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Building an IO Model l Form Input-Output Transactions Table which represents the flow of purchases between sectors. l Constructed from ‘Make’ and ‘Use’

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Presentation on theme: "Building an IO Model l Form Input-Output Transactions Table which represents the flow of purchases between sectors. l Constructed from ‘Make’ and ‘Use’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an IO Model l Form Input-Output Transactions Table which represents the flow of purchases between sectors. l Constructed from ‘Make’ and ‘Use’ Table Data – purchases and sales of particular sectors.

2 Building an IO Model l Sum of Value Added (non-interindustry purchases) and Final Demand is GDP. l Transactions include intermediate product purchases and row sum to Total Demand. l From the IO Transactions table, form the Technical Requirements matrix by dividing each column by total sector input – matrix D. Entries represent direct inter-industry purchases per dollar of output.

3 Transactions Table X ij + F i = X i ; X i = X j ;using A ij = X ij / X j (A ij *X j ) + F i = X i in vector/matrix notation: A*X + F = X => F = [I - A]*X or X = [I - A] -1 *F

4 Two Sector Numerical Example l Reading across: Sector 1 provides $150 of output to sector 1, $500 of output to sector 2, and $350 of output to consumers. l Reading down: Sector 1 purchases $150 of output from sector 1, $200 of output from sector 2, and adds $650 of value to produce its output l Transaction Flows ($) are at right. 12Final Demand 1150500350 22001001700 Value Added 65014002050

5 Complete Transactions Matrix Sector 1Sector 2Final Demand Total Output Sector 11505003501000 Sector 220010017002000 Value Added 6501400GDP 2050 Total Input 10002000

6 Requirements Matrix l Creating the A matrix l A ij = X ij / X j l So, to make $1 of output from sector 1 requires $0.15 of output from the same sector. Sector 1Sector 2 Sector 1150/1000 = 0.15 500/2000 =.25 Sector 2200/1000 = 0.2 100/2000 =.05

7 Production of Good 1 in our Two Sector Model Sector 1 Sector 2 $ 1 Good 1 $0.2/$ Good 2 $ 0.15/$ Good 1 To produce $1 of output from sector one requires $0.15 of goods from the sector itself, plus $0.2 of goods from sector 2.

8 Production of Good 2 in our Two Sector Model Sector 1 Sector 2 $ 1 Good 2 $0.25/$ Good 2 $ 0.05/$ Good 2 To produce $1 of output from sector two requires $0.05 of goods from the sector itself, plus $0.25 of goods from sector 1.

9 Leontief Inverse l [I – A] l [I – A] -1 or X = [I - A] -1 *F

10 Add Final Demand l Determine the effects of $100 additional demand from Sector 1 l X = [I – A] -1 F l Total Outputs: $125.4 of Sector 1 and $26.4 of Sector 2, or $ 151.8 Total. l Direct intermediate inputs: $15 of 1 and $20 of 2 for $100 output of 1 (or $ 135)

11 Add Environmental Effects l Add sector-level environmental impact coefficient matrices (R) »[effect/$ output from sector] l Example: Hazardous Waste Generation (R) »R 1 = 100 grams/$ in Sector 1 »R 2 = 5 grams/$ in Sector 2

12 Production of Waste in our Two Sector Model Sector 1 Sector 2 $ 1 Good 1 Haz. Waste 100 gm/$ Good 1 Haz Waste 5 gm/$ Good 2 $0.2/$ Good 2 $ 0.15/$ Good 1

13 Sector 1 Sector 2 $ 1 Good 2 Haz. Waste 100 gm/$ Good 1 Haz Waste 5 gm/$ Good 2 $0.25/$ Good 2 $ 0.05/$ Good 2 Production of Waste in our Two Sector Model

14 l B = R*X l 12,540 grams of hazardous waste generated by sector 1 l 132 grams of hazardous waste generated by sector 2 l Total of 12672 grams hazardous waste generated

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