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Marseille, le 26 mai 2014 Bedaya Centre for Entrepreneurship & SMEs Development.

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1 Marseille, le 26 mai 2014 Bedaya Centre for Entrepreneurship & SMEs Development

2 Establishment Bedaya Centre for Entrepreneurship and SMEs Development was established in January 2010 according to GAFI Board statement, in order to implement the strategy of supporting and developing small & medium investments  Mission: To support the growth and development of the SMEs in Egypt; in line with the National strategy toward raising the economic development indicators.

3 للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة Strategy Entrepreneurship Business Development Services Networking initiatives Access to Finance Improving the business climate

4 Entrepreneurship “Bedaya Startup Academy” is Jointly implemented between Bedaya Centre and MCSBE. The program aims, through 3 months, to equip entrepreneurs with the required skills, competencies and knowledge to establish and run their own businesses. It is a building-business program built on the “Sink or Swim” School of Hard Knocks experiential learning model. Towards the closing ceremony, teams will be offered the chance to showcase their business models in front of the most prominent investment funds and venture capitalists. The academy is supported by a longer term mentorship program.

5 Business Development Services The Business Clinic  Providing consultations from professional volunteer consultants in various business disciplines, at almost no cost, including but not limited to: Legal Financial HR Planning Management Marketing Business Improvement IT  Consultations are provided through one-to-one meetings between the SME and the consultant or through workshops.

6 Access to Finance SMEs sector accounts for 80% of the active economic units in Egypt; however, can access only 10% of the available finance from banks 1.Conventional Financing: Referrals to banks Credit Guarantee Company 2.Non- Conventional Financing: “Bedaya 1” Private Equity Fund

7 ‘Bedaya 1’ PE Fund  Launched in February 2013 with total amount of EGP 134 Million and fixed term of 10 years.  Main objective is to provide SMART CAPITAL and know-how support required to promote the growth of Egyptian SMEs  “Bedaya 1” is managed by Al-Ahly for Development & Investment (ADI) one of the most competent and experienced local fund managers in Egypt  Invests in companies registered under the provision of Egyptian laws, with capital not less than EGP 2m and do not exceed EGP 50m  Invests in all sectors except in Tobacco, Alcohol, gambling, import and real estate  Investment policy considers sectors and geographic diversification, with majority of the portfolio dedicated to investments outside Greater Cairo (60%)  10% of the fund portfolio is dedicated to green field projects; with special focus on innovative start-ups.

8 International Initiatives Euro Med @ Change Lactimed Medvantures EMDC

9 Universities/ Training R&D / PD Institutions Accelerators/ Incubators Government Organizations BDS Providers Financial Institutions Networking Organizations Bedaya Alliance Network

10 In Process – Bedaya Hardware Accelerator In Cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, the accelerator will provide the following services:  Entrepreneurial Education and Mentoring  Prototype Development Funding  Technical Consultancy  Six months acceleration

11 Write to us Write to us Contact us Contact us Tel: (202) 240 55 452 – Ext. 7872 & 560 Fax: (202) 240 55 673

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