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Technology Business Development Center 2 The intrinsic complexity of the technology business start-up : n Intellectual Property is critical; n R&D dominating;

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Business Development Center 2 The intrinsic complexity of the technology business start-up : n Intellectual Property is critical; n R&D dominating;"— Presentation transcript:


2 Technology Business Development Center 2 The intrinsic complexity of the technology business start-up : n Intellectual Property is critical; n R&D dominating; n Broad markets or niche markets; n International commercialization strategies; n Window of opportunity; n More flexible financing needs; n Fast growth.

3 Technology Business Development Center 3 Common behaviors of technology entrepreneurs n Emphasis on R&D n Large proportion (majority) of the budget devoted to R&D n Difficulty in integrating the relationship between the market and the technology n Under-estimation of competition presence n Under-estimation of the commercialization efforts n Over-estimation of demand

4 Technology Business Development Center 4 TBDC Distinguishing Value Proposition n Business partner; n Customized action plan; n Business experience and knowledge transfer; n Networks of knowledge and expertise; n Strategies elaboration; n Pre-Startup and Startup financing; n Fees adapted to business Startup reality.

5 Technology Business Development Center 5 Benefits for the entrepreneurs n Present and active for the promoter. n Define, prioritise and formalize his needs. n Guidance on different IP, Legal, Financial, commercialization and other aspects. n Bring early critical resources and develop action plan that optimize their uses. n Raised the value of the business proposal by mitigating risk factors. n Build the business case. n Brake the feeling of isolation.

6 Technology Business Development Center 6 Our Offering n Mentoring –Global Approach – (pre start-up and post start-up coaching) Or n Specific Mandates –Address specific needs  We are business centric : We tailored our services to the actual situation of the promoters and his needs.

7 Technology Business Development Center 7 Mentoring : n Pre-Start-up –Technology evaluation. –Validation of business opportunity. –Global project planning. –Search for financing –Search for financing. : Financing round : –Funding sources. –Governmental assistance programs. –Financial strategy. –Financial structure. –Search for tailored financing. –Assistance for negotiation (venture capital groups, governmental programs, banks, etc.).

8 Technology Business Development Center 8 Mentoring n Start-up –Business development phase. –Provide orientation and guidance to the company on the multiple aspects.

9 Technology Business Development Center 9 TBDC Intervention Cycle in Business Project Low Medium High Intensity of TBDC Involvement Business growing stage Pre-Start-upStart-upPost-Start-up

10 Technology Business Development Center 10 Our Business Process Preliminary Analysis Positioning Business Plan/ Financial scenario Initial Positioning Start-Up and Follow-up Advisory Committee Mentor Validation Pre-Start-UpStart-Up AgreementRenewal Search for financing Financing

11 Technology Business Development Center 11 Impact of our partnership n Accelerates growth. n Fosters knowledge transfer. n Gets the entrepreneur connected. n Leads to the adoption of good managerial practices. n Adds value to the project.

12 Technology Business Development Center 12 Our Selection Criteria n Technology and R&D efforts. n Human resources. n Market assessment. n Potential profitability.


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