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Welcome to Room 234 Mrs. Danielson Phone: 508-384-5430 ext. 4240.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 234 Mrs. Danielson Phone: 508-384-5430 ext. 4240."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 234 Mrs. Danielson Email: Phone: 508-384-5430 ext. 4240

2 Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, you arms, your clever fingers, the way you move... You must work, we must all work…to make the world worthy of its children Pablo Casals

3 The 3 rd Grader  Does not always finish assignments without extra time or prompting  Can master math facts  Has trouble remembering homework  Often impatient with self, work performance, peers, teachers, parents  Can be anxious, worried about friendship issues, world or family events  Fairness and justice important in the social sphere  Physical aches and pains; frequent visits to nurse for some

4 The 3rd Grader  Eight year olds in third grade believe in themselves, their capacity for learning, their teacher’s belief in their capacity for learning and their ability to be partners with their classmates in the adventures of the school year.  Homework, on the other hand, is a challenge, requiring notes pinned on the refrigerator, backpacks, the car door, the bathroom mirror. “No TV until your homework is done” rules, or After School Program attendance where homework is the first thing completed before enrichment activities are offered. More Information: Yardsticks by Chip Wood

5  Spelling every night – The list is on my website.  Choice of Reflex or read to self.  Homework log is in their buddy binders and posted on my website.  When they have done 10 nights of homework in a row they earn a homework pass. They may use the pass in place of one piece of homework. HOMEWORK

6 Arrival  8:10 students may begin arriving  Please do not drop students off before this time.  8:20 school begins  Morning Routine  8:30 our day begins!

7 Dismissal  All students being picked up will be dismissed from the Delaney Cafeteria.  Please send a note in the morning with your child. If you forget a note, please call the office and they will call me.  Parents will be required to sign students out.  Please include the first and last name of the person that will be picking your child up. Everyone’s ID will be checked when they sign your child out.  Dismissal is at 2:45

8  A movement based learning-readiness program that empowers individuals to utilize their own brain powers more effectively.  We are able to become more focused, organized, and centered as we work to achieve goals. BRAIN GYM

9 Reading  Weekly Comprehension Skills  Phonics & Spelling patterns  Grammar  Vocabulary  Flexible Grouping  Independent Reading Books- Just Right Books  Book Groups  CAFÉ  Reader’s Workshop

10 Writing  Opinion  Narrative  Informational & Research  Creative  Journals  Use mentor texts to model  6 Traits  Writer’s Workshop  Zaner-Bloser cursive handwriting

11 Math  Solve problems using all 4 operations, place value (regrouping and borrowing), fractions, measurement, area and perimeter, represent & interpret data, geometry  Flexible Grouping  8 Standards of Mathematical Practice

12 Reflex Math  Provide reports and graphs that shows their progress in mastering their facts.  Motivating math fact certificates.  Students learn their facts in fact families.  Students study the facts that they are not yet fluent in, making it a tailored approach to learning math facts.  It's fun!

13 Science  Life Cycles  Sun, Moon, and Earth  Forms of Energy  Sound

14 Social Studies  Map Skills: Massachusetts and New England  The Wampanoag People: 1620 and present  Pilgrims/Puritans/Principles of Self Government  Massachusetts Bay Colony  Pre-cursors to the Revolutionary War  Famous Massachusetts Citizens  Wrentham History

15 Plimoth Visitor & Field Trip  2 day workshop  Colonial visitor- Child’s Life December 8, 2014  Field Trip- December 12, 2014  Plimoth is closed!  Hands On Workshop  Space limited- 3 volunteers – CORI

16 Thank You! Thanks to W.E.S.T. and the P.T.O. for helping fund the many programs and field trips your third graders enjoy!

17 MCAS  Everyday learning is preparing!  Additional MCAS specific practice  Actual MCAS questions  Familiarize with format  Speak Positively  Big Healthy Snack after

18 Food  Snacks- healthy!  Water for desk everyday  Birthday Celebrations- book basket

19  Library Volunteers  Art volunteers and Technology volunteers- sign up sheet on rectangular table  Non- fiction children’s magazines would be welcome when your children are done with them. Examples: Zoo books, National Geographic Kids HELP WANTED

20 Keep in Touch  Dismissal changes must go through office  E-mail:  Phone 508-384-5433 ext. 4240

21  10-17 Grandparent’s / Special Person Day  10-23 Picture Day  11-24 Afternoon conferences  11-25 Evening conferences  12-8 Classroom Plimoth Visitor  12-12 Plimoth Field Trip  MCAS Language Arts – Between March 23 – April 6  MCAS Math – Between May 4 – May 19  Will let you know specific dates when I know Important Dates in Room 234

22 Thank You Thank you for supporting your child’s growth! Time for the movie!

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