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Sharing Lessons Learned Sister Patricia Garrahan, S.N.D. NCEA, Baltimore April 12, 2007 Available at Resources and Links.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Lessons Learned Sister Patricia Garrahan, S.N.D. NCEA, Baltimore April 12, 2007 Available at Resources and Links."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Lessons Learned Sister Patricia Garrahan, S.N.D. NCEA, Baltimore April 12, 2007 Available at Resources and Links

2 This session “Managing your organization by the evidence” Religious community sponsorship lessons Sharing ideas as to how these might apply in your own situation

3 McKinsey & Company Mission: To help leaders make distinctive, lasting and substantial improvements in performance and constantly build a great firm that attracts, develops and retains exceptional people.

4 McKinsey & Company Managing your organization by the evidence Managing your organization by the evidence Analyzed: 230 businesses worldwide  looking a wide range of management practices to improve organizational capacity (ability to unite around common goals, execute efficiently and renew itself over the longer term)

5 Findings (over 100,000 questionnaires) Simplistic solutions don’t work High performing companies have a basic proficiency with all available practices A combination of energy focused on 3 practices is most effective at creating high levels of near-term organizational performance and longer term organizational health

6 Least effective practices— when used alone Carrot and stick incentive Focus on key performance indicators and targets Command and control (telling people what to do and checking up) Relying on detailed strategy and plan

7 Combination of practices consistently the best for a clear record of success Clear roles within the structure along with accountability A leader who articulates a compelling vision of the future Strong culture within the organization that encourages openness, trust and challenge.

8 Being a religious community sponsored school doesn’t guarantee these qualities but over time we have developed some structures and practices which can help to facilitate these.

9 Clear Roles and Responsibilities GOVERNANCE issues:  Who defines expectations (sets policies)  Who grants power  Who verifies performance (accountability )

10 Traditional model Religious congregations were owners and operators of schools and served as primary link with the Church, maintaining Catholic Identity. Schools were our “family businesses.”

11 Defining Sponsorship Sponsorship of an apostolate or ministry is a formal relationship between a recognized Catholic organization and a legally formed entity entered into for the sake of promoting and sustaining the Church’s mission in the world. Francis G. Morrisey, OMI Sponsorship usually entails three important elements 1. Use of one’s name 2. Exercise of certain governance responsibilities 3. Accountability to Church authorities

12 Restructured Relationships “Members” Group—reserved powers with regard to mission fidelity (both canonical and civil responsibilities) Board of Trustees and Chief Executive Officer—management of the institution (Board of Limited Jurisdiction)

13 Accountability “Members” spell out expectations for mission fidelity Congregation provides resources for mission formation Boards use mission criteria in decision making and report on mission effectiveness progress

14 Articulate a Compelling Vision Most congregations have a set of foundational documents, core values, educational principles All have “heroes” in education, stories of obstacles overcome, wider connections to other times and places.

15 These can serve as “hooks” for hanging Catholic identity

16 Creative Fidelity Context of the larger mission of Catholic education Links to Catholic Social Teaching Serving students with diverse needs Financing schools Global solidarity

17 Strong culture that encourages openness, trust and challenge Religious congregations have traditions of education, spirituality and formation that helped them to form abstract concepts like mercy and justice into practical guides for action. Don’t tire people out with the stories of the founder but use them as the starting point for conversations about what does it mean to be an educator today in that tradition.

18 On-going conscious efforts at adult faith formation as part of the culture of the school Adult faith formation is not exclusively about information; it is primarily about providing opportunities, within a faith context, for adults to talk with other adults about things that matter. As such, the best process for adult faith formation is not lecture but conversation.

19 What is Xaverian Sponsorship? Governance structures Formational Programs Networking Opportunities Guiding Principles through which the Xaverian Brothers and our collaborators have come to ensure that the schools that bear our name live up to who we say they should be and who they as an institution claim to be.

20 Governance Structure Congregational Leadership MembersMembers Board of Directors Board Hold Reserve powers Canonical powers Appoint Members Hold reserve powers to protect and ensure mission 1.Appoint Directors 2.Real Property 3.Corporate Documents 4.Approve Debt 5.Associated Legal Entities AlienationMission

21 Guiding Principles Calls & Goals Call to stewardship for the Xaverian Educational mission and participation in the Church’s ministry of Catholic Education. Call to stewardship for the Xaverian Educational mission and participation in the Church’s ministry of Catholic Education. Call to become centers of faith that articulate, transmit, and live Christian values. Call to become centers of faith that articulate, transmit, and live Christian values.

22 Guiding Principles Call to provide a challenging academic program that promotes the full development of each person’s giftedness Call to provide a challenging academic program that promotes the full development of each person’s giftedness Call to be centers of Christian concern for justice and peace Call to be centers of Christian concern for justice and peace

23 Guiding Principles Call to affirm and celebrate life Call to affirm and celebrate life in community in community Call to value and support the dignity and self worth of those directly involved in the Church’s ministry of education Call to value and support the dignity and self worth of those directly involved in the Church’s ministry of education

24 Vision of Xaverian Sponsorship Enduring personal relationships Enduring personal relationships Sense of Christian stewardship Sense of Christian stewardship Centrality of religious instruction, spiritual formation, worship & prayer Centrality of religious instruction, spiritual formation, worship & prayer Character and value development Character and value development Challenging educational program Challenging educational program Spirit of harmony Spirit of harmony A passion for justice and peace A passion for justice and peace

