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Elements of Culture By: Derius Phillips.

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1 Elements of Culture By: Derius Phillips

2 Language My family speaks English. English was first spoken in 450 A.D. by the 1600’s the Romans, and French had added 10,000 English words.

3 Religion My family is Baptist, we believe in Jesus Christ .
We give tithes, offering to church We go to church on Sunday.

4 Food My family eats lots food such as ; Taco, Quesadilla, burritos, and Rice. Even soul food like cornbread, greens, and cabbage.

5 Government My family obeys average American laws in the constitution.

6 Ethnic/Racial Background
My family is African American aka black.

7 Clothing My family wears modern clothing such as; Jordan, Polo, Nike, and Gap.

8 Music My family listens to rap, rnb, pop.

9 Housing We live in an modern home.

10 History Dr. Martin Luther King made it so blacks and whites can be together.

11 Holiday My family eat Mexican on thanksgiving.
We don’t have a Christmas feast.

12 Daily life This is my daily schedule. 6:00 get dressed 7:30 get in car
8-3:00 school 4:00 homework 5:00 dinner 6-8:00 T.V

13 Family Tradition Open presents, Put up tree, and we even buy presents for our little dog Chevy.

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