Middle School August 31, 2012 Skip Tyler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Across the Curriculum Byrd Middle School August 31, 2012 Skip Tyler

2 Who is Skip Tyler? O Mathematician O Artist O Sports nut O Handyman O Hablo un poco de español O Musician (aka Vanelli)

3 Anxiety check. O Being totally honest, rate your feeling about math on a scale of 1 to 10. O Why do you feel this way? What factors or experiences influenced your rating?

4 Mathematical literacy…a serious problem in the U.S. O 78% of adults cannot explain how to compute the interest paid on a loan O 71% cannot calculate miles per gallon on a trip O 58% cannot calculate a 10% tip for a lunch bill (Philips, 2007)

5 Challenges of math teachers O Lack of number fluency (basic facts) O Reading comprehension O “I can’t do math” attitude O Inability to make connections between concepts O Math phobia O Over-dependency of calculators You probably experience some of these challenges in your content area. The challenge is not how to make content easy to learn but on how we can make our students love the challenge that our content presents!

6 Instructional focus of math teachers 1. NCTM Process Standards O Problem Solving O Representations O Reasoning O Connections* O Communication 2. Rigor & Engagement 3. Precision


8 Understanding What fraction is represented by the shaded region in the picture? O 1/3

9 Understanding What fraction represents 1/2 of the shaded region? O 1/2 of 1/3 O 1/6

10 Computing Procedural Fluency 1/2 x 1/3 = 1/6

11 Applying Charles went to the kitchen and saw that there was some pudding left in the pan. He noticed that about 1/3 of the pudding was left in the pan. He ate 1/2 of the remaining pudding. What fraction of the original pudding did he not eat?

12 Why Teach Math Across the Curriculum? O Learning is about making connections O Brain research supports the need for connected learning

13 Hoping to address… 1/2 plus 1/3 does not equal 2/5. Explain why this statement is true. OR… "Five out of four people have trouble with fractions.“ (Steven Wright)

14 General Topics for All O Fractions, Decimals, Percents O Measurement O Probability/Statistics/Graphs O Ratios O Analyzing data O Using patterns and formulas When all else fails, my biggest friend - Google

15 Math and Health O At Fat Counting, students study and discuss the food pyramid. They compare the foods on the pyramid to the foods they eat, keep a fat-counting diary, calculate the number of calories from fat they eat in a week, find their daily average of fat, and compare their fat intake with that of other students.Fat Counting O Height, distance, time O Data logging

16 Math and Art O Design – measurement O Ceramics – mosaics O Photography – dimensions, ratios O Drawing – perspective, ratios, constructions O Scale, spatial ideas, shapes

17 Math and Music

18 Math and CTE O Construction Tech O Slope 1/12 O OSHA regulations O Pythagorean Theorem O Land Measurement O Example: Pilot program last year

19 Math and World Languages O Games O Trips O Doing math (arithmetic or algebra) in Spanish O Converting units (metric) O Geographically appropriate project O Compare math structure with language structure

20 Math Coach What can a math coach do for you? O Help plan lessons O Provide mathematical expertise O Model or co-teach the math concepts, if necessary Jamie Perkins is the math coach at Byrd

21 Two-way street O How can we help each other? O Incorporate math any way you can! O Challenge math teachers to incorporate your content into the math curriculum! O Talk to the math teachers. Find out what they are teaching and brainstorm a common lesson/theme.

22 Remember… There are 3 types of people: 1. Those who are good with numbers. 2. Those who are not good with numbers.

23 Sample Sites 1. Projects from past MAC 3 Institutes 2. Mathematics and Quantitative Education at Dartmouth - The Electronic Bookshelf Electronic Bookshelf 3. Mathematics Across the Curriculum – University of Alabama - O Art & Music Art & Music O Physical Education Lesson Plans Physical Education Lesson Plans 4. You're Not In Math Class Anymore: Integrating Math Across the Curriculum - Remember, use google to help generate ideas!

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