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Artemis Ventures, LLC 19981 How to Build Effective Management Teams Christine Comaford General Partner and Managing Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Artemis Ventures, LLC 19981 How to Build Effective Management Teams Christine Comaford General Partner and Managing Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19981 How to Build Effective Management Teams Christine Comaford General Partner and Managing Director

2 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19982 Bio § Engineer, entrepreneur, venture catalyst § 5x entrepreneur, 2 IPOs, 3 M&A, $100 million raised in last 5 years § Venture Catalyst specializing in Enterprise & Internet software § Partner: Kimball Atwood

3 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19983 Did You Know? 6 in 1,000,000 high tech ideas will result in a company that goes public

4 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19984 Did You Know? Founder CEOs own an average of less than 4% of their companies after the IPO

5 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19985 Did You Know? On average, 6 in every 1,000 business plans will be funded

6 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19986 Did You Know? 10% of startups in a given VC portfolio will succeed

7 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19987 Did You Know? The #1 reason a startup’s valuation is cut is an incomplete executive team

8 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19988 The Net-Net § Creating a successful startup is hard § 90% of startups fail § Most entrepreneurs don’t get insanely rich § VCs are increasingly harsh What makes the difference between success and failure?

9 Artemis Ventures, LLC 19989 Unfair Advantage

10 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199810 What it Means § Right market § Right product/service § Right timing § Right info § Right priority § Right connections § Right team

11 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199811 Agenda § Who You Need on Your Team § Building, Supporting, Retaining a Great Team § How to Find Execs and Staff § Your Extended Team Members: Who/How § Q & A

12 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199812 Who You Need § Visionaries (assorted positions) § Leaders(CEO, Managers) § Implementers (Sales, Marketing, Technology) § Infrastructure Builders/Supporters (Operations)

13 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199813 Surprise! § You need all above types NOW § Some slots can be filled with contractors for a while (implementers, infrastructure builders) § A rent-a-controller is better than NO controller...

14 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199814 Building, Supporting, Retaining § Hire top first, let them build their team § Communicate weekly § Remember they are human § Everyone should know their next promotion or 2 § Create, post, endorse values

15 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199815 Create and Post Values § Add Massive Value § Make and Keep Commitments § Take Ownership § Respect One Another § Be Positive - Artemis Ventures Values, version 1.0

16 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199816 How To Find Team/Screen Fast § Best way = via schmoozing § Online job boards § LIFO helps gauge stress behavior, personality traits § Interview wisely: “The Manager’s Book of Questions” John Kador

17 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199817 How To Find/Screen (cont’d) § Outsource employee management (Trinet VCO, etc) § Know enough about employment law § Remember you are in California § Use extended team to help screen, do stealth reference checks

18 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199818 Your Extended Team § Board of Directors § Investors § Board of Advisors -- must have!

19 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199819 Who To Secure For Extended Team § Investors - this is a whole separate topic!! § Board of Directors - heavyweights in industry, customer, financial area; credibility boosters § Board of Advisors - same as Directors but should be project/area-oriented § Manage your extended team or they’ll manage you!!!

20 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199820 How To Secure Extended Team § Investors - per your capital acquisition strategy § Board Members - lure with amazing plan, compensation based on stage/involvement, pick people who will vote with you § Advisory Board Members - same as Board but pick people you can confide in -- they can’t fire you -- BOD can!

21 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199821 Do You Have These? § Right market § Right product/service § Right timing § Right info § Right priority § Right connections § Right team

22 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199822 The Net-Net § Minimize Risk § Maximize Return § What Are You Doing To Ensure These?

23 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199823 Entrepreneurial Resources § Read “Burn Rate” - Michael Wolff § Read “High Tech Startup” - John Nesheim § Good recruiter: Mike Huskins 415 § Check out,, § Check resources section -- updates often

24 Artemis Ventures, LLC 199824 Questions? Ask or Email Christine Comaford General Partner and Managing Director

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