25 Formational Programs Teacher Orientation Teacher Orientation New Board Member Orientation New Board Member Orientation Administrator Orientation Administrator Orientation XBSS Student Retreat XBSS Student Retreat Experienced Teachers Retreat Experienced Teachers Retreat Faculty/Staff Faith Formation Programs Faculty/Staff Faith Formation Programs Leadership Development Leadership Development


27 But what can I do? Identify (or create) your own school’s heritage and make it visible and practical for your community Put priority on formation: faculty/staff, boards

28 But what can I do? Be sure that mission infuses discussion and decision making Try to understand and clarify governance issues

29 But what can I do? Network—find common elements; share resources Consider joining/forming networks of schools or a co-sponsorship arrangement

30 Sharing Lessons learned What are some other practical ideas you have seen or thought about? If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me at The following slides describe the XBSS Mission Criteria and process for adding schools to the network

31 XBSS Mission Criteria Be consistent with the mission of the Xaverian Brothers, which is “to serve the Church in its mission of evangelization, especially through the ministry of education.” Respond to identified mission needs or improvement opportunities for XBSS. Consider the impact on: Xaverian vision and valuesXBSS Members XBSS schools XBSS Staff Xaverian Congregation Consider the impact as well as the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups directly or indirectly affected by the decision.

32 Mission Criteria Explore the opportunity for collaboration with other Religious Communities, Dioceses, Catholic entities or educational endeavors. Explore how the opportunity helps XBSS to “continue our commitment to collaborating with lay colleagues in the sponsorship of schools that respond to the Calls of the General Chapter for a contemplative stance in the world and ministry among the poor and marginalized,” and how it “furthers the vision and unique Xaverian nature of each school” Provide opportunities for those who serve with XBSS to grow and develop. Consider the magnitude of the investment and return and acceptable levels of risk.

33 Preliminary Exploration – up to one year AIM: To explore compatibility of and mutual advantage for the entities involved (the school, Arch/diocese, XBSS network) and the ministry of the Xaverian Brothers in Catholic education. PEOPLE : Those with initiating authority: Bishop, Diocesan Personnel, Superintendent, Head of School, Board Chair, Xaverian Brothers Congregational Leadership, XBSS Sponsorship Office personnel. ACTIVITIES:  Begin initial conversation and data gathering. Establish compelling reasons for further investigation. Furthering ministry of Catholic education Common vision, values  Gather as much information as possible about potential sponsorship relationship

34 Preliminary Exploration QUESTIONS:  Why do we want to do this? What do we add to each other? What do we bring to each other? What value do we bring?  What is the potential benefit to the community?  What is the potential benefit to Catholic education in this community?  What would be the cost(s) of not doing this collaboration?  What are our non-negotiables?  In what ways are the organizations compatible? Who are the stakeholders?  What are the resources—human and financial—needed to pursue this collaboration?  How do we decide to continue or stop? Is this based on values and mission?  How do we evaluate our work in this phase?

35 Phase Two: Sponsorship Exploration 1 to 2 years AIM : To research and collect sufficient detailed information to make a decision regarding sponsorship. PEOPLE : Representatives from school administration, faculty, parents, alumni, Board, Diocese, Sponsorship Office, other XBSS representatives ACTIVITIES:  Assess school community’s understanding and perceptions of mission  Specifically assess finances, capital needs, debt structure, governance, and culture.  Determine compatibility and identify potential impediments to collaboration  Develop legal documents including bylaws  Develop transition plan including need and process for formation for all constituencies  Mutual visits by key stakeholders (e.g., board members, administrators, faculty) and XBSS

36 Phase Two: Sponsorship Exploration  Develop communication plan for internal and external publics  Obtain final approval for all constituencies  Plan and implement process for developing shared or compatible mission/vision  Develop ritual to finalize agreement QUESTIONS:  What are the benefits to each organization?  What are the mission/vision issues which must be included in the discussion?  What are the financial, legal and canonical issues?  What are the barriers to collaboration? What are the non- negotiables?  What are the elements of the transition plan and timeline?  What communication/formation do we need for key stakeholders?  What is needed for public relations? Who will be responsible for this?  How do we decide to continue or stop? Is this based on values and mission?  How will we evaluate our work in this phase?

37 Phase Three: Initial Integration first 12 to 24 months of sponsorship AIM: To integrate the school into XBSS network, structures, programs and culture. PEOPLE: Transition team works with all constituencies to monitor implementation of plan. ACTIVITIES:  Orient Board, Faculty, Staff, Parents and Students  Celebrate/ritualize collaboration  Develop and begin implementation of a consolidated strategic plan  Change symbols and signage  Continue revising, implementing communication plan QUESTIONS:  What strategies do we need for dealing with change?  Are the purposes and the benefits of sponsorship clear?  Is the formation/education plan effective?  Is planning underway for ongoing activities?  How will we evaluate our work in this phase?

38 Phase Four: Evaluation 3 to 5 years AIM : To assess implementation PEOPLE: Board of Directors/Trustees, Arch/diocese, Sponsorship Office ACTIVITIES:  Evaluate implementation of transition plan  Evaluate community benefit of co-sponsorship  Continue to evaluate and implement communications.  Conduct Mission Effectiveness Process QUESTIONS:  What issues have surfaced and need to be addressed?  How effectively has the school integrated its mission and that of XBSS?  What continuing formation is needed as a result?  What are the implications of the results of the Mission Effectiveness Process?

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