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MGT 386 – What have we learned?

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Presentation on theme: "MGT 386 – What have we learned?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MGT 386 – What have we learned?

2 Concepts of entrepreneurship
Who is an entrepreneur? What is an opportunity? What are the attributes of entrepreneurial opportunities? How do entrepreneurs recognize and pursue opportunities? The process model of entrepreneurship

3 A framework for evaluating opportunities:
The Timmons Model for Entrepreneurial Success Bygrave & Zacharakis

4 Adding the environment…
Bygrave & Zacharakis

5 Analytical frameworks for entrepreneurship
Lean startup Business model canvas Value proposition canvas Attributes of an MVP Customer development Approaches to successful crowdfunding campaigns

6 Lean startup concepts

7 3 components of the lean method
Business model design Customer development Agile engineering

8 There are no facts inside your building – get outside!

9 Why not a business plan? Business plans are full of untested assumptions and rarely survive first contact with customers Nobody, aside from venture capitalists and the former Soviet Union, requires five-year plans to forecast a series of unknowns. Startups are not smaller versions of large companies. Successful startups go quickly from failure to failure while adapting, testing new iterations, and improving ideas with continual feedback from customers

10 The business model canvas


12 Minimum viable product
"version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort." Goal of an MVP is to test fundamental business hypotheses (or leap-of-faith assumptions) and to jump start learning process as quickly as possible.

13 Value proposition Customer segment

14 Module 2: Getting out of the building
Customer development Module 2: Getting out of the building

15 Founder versus salesperson in customer development
Job: Discovery The founder is the first person to get out of the building – this is your idea! Founders lead the customer development team and use information to iterate and pivot in real time Job: Execution

16 Run an insanely successful campaign
Craig Armstrong, Ph.D.

17 Tools you learned how to use

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